San Diego County Supports Trump! 3-1

The freight train of sanity is rolling on the tracks with a much-belated load of common sense. The anti-American San Diego Union Tribune reports:

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 Tuesday to support the Trump administration’s lawsuit against California over so-called sanctuary laws that the state passed last year to limit its role in immigration enforcement.

Wow, butthurt dishonesty right off the first paragraph. Sacramento is OUTLAWING immigration enforcement for ALL governments, corporations and private citizens in California.

The county will file an amicus brief at the first available opportunity, likely if and when the case moves to a higher court on appeal, said Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, chairwoman of the board.

The board voted in closed session after 45 minutes of public comment in which most speakers in the packed chambers urged the supervisors to vote against supporting the lawsuit.

Margaret Baker, who lives near the border, told the board that backing the lawsuit will discourage immigrants from reporting crime.

David Garcias, president of the San Diego chapter of the union that represents county government employees, told the supervisors, .I believe you’re on the wrong side of history. This will affect your legacy..

The first people to speak in the article are social justice warriors who refuse to acknowledge the crime of tresspass. Illegal immigrants don’t want to report crimes they know about in fear they’ll be punished for the crime they committed? Yeah, kid, connect those dots.

The three supervisors who voted to support the lawsuit said it was about public safety.

.We’re talking about people who are crossing the border illegally, coming into this county and committing a crime and them being let loose probably to commit another crime,. said Dianne Jacob, supervisor for the district that covers East County. .That creates a public-safety issue and creates a problem in our neighborhoods..

She worried about terrorists crossing the border illegally, she said.

.This is a different day than it was 20, 30, 40 years ago,. Jacob said. .That’s why it was important for us to stand up, as controversial as it was..

Gaspar said San Diego was safer before the new laws, specifically Senate Bill 54, went into effect. SB 54 limits the ways in which local law enforcement officers can interact with federal immigration officials.

.The status quo was safer in San Diego,. she said, adding that now immigration officers make more arrests out in the community because they can’t make those arrests at jails. .The best place for ICE to be is in the jail and not out in the community..

During the announcement of the vote, Gaspar showed printouts of emails she received from each side of the debate. The stack of emails criticizing her for considering support for the lawsuit was not much thicker than a legal pad. The stack of emails asking her to support the Trump administration’s legal challenge was more than a foot tall.

Gaspar, Jacob and Supervisor Bill Horn, who represents the northernmost part of the county, voted to support the lawsuit. Supervisor Greg Cox, whose district covers the South Bay, voted against it. Supervisor Ron Roberts, who represents central San Diego, was traveling abroad and did not attend the meeting.

Cox said immigration issues need to be solved in Washington.

Cox is right, actually–border control is unquestionably a Federal responsibility–but it’s an act of treason to intentionally interfere with Federal efforts. Greg Cox is a traitor to the United States for trying to shelter foreign criminals within U.S. borders.

.The board’s vote is a largely symbolic move that will create fear and divisiveness in our region…

The Third-World-immigrants-at-all-costs politician thinks creating division in society is a bad thing? And if it’s only symbolic then why do you care? Because it creates fear and division, you say? Then it’s not symbolic. Classic Gamma doublespeak. “You’re a powerless nobody who should shut up because you influence people!”

..waste taxpayer funds…

Immigration enforcement is something that only government can do effectively. It is why we pay taxes in the first place.

..and create distrust of law enforcement and local government within many communities,. Cox said.

Suck a dick, Cox. You want a nightmare scenario: an illegal immigrant going to law enforcement with confidence to seek protection from legitimate residents of the country.

The Department of Justice filed the lawsuit against California at the beginning of March over three laws.

Mr. Trump, you’re killing me. Stop working within the system created by the Deep State for the Deep State’s protection. Start giving your enemies perp walks in handcuffs to military custody in Gitmo.

SB 54, the law that received the most publicity when it passed, allows officers to turn unauthorized immigrants over to federal immigration enforcement agencies only if they have committed crimes listed in the legislation. It says local police cannot participate in task forces that are focused on immigration enforcement.

It also requires the California attorney general to set policies limiting assistance with immigration enforcement at public schools, libraries and hospitals.

Like I said at the beginning: Sacramento is outlawing cooperation with Federal law enforcement even for private citizens.

Assembly Bill 103 prohibits local governments across California from adding new contracts with the federal government for civil immigration detention or expanding old ones. It also requires the California Attorney General’s Office to monitor conditions in existing immigration detention facilities in the state.

Obstruction of justice, anybody? Bueller?

AB 450 prohibits employers from voluntarily allowing immigration officials into non-public areas of the workplace unless the officers have judicial warrants. It also requires employers to notify employees about upcoming immigration inspections.

Treason, anybody? “ICE is coming! ICE is coming! Hide the criminals! I’ll stall them by demanding paperwork!”

Several critics of the lawsuit cited a January 2017 study by UC San Diego professor Tom Wong, published by the Center for American Progress, that found crime rates are higher in non-sanctuary counties. (Asked about the study, Gaspar declined to comment, saying she hadn’t seen it.)

It’s true. “Our crime rate dropped the instant we decided illegal immigration is no longer a crime!”

About a dozen people who spoke in support of the lawsuit told supervisors that the sanctuary laws were an overreach of state power and were concerned that they would inhibit the federal government from deporting people with criminal convictions.

Stella May told the board that “the laws act to protect criminal illegals..

She used the example of Kate Steinle, a case often cited by President Donald Trump and his supporters in arguing for tougher immigration restrictions. Steinle, 32, was fatally shot by a man who had been released from a San Francisco jail a few months earlier and had several previous deportations.

I don’t like how opposition to illegal immigration relies heavily on “they might commit other crimes, too”. It reeks of female morality (seek safety) when it should be masculine (seek justice and impartiality). Eh, it’s getting the job done. For now.

Cyrus Hojjaty, a 25-year-old Las Vegas resident whose family is from Iran, said that California’s policies were “embarrassing” and “disgusting.” He said his parents “did it the right way..

He worried that his state’s border with California would mean those policies have an effect where he lives.

.You go to Europe, they’re being flooded with non-whites,. he said.

Even the Iranians see the problem. Why can’t whites?

.This proposal is only about fear and hatred,. Neal Jos? Wilkinson, a priest at a Barrio Logan church, told the crowd outside the building. .We need law enforcement to protect all of our people, regardless of immigration status. If they’re not protecting all of us, they’re not protecting any of us..

The Catholic Church is a major driver of illegal immigration into California. I’m informed this is not a Vatican-endorsed priority… but it is endorsed by the U.S. Council of Bishops.

I don’t think much of people who believe Ortho/Catholic denominations are the good guys. We all have dirty laundry these days. The ability to hide it is a negative, not a positive.

Ismahan Abdullahi of the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans said San Diego’s strength is its diversity.

.Led by our values, we want to take our region forward, not backward,. Abdullahi said.

The terrorists are already complaining. I must credit Trump, the bad guys freak out when the Don so much as combs his hair.

Inside the board chambers, Milad Torabi, a member of San Diego Border Dreamers, told the supervisors that immigrant communities are “the eyes and ears” for local police.

Yeah, they spy on each other in lieu of being prosecuted for their own crimes. If there’s a second play in the FBI playbook, I haven’t seen it.

I don’t want ANY community to be the “eyes and ears” of police. I don’t want to live in a society where people are encouraged, or pressured, to spy on each other. This applies in the negative as well. Don’t punish me for recognizing that crime is crime. I’m looking at you, Sacramento.


Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

The increasing calls for USA’s breakup are frustrating. When in human history did appeasement ever work? “Too many migrants have moved in here. Let’s let them keep the land, farms and factories they’ve seized; we’ll fall back and draw a new border.” Of all the potential solutions I’ve heard, rewarding evil by formally ceding resources strikes me as the absolute worst, most cucked-up one.

