Stick Some Christ In That Female-Led Revival

We live in one of Christianity’s darkest hours over the last two thousand years. The entire Church closed its doors because the government claimed there was a weird disease going around… the same Church that stayed open during Justinian’s Plague AND the Black Death. Child molestation and genital mutilation have gone from horrific crimes to formal government policy in barely a decade. Marriage is GONE. Fatherhood is a crime. Female rebellion against men, aka Original Sin, is the one and only civil right. Men have lost their careers and been court-martialed for refusing to submit their God-given bodies to plague merchants enjoying blanket liability. Clergy pride themselves on obedience to the State. Entire denominations align with the synagogue of Satan. The Pope isn’t Catholic.

What would a revival look like in Current Year? My guess would be…

…”Not a free concert.”

A nonstop revival breaks out at Kentucky college. Now, it’s viral on TikTok

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By Haadiza Ogwude for Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 February 2023

A religious service at a Christian college in Kentucky has captured the attention of social media users across the globe.

During a scheduled chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, Feb. 8, a religious revival broke out. Over a week later, the service is still going strong, with folks traveling from as far as Singapore to join.

Videos of students participating in the nonstop prayer and worship service have made their way to social media, sparking international attention. As of Feb. 16, posts with the #AsburyRevival hashtag have generated 34.5 million views on TikTok.

The service experienced its largest crowd yet Feb. 14, with over 3,000 attendees, two-thirds of which were from out of state, NBC reports. The crowd was so large the revival had to expand to four additional facilities in the college town.

Sigh, Christian revival does not resemble a flash mob.

We all have Bibles, yes? We have dozens of recorded encounters with the supernatural. Ecstasy and joy are the rarest outcomes. I look for spontaneous confessions because increased awareness of our internal darkness is a routine consequence of exposure to the divine.

Whoever became a Christian thinking it would be FUN? Our most common symbol is the Roman equivalent to the hangman’s noose. Christ did it, now it’s your turn! …yeah, it’s kind of a downer. But it’s also the truth and worth the cost.

Skeptics often view revivals as “manifestations of superstition, hysteria and social contagion,” per the Lexington Herald Leader. Others view them as reactions to major social events. But