Three points:

First, the welfare state. Do you believe that the parasites will let the taxpayers walk away? That they’ll learn to feed themselves just because they have to? Of course not. The Dindus would swarm the next border in the same way they swarmed the last.

Drain the welfare swamp and the parasites will leave voluntarily. No concessions needed.

Second point, what would happen if California seceded? Would the women in your neighborhood stop voting and quietly return to the kitchen? Would your schools flip around the day the Left Coast quits? As for California, once it went bankrupt (overnight) it would simply swear fealty to Communist China. The reason people want California gone in the first place is its communist leadership so it’s a natural and inevitable matchup. China would then have a powerful foothold in North America. Would that improve your situation?

Don’t reward our treacherous leaders by green-lighting their best-case endgame. Arrest them for treason, obstruction of justice, mass child abuse and the many other crimes they have committed.

And third point, the collapse of national identities and boundaries is not happening in a vacuum. It’s a globalist plot for one-world government, which obviously will only be appealing when civilization everywhere is so messed up that centralized despotism looks like a good idea. A united USA remains a potential threat to that plot. A patchwork of mutually hostile tribes is begging for conquest. Possibly literally. There’s already enough calls in society for a strongman, er, “solutions” to take charge and make our problems go away to reaffirm the truth of being careful what you wish for.

The “Nation of Bob Jenkins, population: his wife and kids” will not be a speedbump to the New World Order. Instead of grabbing our own slices of the pie while we can, let’s try to keep the pie together… if only to spite the social engineering utopians.

Or as Christ said to the Church at Thyatira, “hold on to what you have until I come”.


Rats Gonna Scurry

Increasingly, I believe that the desire for a comprehensive retirement plan is a moral red flag. It was always curious to me how so many people look forward to a time when they can choose to become irrelevant to society, when they can stop producing and focus on endless consumerism… or bury themselves in a dark hole, which is actually worse. Going to the mall at least gets you out of the house.

The second clue is their reaction to people (like me) who don’t want to retire. I may be forced into a nursing home by poor health someday but I won’t go voluntarily. Age 85 and still able to work, that’s a reward for clean living and self-discipline in my book. One must retire TO something in my opinion, not FROM his life as he’s ever known it. That idea seemed to be frightening or even emotionally painful to the a certain type of person. Very strange.

Unless, of course, that person lives in such a way that he sees retirement as an escape plan. It’s a bad sign when the captain of a ship is obsessed with keeping the lifeboats exceptionally well-stocked and -maintained. Similarly, it’s a bad sign when your co-worker’s dream for the future is a golden parachute that can be deployed at a moment’s notice.

Which brings me to the topic at hand: the courageous Massachusetts State Trooper Ryan Sceviour. I blogged on him before, link below, but I like my posts to have closure so I looked him up again to see how he was faring. It was glorious.

Recap, Trooper Sceviour responded to an alcohol-related car crash and arrested Alli Bibaud after finding a heroin kit. She turned out to be a senior judge’s daughter and helpfully discussed her heroin habits with the trooper along with an offer for sex. Sceviour’s superiors later ordered him to sanitize that info out of his report. Sceviour refused and filed a lawsuit.

Ms. Bibaud has since plead guilty to heroin charges.


Former Massachusetts State Police Maj. Susan Anderson has filed a motion to dismiss a federal civil rights lawsuit against her, saying her alleged misdeeds against a state trooper who is suing the major were neither “truly horrendous” nor “inspired by malice or sadism..

Maj. Anderson allegedly told Trooper Ryan Sceviour that an arrest report written by the trooper about a judge’s daughter contained “negative and derogatory statements” about the woman. Maj. Anderson allegedly ordered the trooper to create a new arrest report for the file in Central District Court in Worcester. The trooper is suing the former major.

Maj. Anderson, in announcing her retirement last month, joined the exodus of top state police officials since the arrest of Alli Bibaud, daughter of Dudley District Court Judge Timothy Bibaud. Trooper Sceviour alleges in his lawsuit that alteration of the report already filed in the Worcester court would constitute a criminal act and is a felony.

In her motion to dismiss, Maj. Anderson alleges that her actions fail to rise to the level of “shocking” the consciousness of the public, in a legal sense, and therefore the case against her should be dismissed. She denies wrongdoing, as does the former head of the state police, Richard McKeon, who was colonel and then superintendent.

A lawyer representing Trooper Sceviour on Monday filed a motion in opposition, referring to the effort to dismiss the complaint as a .piece-meal and slanted presentation by Defendant Anderson..

.Of course, Defendant Anderson would have the Court believe that the sudden retirement of all four of the top officials in the State Police who were involved was a coincidence … and that they all shared a sudden urge “to spend more time with family” while the Attorney General and State Ethics Commission investigate their criminal conduct,. the trooper’s attorney, Leonard Kesten wrote in opposing the motion to dismiss.

The intrepid trooper has the bad guys on the run!

People used to trust their kids to care for them in old age, or in themselves after a lifetime of saving up, or at least the Church as a backup. But then our society betrayed its own heirs, then abandoned its faith in Christ and finally quit trusting itself to be ready for the hard times. Result, the wicked both claim there’s nothing wrong with what they do and are desperate to secure a gov’t-backed exit before what they do is discovered.

Is the Deep State a Machiavellian creation of ultrapowerful banksters? Or is it simply petty bureaucrats trying to flee before any pursue?

Now 13 Cities Oppose Moonbeam’s Sanctuary State

Newport Beach voted 7-0 UNANIMOUSLY for sanity. Sourced from Fox News:


San Diego County still scheduled for Apr. 17 vote. My, my, how odd that all these sanctuary state killjoys happen to be so close to the Mexican border. Don’t they realize they’re poised to be the primary beneficiaries of this illegal law? Don’t they want to be vibrant and learn Spanish so the anchor baby mommas on welfare don’t have to learn English?

Or… are all the other cities & counties in California expecting these ‘buffer zones’ to absorb all the community-strengthening illegal immigrants so they can virtue-signal without “cultural enrichment”?


Worst Crisis Actor EVER

Parkland, Florida is getting farcically ridiculous.

A teacher at Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High.who said he’d be willing to arm himself at school to protect students.has been accused of leaving his loaded handgun in a public restroom, where it was picked up and fired by a drunk homeless man. The Miami Herald reported chemistry teacher Sean Simpson told deputies he left his gun by accident but, by the time he realized, the homeless man had already found it and fired the Glock 9mm at a wall. Simpson said he was able to grab the gun away from the homeless man, Joseph Spataro, who was later charged with firing a weapon while intoxicated. Simpson was arrested and charged with failing to safely store a firearm and posted a $250 cash bond, but reportedly faces no disciplinary action from the school, where 17 people were killed by a teen gunman on Feb. 14.

Ah, guns, those little rascals! They always run off when your back is turned or pants are down! This incident sounds just a little suspicious. Let’s look at the original article:

Not the most normal sight: a gun left in the bathroom stall.

But that’s exactly what went down on Sunday in a men’s room at the Deerfield Beach Pier. …

On Tuesday, the Broward School Board unanimously rejected the state’s new program to arm school staff, part of a new law the Florida Legislature passed after the Feb. 14 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shootings that left 17 students and educators dead.

Boldface mine. Could the motive possibly have been more obvious? Don’t quit your day job, Simpson, although the fact that you still have your day job teaching at Parkland School post-massacre after negligently arming homeless bums is damning.


I Need A New E-Mail Address

My personal-use email has been with Yahoo for a long time. I just logged in today and discovered Yahoo is now part of a multimedia conglomerate called Oath. This is Oath’s way of saying hello:

How we collect and use data. updated some of the ways we collect and analyze user data in order to deliver services, content, relevant advertising and abuse protection.

This includes: analyzing content and information when you use our services (including emails, instant messages, posts, photos, attachments, and other communications), linking your activity on other sites and apps with information we have about you, and providing anonymized and/or aggregated reports to other parties regarding user trends.

No, I do not approve of being data-mined into oblivion every time I use the Internet for anything, even though you’re now being nice enough to practice informed consent: you inform and expect me to consent.

Key Points in Terms of Service added a mutual arbitration clause.

Hopefully, disputes will never be an issue, but in the case of one, this allows a third-party arbitrator to help us resolve them. We’ve also added a class action waiver. These provisions are an important part of our relationship with you, so please read them carefully.

No more testifying before Congress for you, Big Brother? specified the legal entity that provides each service to you.
For some services, this may be a different entity than the entity that previously provided the service. We’ve also reserved the right to transfer the providing entity for each service in the future.

MGTOW… urge… rising…

If you are using our Services on behalf of a company, business or other entity, or if you are using our Services for commercial purposes, we’ve added an indemnity provision, which requires you and the entity to protect us against certain legal actions.

What… the… frick… Dude, I will not protect you from a parking ticket let alone prosecution for electronic fraud via my day job. You should’ve thought twice about how you “collect and use data on other sites and apps”.

New York law now governs and New York, New York is the designated forum.

New York City was the second least reassuring choice of legal arena you could have chosen. Only D.C. would’ve been worse. San Francisco would have been better, if only because I would’ve had the option to go Female Persian Muslim on your lunch hour.


So, what e-mail provider do you guys use? I find myself in urgent need of a virtual relocation.


California Medicine: Cyanide From India

Christ told us that if the End Times would not be shortened that nobody would survive. The California state government is obliging Him: the Golden State’s death spiral is tightening into a tornado.

California’s government would set prices for hospital stays, doctor visits and other health care services under legislation introduced Monday, vastly remaking the industry in a bid to lower health care costs. …

Uh-oh. Only the most delusional of CommuNazis can believe that the secret to lower costs is dictating them. This is going to be bad…

The proposal in California would affect private health plans, including those offered by employers and purchased by individuals. A nine-member commission appointed by the governor and legislative leaders would set prices for everything from a physical exam to an allergy test to heart bypass surgery. No other state has such a requirement.

Well… fuck. FUCK, this is bad. Didn’t the Soviet Union do exactly this and millions died as a direct result? Wasn’t this sort of thing the reason we considered them the Bad Guys? How can these atheist assholes believe they’ll succeed if they try Stupid just one more time?

“If we do not act now, I’m concerned that health care prices will become unsustainable,” Assemblyman Ash Kalra, a freshman Democrat from San Jose who wrote the legislation, said in a news conference in Sacramento.

Ash Kalra is an American-born Indian who on 1.29.2018 forced the state Assembly to recognize one of India’s national holidays. Magic Dirt Fail. Go home, Kalra, you Communist. You don’t belong in America. This loathsome legislation you offered is indisputable proof that you hate everything America ever stood for. You are not a citizen. You are not one of us.

The measure faces an uphill battle in the Legislature, where lawmakers are generally cautious about making drastic changes to the health care system and are already juggling a wide range of ambitious proposals.

The proposal is backed by influential unions including the Service Employees International Union, Unite Here and the Teamsters. The unions are frustrated that health care costs are gobbling an increasing share of employee compensation. …

The usual Gimme Yo’ Money suspects.

Health care providers say price controls would encourage doctors to move out of state or retire, making it harder for people to see a physician when they’re sick, and force hospitals to lay off staff or, in some cases, close their doors.

Recorded history agrees unanimously.

The California Medical Association, which represents physicians, called the proposal “radical” and warned that it would reduce choices for consumers.

“No state in America has ever attempted such an unproven policy of inflexible, government-managed price caps across every health care service,” Dr. Theodore Mazer, the CMA president, said in a statement.

Under Kalra’s bill, prices would be tied to Medicare’s rate for a particular service or procedure, with that price as a floor. There would be a process for doctors or hospitals to argue that their unique circumstances warrant payments higher than the state’s standard rate.

You know the welfare state is cancer because it only grows, never shrinks.

Paying hospitals 125 percent of Medicare’s rate would cut $18 billion in revenue and force them to trim nurses and other support staff, said Dietmar Grellman, senior vice president of the California Hospital Association. Private insurers make up for the low payments from government-funded health care, which doesn’t cover the full cost of care, he said.

“That’s why their bill is such an empty promise,” Grellman said. “They take money out of the system with rate regulation, but then they don’t address the huge gaping hole that’s created by Medicare and Medicaid.”

In recent decades health care spending has risen faster than inflation and wages while employers and health plans have shifted more of the costs onto consumers through higher premiums, deductibles and copays. Americans spend more per capita on health care than other developed countries.

That’s because ‘other developed countries’ steal our R&D successes and hide their state-subsidized medical costs under waiting lists and other rationing measures.

Also, the Baby Boomers are getting old & sick now, aren’t they? They will go to their graves without ever once having spent enough of other peoples’ money.

Meanwhile, a wave of consolidation by hospitals, physician groups and insurance companies has given industry players more power to demand higher rates.

It’s a showdown between Big Pharma and Big Welfare. Hmm. Should the White Male Christian California taxpayer grab his ankles for the ass-raping now or wait for the waiting list for the ass-raping waiting list sign-up?

God, I wish there was a sane State I could move to.


Alabama’s Ulterior Motive

A judge on Thursday sentenced an Alabama teenager to 65 years in prison for a series of crimes, including murder, even though a police officer was the one who actually killed the victim.

Lakeith Smith, now 18, was convicted under the state’s accomplice liability law in March. Based on that law, a person can be convicted of felony murder if they were committing a crime with the deceased that led to the other person’s death, according to the Montgomery Advertiser. Most U.S. states have similar laws.

In Smith’s case, he was involved in burglaries alongside A.Donte Washington, 16, when a police officer shot and killed Washington in 2015.

In February 2015, both Smith and Washington were part of a group of five who broke into two houses in Millbrook, Alabama, the Advertiser reports. When police responded to the scene, the two sides exchanged gunfire. Body camera footage played in court showed Washington running towards an officer pointing a gun at him. The officer then shot and killed Washington.

Believe it or not, I’m not a fan of accomplice liability laws. When a homeowner caps a burglar’s trash or a cop guns down a fleeing suspect, no crime has been committed. Only justice. It makes no sense to charge an accomplice for a good deed.

But then, my opinion is the police would have been justified in gunning down all five of the fleeing burglars once one of them chose to play Cops & Robbers because proactive policing is now forbidden. You can’t operate on both “reactive policing” and “proportionate force”; first they pick the terms of engagement, then you aren’t allowed to play harder than them? That’s just asking to be outplayed by crooks at every turn. I think this kind of law is merely an expression of frustration that our criminal justice system cares more about the criminal than the justice.

It is good that Lack-Wit Smith is doing 65 years–he laughed when his sentence was handed down and refused a plea bargain of 25 years, great way to show repentance ya moron–but life would have been better for the taxpayers of Alabama if he’d been gunned down on the spot because his partner in crime wanted to be a cop-killer. Or if Smith had been run out of town before this incident happened. Using accomplice liability laws to pack on the years, eh, nobody is getting what they truly want.

If anybody can find the bodycam footage, please give me a link. It was used in the trial but I failed to find it on the Internet. Gang of 5 black burglars shooting it out with police? Gotta be a good show.


Charisma Magazine Reports No Church Discipline

Another trip to the bottomless well of Charisma Magazine. “In Wake of Recent Sex Scandals, Do Churches Actually Discipline Members?”

More than 8 in 10 Protestant senior pastors say their church has not disciplined a member in the past year. More than half say they don’t know of a case when someone has been disciplined.

“It’s one of the topics that churches rarely talk about,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. …

McConnell says in general, church discipline would apply when offenders refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing, persist in it or are no longer qualified for leadership.

Sounds like a workable standard. So, church is apparently full of people who don’t acknowledge their wrongdoing or if they persist in it, aren’t confronted. Did someone say porn? The ordinary guy doesn’t acknowledge it because he knows it’s wrong but doesn’t have an alternative. Clergy don’t confront the persistence of porn because the only Biblical alternative will, to put it mildly, inconvenience their daughters’ plans for med school and Justin Bieber.

According to the phone survey of 1,000 Protestant senior pastors, 16 percent of pastors say their church has disciplined a member in the last year. That includes 3 percent in the last month, 5 percent in the last six months and 8 percent in the last year.

More than half (55 percent) say no member has been disciplined during their time as pastor or before their tenure. Twenty-one percent say a member was disciplined three or more years ago. Five percent say there was a case of discipline in the last two years.

Pentecostal (29 percent), Holiness (23 percent) and Baptist pastors (19 percent) are most likely to say a church member was disciplined in the past year. Methodist (4 percent) and Presbyterian/Reformed (9 percent) pastors are less likely.

Overall, about half of evangelical pastors (49 percent) and two-thirds of mainline pastors (67 percent) say they don’t know of a case where someone was disciplined at their church.

LifeWay Research also asked pastors about the process of discipline. Few churches say the responsibility for discipline lies solely with the pastor (8 percent), church elders (14 percent), trustees or board members (4 percent) or church deacons (1 percent).

Half (51 percent) say two or more groups must agree. Eighteen percent say there is no formal discipline process.

Pastors of churches of 100 or more attenders (17 percent) are more likely to say elders alone handle discipline than churches with 99 or fewer attenders (11 percent). African-American pastors (21 percent) are more likely than white pastors (6 percent) to say the pastor alone is responsible for church discipline.

Mainline pastors (24 percent) are more likely than evangelical pastors (15 percent) to say their church has no formal discipline policy.

What you’re looking at is the tyranny of low expectations. Of course there are few grounds for church discipline when you, the average member are expected to do no more than sit on a pew, sing a few songs, maybe participate in communion or baptism on an opt-in basis. You’re barely noticed when you arrive at church and barely noticed when you depart. For what could you possibly be disciplined, when you are trusted with nothing?


Dirty Sheriff Bill Gore

On April 17, the county of San Diego is scheduled to vote on whether to join the Federal lawsuit against California’s sanctuary state law. Supervisor Dianne Jacob is spearheading the vote and expects it to pass on a 3-2 margin.

Opposing this vote is a serious dirtbag of a San Diego County Sheriff, Bill Gore. Remember way back in 1992, the Ruby Ridge standoff between the Weaver family and the FBI? Bill Gore was the agent who wrote the rules of engagement for that fiasco that allowed the shooting of a woman armed with an infant. He, along with four other agents, refused to testify before Congress by invoking 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Next, remember way back in 9.11.2001? Oh yeah, baby, the 9/11 hijackers. The 900-page Congressional report on the hijackings faulted Gore, special agent in charge of the San Diego FBI office, for negligence. Gore defends himself:

The congressional report on the Sept. 11 attacks is rife with inaccuracies and greatly exaggerates the possibility the terrorist acts could have been prevented, according to the former head of the FBI’s San Diego office.

In an interview, former Special Agent in Charge Bill Gore asserted there was no evidence the FBI missed opportunities to catch two of the hijackers who for months lived in San Diego.

He also said there was no evidence that anyone, including Saudi officials, knowingly assisted the terrorists.

“I believe the joint intelligence committee jumped to conclusions not supported by the facts of the FBI investigation,” Gore said. “I was convinced by the time I left the FBI [in] January that there was no Al Qaeda support network in San Diego prior to or after 9/11, and that no group of people wittingly helped the hijackers in furtherance of the 9/11 attacks.”

In its 900-page report, the joint panel of the House and Senate intelligence committees criticized the pre-Sept. 11 counterterrorism analysis done by the FBI and CIA. The report suggests there were several missed opportunities to foil the attacks, and that alleged intelligence failures were especially obvious in San Diego, where two hijackers were known to a longtime FBI informant. …

Gore, who retired from the FBI in January and took a job with the San Diego County district attorney’s office, said there also was no proof that hijackers Almihdhar and Alhazmi lived in San Diego for any reason other than its Islamic community and the opportunity to take flying lessons in a region with great year-round weather.

Gore acknowledged that the two future hijackers did come into contact with a trusted FBI informant, but said there was no reason for the informant to bring that fact to the attention of his FBI handler because Almihdhar and Alhazmi did nothing publicly that would suggest they were violent extremists.

That FBI informant is… for fuck’s sake, why do we even have an FBI?…

Abdussattar Shaikh, who had been an unpaid FBI informant for six years in 2000, rented a room to Mihdhar for about a month and Hazmi for seven. The Office of the Inspector General report noted that Shaikh told his FBI handler that the pair were quiet and “good Muslims.. He gave the handler their first names only and the agent never got their full names. The report said that if the agent had been more curious about the two men living with his informant, their names could have been checked through government databases that may have identified them as terrorists. According to the Office of the Inspector General report, the bureau cut ties with Shaikh in July 2003 and paid him $100,000 for his services. …

Fifteen years after 9/11, Mihdhar, Hazmi, and Shaikh are still the subject of discussion by Shaikh’s neighbors. Two of them are a couple who was sitting on the porch of their Lemon Grove home on the night of September 14, 2001, waiting for the FBI. It was almost 11 p.m. when four black SUVs arrived and began driving slowly up and down Mt. Vernon Street.

The couple had reported Shaikh, their next door neighbor, to the FBI after learning that he had boarded two of the 9/11 terrorists. They watched the parade of vehicles on the street for several minutes before the SUVs pulled into the 200-foot driveway that can be mistaken for a dead end street.

The couple had given the FBI its first big investigative lead, but agents were having trouble finding their home; a strange occurrence, given that Shaikh was, after all, an FBI informant. They had learned about Shaikh’s ties to Mihdhar and Hazmi earlier in the evening when they allowed a Los Angeles Times reporter who interviewed Shaikh to use their phone to call the downtown newsroom hours after deadline. The reporter had staked out Shaikh’s house for five hours before the man returned from mosque. The CIA and a handful of FBI agents had known since early 2000 that Mihdhar and Hazmi were in the U.S. But in the weeks leading up to the attacks the FBI had no clue where they were. It was not until the Times tracked the pair to Shaikh’s house that agents discovered where they had lived.

A newspaper reporter found the FBI informant before the FBI could. Lovely. Sounds like Shaikh was a double agent for the Saudis. He started out as an “unpaid informant”? That means the FBI had dirt on him and made a deal in lieu of prosecution. Anybody sufficiently law-abiding to risk his life for the cops on principle alone is sufficiently law-abiding to not have “person of interest” buddies. I’m shocked he quietly assisted the hijackers like a “good Muslim” would instead of alerting the authorities.

And Special Agent In Charge Bill Gore was running that show. He “voluntarily” left the FBI in 2003, about the same time as the 9/11 investigations wrapped up and about the same time as Shaikh got paid $100k for services rendered to the American people.

Gore transitioned quickly to San Diego’s district attorney office… no red flags there… and was elected Sheriff in 2010. Local scandals followed national scandals, most notably the Hannah Anderson kidnapping in 2013, a very interesting incident from the Red Pilled perspective. Check it out:

According to released warrants, DiMaggio received letters from Hannah Anderson which were found in his home by investigators, and exchanged over a dozen calls with her before the murders occurred. However, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said Anderson was “a victim in every sense of the word” and did not willingly go with DiMaggio. Investigators do not suspect any complicity on her part. Gore also suggested that authorities may never be able to fully determine the reason for DiMaggio’s crime rampage.

With all that for a background… Gore claims that cooperating with Federal immigration enforcement is bad for public safety. Quoting from the first linked article,

San Diego Supervisors are expected to discuss the matter on April 17th in a closed-door meeting with County Counsel. But while Supervisor Jacob agues that the Trump administration’s push to force local law enforcement officers to stringently enforce federal immigration mandates would increase public safety, Sheriff Bill Gore suggests it would have the opposite effect, making communities less safe by making immigrants afraid to report crimes.

Gawdammit, the illegal immigrants ARE the crimes! And Trump isn’t forcing anybody to do anything; the state law prohibits voluntary cooperation with ICE, a clear-cut obstruction of justice. Sigh, moving on to his cronyism:

But San Diego County’s Sheriff, Bill Gore, told East County Magazine in an interview last week taped for airing on KNSJ radio that California’s sanctuary state law already allows ample cooperation between his department and federal authorities regarding immigrants who have committed serious crimes, thanks to changes that Sheriff Gore helped to negotiate directly with Governor Jerry Brown. Those allow his jail staff to turnover immigrants who have been convicted of, or arrested for more than 800 serious crimes.

So, Gore and “Moonbeam” Brown are in bed together. Of course Gore will cooperate with ICE as soon as it saves him the cost of incarcerating a convicted felon. Gore’s opposition to this vote has nothing to do with law enforcement and everything to do with covering his political ally. Why would Sheriff Gore do that? Because all the dirt in this dirtbag’s bag is about to explode on him and he needs his allies right now:

Article dated April 5, 2018, the San Diego Union Tribune:

“Sheriff Gore said he considered firing his rival for office, but thought it would look bad” (Actual headline. Gotta love it.)

Tensions between San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore and the deputy trying to take over his job . Cmdr. Dave Myers . are heightening, with the incumbent saying he’d like his challenger gone.

.I wish Dave would take a leave of absence and go work somewhere else,. Gore told editors and reporters at an editorial board meeting of The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Myers said that his relationship with his boss has been acrimonious since he gave him a heads up that he was launching his campaign.

.Ever since that day, he has marginalized me,. Myers said.

Tension reached a new level last week with Gore telling the newspaper that he considered firing Myers.

.It crossed my mind. To what end? It would be a big news story. .Sheriff fires opponent in sheriff’s race,.. Gore said, suggesting a potential headline.

But deposing Myers would have been a bad idea, Gore explained.

.He.s got civil service protections. Plus how would that look? Oh, the sheriff has fired the guy he’s running against. What’s he got to hide, why is he afraid of this guy?. Gore said.

Besides being at odds on the campaign trail, the candidates have been in conflict at work and their once-friendly relationship has crumbled.

.I promoted him three times. I’ve been to his house for dinner, I considered us friends. I’m disappointed in the tack that he’s taken,. Gore, 70, of Mission Hills, said in a follow-up interview on Wednesday.

Myers, 56, of La Mesa, has been with the Sheriff’s Department for more than three decades, was reassigned after he launched his campaign. Once a commander with 400 people reporting to him, he now has no subordinates. He retains his $176,000 salary.

Myers is no longer responsible for court security and has been given a new office. Myers says it’s a “broom closet” whole Gore notes it has two windows. Myers is now handling various off-beat projects, including developing a floor plan for an upcoming department move.

Myers said he’s being marginalized because he’s been vocal about recent scandals involving the department, including a rash of jail deaths and the handling of the case of a deputy who was accused of groping more than a dozen women on the beat.

.Anybody that talks about true issues and questions his authority is the enemy,. Myers said. “But if he wants to fire me, fire me. Let’s hash it out..

Gore, the sheriff since 2009, said that Myers is undermining the department in order to help his campaign. Before Myers was removed from the chain of command, he participated in meetings where the department’s weaknesses were discussed . including issues that could be used as fodder in political attacks.

.Dave doesn’t work well with others,. Gore said. .It’s that simple..

Larry No Grok Jesus

An insightful exchange at Fabius Maximus.

Gunner Q
5 April 2018 at 9:37 am
.After 235 years, our government is bound by self-imposed rolls of red tape: all these .concerns., rules, and useful but over-applied laws..

In hindsight, this was the work of the Deep State. Such red tape empowers career bureaucrats at the expense of our elected leaders.quite a power grab.

Larry Kummer, Editor
5 April 2018 at 10:23 am

That.s true, but not the real explanation. Every single post I write about American reform brings forth the response .It’s Not Our Fault.. We’re just the customers of the American cafe, whining that the service is not what people of such awesomeness deserves.

The Founders gave us the machinery to govern ourselves. If we’re to lazy to operate it, that is our fault.

The second stage excuses I get, in reply to the above, is that we face big bad people. Little weak us have to surrender without a fight. The Founders cry every time they hear this.

By this logic, the North Koreans deserve to be starved by their government because they aren’t bothering to replace it. But never mind. This was going to be another MGTOW rant but while writing it, I ended up taking a remarkable detour. Larry is rejecting God with this response, not the MGTOW movement. Notice how he insists, three times, that we are powerful enough to change society by ourselves.

Nietzsche said it better with “The world is the will to power.and nothing besides!” If you don’t like the way things are then become strong, will oneself to victory, be the ubermenschen! Break some eggs and make an omelet!

What is missing in this social calculus is religion. God.

In point of fact, Christ gave and demonstrated the solution to leaders’ corruption: expose and call out the evil deeds of wicked men. Simple but there’s a problem here: in order to call out evil, one must first accept that evil exists and has been defined by God, not humans. Another problem, doing so will make your mortal life uncomfortable. And possibly brief.

Only Christians are capable of making a morally good society because we are the only ones who follow the God of Truth. (Some other religions come closer to Truth than others.) Our society went evil the day it denied God and it will only become good when it accepts God once again. Not when “our team” seizes the reins of power. How would “our team” behave differently if we use the same definitions of victory and success as “them”?

Larry keeps reaching for a patch on his blog, a solution that will enable the world to continue rebelling against Christ without the inevitable consequences. Blaming the victims of the rebellion such as MGTOWs is a stopgap solution while he searches for the next political movement, the next charismatic statesman, that magical economic MacGuffin that will cleanse our societies of sin and trade deficits. Nietzsche’s Ubermensch.

I can guess what would happen if he found himself a legislator in Congress: the same realization that occurred to every other well-meaning, Godless legislator in the last half century. “If I do right by society and keep my promises, I will suffer personally and society will probably not be better off. If I go along to get along then my life, the only life I have, will be happy and materially successful at the expense of a theoretical ‘the future’.”

A Christian can make that decision because he’s playing the real game of “keeping my promise will enhance my immortal soul” and “God will reward me for suffering in order to do good”. But an atheist never will. The atheist says “in the long run, we are all dead anyway”.

That’s what the bureaucrats did when they created the Deep State. They rejected God and replaced him with a new model of Government that, surprise, would be run by them. It wasn’t altruism or even arrogance that led them to do this. It was atheism. If you have no soul, no future beyond the grave then why would you NOT abuse your power to win at the game of life? Even if you don’t want to.

That is the real game. Look, America is going to die. Maybe today, maybe in a thousand years. But your soul will not. It will outlive your country and the stars in the sky. Whether you want it to or not. Most people don’t, kings and pawns alike, because the kind of person we need to be for eternity is not the kind of person we need to be for exploiting a brief window of opportunity.
Giving up and going MGTOW is not defeat. It is focusing on the most important priority a man can have, his self, in an age when society seeks the destruction of his self. In a cosmic irony, that is also how you fix the mortal world: by putting the more important, immortal concerns first. Or as Christ put it in Matthew 6:33, But seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Men and women are different. So are the God-fearing and Godless.

No society is greater than the religion of its people. The current religion of the West is Evolution: might makes right, human life has no intrinsic value and women are the gatekeepers of virtue. Does that sound like your society? Well, that’s why.


Doctors To Soldiers: Stop Weightlifting

The Nanny State is targeting the US military’s toxic masculinity with more than high heels:

“Weightlifting Injuries Common for Deployed U.S. Troops”

TUESDAY, April 3, 2018 (HealthDay News) — An “alarming” number of weightlifting injuries occur among U.S. military personnel in combat zones, according to a new study.

Intense weightlifting workouts help the armed forces stay in peak condition during deployment. But surgeons reported that during four months in a forward field hospital, they treated nine active duty male members for pectoralis major tears that occurred during bench press weight training.

This is a serious type of chest muscle injury that’s relatively rare among civilians. For example, a shoulder-and-elbow surgeon may see an average of less than one pectoralis tear a year, the researchers said.

The male patients, ages 23 to 52, required surgery to repair the injury and then six months to recover. Four were in the Army, and five in the Air Force. Three were officers and six were enlisted men.

At the time of injury, the men bench-pressed anywhere from 135 pounds to 415 pounds, with an average of 258 pounds.

Deployed active duty personnel “likely represent a high-risk population for this injury,” wrote study lead author Dr. Dane Salazar and colleagues.

Salazar is a former Air Force orthopedic surgeon and currently an orthopedic surgeon at Loyola University Health System in Maywood, Ill. …

To reduce the risk of pectoralis injuries, the military should ban maximum-weight bench press competitions. Also, service members should lift lighter weights with more repetitions, the surgeons suggested.

Men are naturally competitive. In an environment like the military, that competitive streak can easily make the difference between life and death; nobody wants to be “second best” on the battlefield. The participation ribbon is a body bag. This goes doubly so when a soldier is deployed. Why would he not spend every waking moment preparing to be the winner at “kill or be killed”? Is there something else to do at a Shittistan FOB?

Of course training accidents are going to happen at a much higher rate than if “good enough” was the gold standard. How can a former Air Force surgeon not understand this concept? Will Special Forces not be allowed to practice rappelling out of helicopters? (“You’re already certified. Why do you want to keep trying?”) God save us from leadership that is more worried about training accidents than deaths “downrange”.


Deep State Lines Up A Kill Shot On Trump

This is a masterful plot to completely discredit Trump and any notion he has for border security. From the Daily Mail:

An army of a thousand migrants from Central America are marching through Mexico to the US where they hope to get in by any means – legal or not.

The massive flood of migrants hail mostly from Honduras, where the country has become rife with gang violence and political unrest.

The journey began on Sunday March 25 when 1,200 men, women and children gathered together to cross immigration checkpoints with a organization called Pueblos Sin Fronteras, meaning People Without Borders, according to BuzzFeed News.

And the number is only growing as migrants walk to the border in 90-degree heat, sleep on the floor of town plazas, and get by on charity meals by locals and churches.

The plan is simple and obvious. And cruel. A huge, artificial, highly publicized tide of human trash is flung at the southern border of the United States. Once they arrive, Trump will have three options:

  1. Let them in, either by direct sanction or willful ignorance of lawbreaking. Trump’s Presidency is dead.
  2. Stall them at the border. A siege ensues, giving endless propaganda of Trump’s “evil walls”. Americans see Trump as unwilling to take meaningful action. Trump’s Presidency is dead.
  3. Kill them on arrival. Mass slaughter of men, women and children. Illegals stop coming in terror of justice under Trump. Deep State can no longer use illegal immigration as a weapon to destroy America. Americans are grateful to see Trump put America first. America is protected by her government. Reelection guaranteed.

I doubt Trump has the spine for Option 3. So does the Deep State, which is why they think this plan will work. Their plan involves heartless exploitation of the poor & stupid which tells you everything you need to know about the Deep State: if we allow them to win in any way then they will be equally cruel to us. Why not, when cruelty has brought them thus far?

Wow, the Deep State is powerful. Look at the immigration checkpoints vacated to facilitate this march in the linked article.

God damn you, Deep State, for intentionally creating a situation in which a mass killing of unarmed civilians is the right thing to do. As for Trump, this will be either his finest hour or the apotheosis of his globalist enemies.


It Was Something In the Water

It wasn’t long ago that my California was staunchly conservative. How did we change so quickly into such a cesspit of perversion and treason? Did the Elites put something in the water to warp our brains?

Actually, they DID.

The United States Navy.

San Francisco is a major port for the USN. During the Cold War, it was also a major “port of exit” for convicted homosexuals. Half the faggots who put the uniform on between V-J Day and President “Slick Willie” Clinton ended up in San Fran holding a not-honorable discharge.

Some even date this practice earlier to 1916. From

The U.S. Military Creates the “Blue Discharge.

A neutral discharge from the Armed Services-..neither honorable nor dishonorable…the blue discharge was employed to boot queers from the military and was used against black soldiers as well. Though supposedly not dishonorable, blue discharges faced discrimination upon return to their homes, and many stayed in the port cities they were dumped in…New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco…helping create the thriving queer communities that still exist in these places today.

Inevitably, the Sodomites began finding each other. That’s how the infamous bath houses became a phenomenon and soon, there was an organized community. Police found their resources stretched with having to deal with so many unrepentant abominations.

This coincided with the Communist infiltration of the Church. San Francisco was a major target for those efforts. The homosexual cancer began to metastasize as the Navy kept releasing more of them in the same location, more ‘clergy’ began preaching tolerance and more police grew weary of stemming the tide. Public opinion finally shifted past ‘center of mass’ with the politician Harvey Milk.

Once the sexually depraved had an entire, newly legitimized community that had to be politically activist for its own survival, and faced no organized opposition from society’s moral guardians, the fix was in.

When Christ calls us the Salt of the Earth, He isn’t speaking poetry. Salt’s primary use in history is preservation of food: inhibiting rot. The Navy did wrong letting homosexuals go unpunished; false priests did wrong when they taught against God’s clearly written beliefs on sexual perversion. The people who were able to protect society from the filth of homosexuality refused to do their God-given duty and now, look at where California is barely one generation later.

Sodomy is not a legitimate lifestyle choice. It is not something unfortunate that allowances should be made for. It is evil. Call it out as evil and punish it as an act of evil, or join the California Gay Area in its mockery of God’s rainbow promise to not exterminate humanity.


MGTOW Life: Chump Game

A guy left a post on Dalrock’s illustrating a trap that MGTOWs can easily fall into:

“I.m in a rough way right now….I where I work and live (a Salvation Army run facility for low income senior citizens) gently “ordered” me that I had to work the whole weekend as the staff on duty. I have worked the past five Christmas holdays. The past six Thanksgiving holidays. I even returned from my backpacking trek in June on July 1st and had to work the whole four day holiday weekend. I have worked Easter / Good Friday since 2011.

I am always told “but I have children” and .you.ll understand when God brings you a wife someday. or .i have relatives coming from out of town with their kids.

The mission statement for employees here is: Family first

I don’t have one. Therefore I am the guy who always has to work on holiday weekends. I take it in stride as a “good soldier should” but I am feeling like a chump more and more.”

That is chumphood. No offense, friend, I’ve been there myself, but the plain fact is that if you don’t respect your own time then nobody else will either. Similarly, if you think their free time is more important than yours just because they have a family then you’re hating yourself.

You’re facing burnout. They’re slacking off. Nobody is winning.

If you don’t want to work a holiday then tell them no, you don’t want to work that holiday. It’s that simple. You owe them nothing. They are not God. God will not disapprove of you cutting back to one holiday in three or four, as if He needs help to keep the world spinning.

And funny thing, your married peers will respect you more for doing it. They won’t take you for granted. They’ll be more grateful when you do show up… and if not, then you need to cut those slavers loose.

The entire reason MGTOW is a thing is because the two-way street called society has broken down. The demands never stop, the rewards never come. Not with women, not with work, not with church, not with government. In order to be a proper MGTOW, you must push back. Refuse the demands. Insist upon rewards. If they won’t treat you as their peer then walk away.

In my case, I once tried to invest heavily in a church. It was at risk of feminization but had managed to impress me, so I tried to ingratiate myself to the leadership. I volunteered for duties. I served as an assistant Scout leader. I donated to missionaries. I even enrolled in a correspondence seminary, hoping that a low-level certification as a clergyman would impress Pastor enough that he would heed my warnings and advice concerning feminism.

What. A. Waste. Of. ME.

I grew weary of my duties and was swiftly replaced with teenagers. I, a highly skilled professional and supervisor during the work week, was no more useful to Pastor than a kid whose parents forced him to attend church. Pastor treated me accordingly.

As an assistant Scout leader, I quickly realized one of the kids was so badly behaved that he was ruining the entire group. He was bringing pornography into church and making false accusations against me and others. Absolutely unacceptable. Getting him banned took far more effort than it should have and a couple months later, he showed up again and was allowed to stay despite the ban. That’s how much power the church trusted me with: none.

The missionaries I donated to? Feminists.

And one class before finishing the seminary certification, Pastor made the decision to install a female pastor into formal Church authority teaching the men. Black-and-white Original Sin. I had an e-mail discussion with him. My concerns mattered nothing. I’d failed to impress him with all my efforts. I asked around the other church leaders, looking for support that women teaching men was evil. Nobody thought my opinion legitimate. Two years of determined, sacrificial effort and all of the leaders had no more respect for me than the day I walked in the door. If they ever missed me after I subsequently left, they never said so.

I regret every kindness and support I ever gave them.

To close in the spirit of Easter, let me point out that Jesus was not a martyr. He was a merchant. Christ purchased us with His sacrifice.

Revelation 5:9: “And they sang a new song, saying: .You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.”

2 Corinthians 6:16: “What agreement is there between the temple of Godand idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: .I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people..

Christ did not go to the Cross for no reward. Neither should you suffer for no reward.


Battle Lines

The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

.It.s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know . more specifically today, employers . that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,. state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a news conference. .We will prosecute those who violate the law.. …

Authored by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman David Chiu, the [Immigrant Worker Protection Act will]:

. Requires employers to ask immigration agents for a warrant before granting access to a worksite.

. Prevents employers from voluntarily sharing confidential employee information without a subpoena.

. Requires employers to notify their workers before a federal audit of employee records.

. Gives the attorney general and labor commissioner exclusive authority to enforce new provisions of state labor laws.

Prohibits employers from re-verifying information on employment verification forms, unless compelled to by federal law.

Let that sink in. The California government is PUNISHING voluntary cooperation with the Federal government.


A Republican candidate for California governor said Friday that employers should help federal authorities conducting immigration raids and defy the state attorney general who says a new state law restricts such voluntary cooperation.

Travis Allen, an assemblyman from Huntington Beach, said Attorney General Xavier Becerra.s warnings of prosecution and fines for voluntarily cooperating with the U.S. government were so egregious that federal officials should consider bringing charges of their own against the Democratic official.

.To have the attorney general of California use California businesses as pawns in his ongoing war with the White House is not just wrong, it’s illegal,. Allen said in a Friday interview. .This is textbook criminal obstruction of justice and he should be prosecuted by the U.S. Department of Justice..

FINALLY, for God’s sake, a California Republican finally accuses a Democrat criminal of being a criminal. Maybe this Travis Allen isn’t controlled opposition. Then again, maybe it’s just midterm season. It’s Sessions who needs to file the obstruction of justice warrant and he isn’t doing it.

Interesting times, baby.


When the Children Lead You

…It’s not the children who are leading you.

The Parkland shooting is turning out to be a proud production of Orwell Was An Optimist. A trivial school shooting morphs literally overnight into an emotionally charged political movement to ban all firearms in the United States that has been immediately embraced by hardline Leftists and soccer moms everywhere.

To politicians who hate and fear the well-armed people they lust to enslave, every school shooting is unquestionable proof that they get to must disarm everybody but their personal bodyguards for the good of all humanity. Never mind that mass murderers tend to be seriously deranged morons that the police knew about for a long time rather than middle-aged guys with careers and ideas of liberty & self-rule. Result, it looks like politicians and fatherless screwballs are acting in concert but it’s actually just political opportunism.

But that isn’t what is happening here. These kids, led by a couple freaks that could easily become shooters themselves someday (see below), organized a solitary, preventable incident into a well-funded national movement in mere days. This is not what emotionally traumatized high school kids naturally do. They did not sit down after a frightening shooting, review history & American civics and come to the well-reasoned, impartial conclusion that the problem was Nick Cruz’s gun rather than Nick Cruz.

They’ve been weaponized by Leftists who probably planned the shooting given local law enforcement’s amazing corruption and incompetence. CNN documents the weaponization process:

They took immediate action

Within days of the February 14 shooting, the students made clear that thoughts and prayers were not enough for them — they wanted concrete legislative solutions to the epidemic of mass shootings and an end to the influence of the National Rifle Association.

Yeeeah. Within days of an unexpected incident, ordinary schoolkids wanted “concrete legislative solutions and an end to the NRA”. Because the shooter was Charleton Heston? Because kids killing kids is currently legal? Journalists, we ordinary Americans are not nearly as stupid as you want to believe.

They engaged with the media

National news outlets descended on Parkland to cover the shooting. They found survivors willing to relive the most terrifying moments of their lives and connect them to policies on gun violence.

Seniors David Hogg, an aspiring broadcast journalist, and Gonz?lez, president of her school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, remained poised and eloquent as they fielded reporters’ questions.

Terrified survivors remained poised and eloquent? Sheesh. Let’s discuss Hogg and Gonzales. Better yet, let’s look at them:

High school senior David Hogg. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
David Hogg Arrest Photo

David Guyton Hogg, mugshot for arrest of meth/cocaine possession at age 26 in 2016. (Photo: Anderson City PD, SC). Aspiring broadcast journalist, you say? He’s certainly going to the right parties. By the way, his father is reportedly an FBI agent.

Huge hat tip to Vox Day & commenter Dirk Manly.

Image result for parkland gonzales

Emma Gonzales, genetic female and proud champion of sexual perversion. I would not trust her to use the correct bathroom, let alone to lead schoolkids… except into a panel van.

Pro-tip to the slow class, any woman who shaves her head bald is sexually damaged beyond all hope. Androgyny is a work of the devil. God made us male & female; Satan made us what the fuck is that thing?

So, this children’s movement is being led by President Fagzealous and a cokehead who is ten years too old to have even been a student at the shooting. In fact, that news just broke:

Another hat tip to Vox Day. He’s been tearing it up lately, ‘it’ being the media’s false narratives. Back to the CNN article:

They announced plans to march

By February 18, the students put everyone on notice: They planned to march for their lives in Washington on March 24.

From the start, they pledged to center students’ voices as gun violence survivors and future voters and invited teens across the country to join them.

Future voters. Oh, somebody is being too honest about their motivations.

The march had three primary demands:
– Pass a law to ban the assault weapons;
– Stop the sale of high-capacity magazines;
– Implement laws that require background checks on all gun purchases, including online and at gun shows.

What a coincidence that this group of concerned students just happened to decide upon the exact same agenda that adult gun-banners have been pushing for 30+ years. The kids are obviously reading someone else’s script. “No more guns in schools” would have been a plausible campaign. Even “No more boys in schools” would’ve been plausible. But “register all gun show purchases”? Would the shooting not have happened had we known whether Cruz had purchased his guns at a gun show? For pity’s sake, this blog knows where Cruz got some of his guns. No central registry of gun owners needed.

They raised funds

A GoFundMe campaign to support the rally raised more than $1.7 million in three days on top of $2 million in private donations from Hollywood personalities including George and Amal Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

People are such emotional sheep. “Oh, those poor little kids” *donate donate donate*. Out of curiosity, did any pro-gun Hollywood personalities donate? Oh, that’s right, the last one was Tom Selleck.

They built excitement through small victories

While some shooting victims were still hospitalized and funerals were beginning, students boarded a bus to the state capitol for a lobbying day. …

On March 14, one month after the shooting, scores of students across the United States walked out of class to honor the 17 victims and make sure that calls for change take into account the broader context of gun violence.

More than gun control agitprop, I wonder if the Parkland shooting was staged as part of a coordinated effort to mobilize schoolchildren for political exploitation. Leftoid exploitation only, of course. It’s the Marxists and parasites who use children as human shields and mouthpieces, twisting their innocence and inexperience for the most selfish of purposes. They are how a loving God could build a place like Hell.

They welcomed support

As #NeverAgain supporters set their sights on the Washington rally, partner organizations stepped up.

And there it is. The Leftoid puppetmasters who arranged the Parkland shooting come out of the closet to claim their reward. Fresh voters with fresh sob stories.

Children and young adults lack the maturity, self-reliance and experience to be meaningful participants in civic government. Public schools are certainly not teaching them well enough to allow a head start. Therefore, whenever you see a “student movement” or busload of student protesters, ignore the kids and look at who’s pulling their strings. Hint, you’re looking for an atheist because those who fear God fear to exploit children for selfish gain.

A closing thought, I don’t agree with conservatives that arming teachers is a good idea. If teachers need guns to protect themselves from the children they teach then they have failed as completely as a teacher is able to. Shut down public education. It’s doing far more harm to kids than good and now, it’s being turned into the Hitler Youth.

Remember the Alamitos

I delayed this post in order to document the fallout.

Los Alamitos might try to opt out of California’s new sanctuary law.

The City Council in Orange County’s second-smallest city is scheduled to vote Monday, March 19 on an ordinance that calls for exempting itself from the California Values Act, SB54, a new law that limits cooperation between law enforcement and immigration authorities.

The state law, which took effect Jan. 1, .may be in direct conflict with federal laws and the Constitution of the United States,. reads the proposed local law.

Stating that council members have taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, the ordinance says the council “finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States” and at the same time be in compliance with the new state law.

Well, well. It’s a tiny place but finally, a bit of pushback against an open declaration of treason against the Federal Government of the United States.


The County of Orange and several cities in Southern California soon might join Los Alamitos in its bid to opt out of a controversial state law that limits cooperation with federal immigration officials.

Officials with the county as well as leaders in Aliso Viejo and Buena Park said Tuesday they plan to push for various versions of the anti-sanctuary ordinance approved in Los Alamitos late Monday by a 4-1 vote of that city council.

.There’s a pretty good amount of cities interested and they want to know about the process,. said Los Alamitos Mayor Troy Edgar, who spent Tuesday fielding calls and e-mails from officials in other cities and others interested in the push. …

Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel soon plans to introduce an opt-out ordinance to the county Board of Supervisors, her spokeswoman said in an e-mail. …

In Aliso Viejo, Mayor Dave Harrington said his council plans to discuss similar action at its April 4 meeting. …

Buena Park Councilwoman Beth Swift said she plans to request at the next council meeting for the issue to be placed on a future agenda for discussion.

Robin Hvidston, executive director of the Claremont-based We the People Rising, said she has heard from residents in Upland and Fullerton who want to approach their councils to suggest the same.

Another city that had been discussing something similar, even before Los Alamitos. vote, is Huntington Beach, according to Assemblyman Travis Allen, a Republican who represents both Huntington Beach and Los Alamitos.

So, what does it take to push back against illegal immigration and the traitors who prosper from it?

More than half of Los Alamitos. 11,700 residents are white and about 2,700 are Latino, according to census data. The median household income is close to $81,000.

My additional research:

Buena Park, 25% white, median household income $70k, 45% English-speaking, 37% foreign-born

Aliso Viejo, 61% white, $103k, 72% English, 21% foreigner

Huntington Beach, 64% white, $85k, 78% English, 17% foreigner

Fullerton, 34% white, $67k, 53% English, 32% foreigner

Claremont: 53% white, $94k, 71% English, 19% foreigner

The obviously consistent statistic is the median household income is well above the national average of $55k. This should be partly attributed to California having a higher cost of living but even so, it’s significant. It’s also notable that English-speakers are 20 points higher than white demographics, indicating Latinos who successfully assimilate into the American way of life (enough to at least communicate).

Some other cities for comparison:

Pico Rivera, recently covered here and next to Kevin De Leon’s area: 6% white, 57k, 29% English-speaking, 32% foreign-born

Paso Robles, wine country: 56% white, $62k, 70% English, 18% foreigner

Bakersfield, central valley: 35% white, $59k, 59% English, 19% foreigner

Oakland: 27% white, $58k, 60% English, 27% foreigner

Redding in the Land of Jefferson: 79% white, $45k, 90% English, 6% foreigner

Demographics taken from


Shining The Light

In a post on climate change activism, Fabius Maximus asks an age-old question: “When will activists learn?”

My answer: the activists already know they’re wrong. They’re outright lying about climate change. They lie because it justifies what they want to accomplish, generally totalitarian government control of society. When this lie stops working, they’ll invent a new lie and keep going. That is The Narrative in a nutshell.

At the time he made his famous movie, Al “Inconvenient Truth” Gore owned four mansions and three private jets. There are dictators of banana republics with smaller carbon footprints. He knew he was a hypocrite preaching lies. He didn’t care because he was winning, because the movie was profitable and popular.

You can’t win by proving these people wrong. You can only win by proving they’re Evil. Prove them wrong and they’ll either ignore you if the lie still works or change to a different lie if it doesn’t. Just like “climate change” used to be “global warming”.

Prove them Evil and then they can’t get away with any lies. But once you get people thinking about Good & Evil, well, that’s a problem if you are not very Good yourself. The Republican who get elected by mortgaging some of his soul isn’t going to confront a Democrat for mortgaging all of hers. Instead, he’ll find a way to defeat his opponent without daring to even say why she needs to be defeated in the first place. Good vs. Evil slouches into Us vs. Them because nobody cares to be too honest.

This is how Satan does business. Everybody is partially Evil and therefore unwilling to expose worse Evil. The darkness hates the light.

To expose the Evil in this world, one must first confront the Evil in himself. Then he can denounce other people’s Evil with integrity, having made peace with Good. That is, with God. The light hates the darkness.

This is every man’s fate. Light or Dark. Heaven or Hell. Either the one single Truth or any of ten million Lies. Compared to this choice of final destination, worldly success is meaningless.

This is why exposing the deeds of wicked men works. It honors Christ, thwarts Satan and forces humans to pick a side already.




Bring It, Glosoli

For my 101st blog post, I challenge Glosoli to a debate on whether God approves of polygamy and, optionally, whether I am a modern-day Pharisee. This sort of thing is how we Protestants do business so rest assured, it’ll be a fair debate. After all, if you’re right then I can get lots more sex than I do right now.

Awaiting your convenience.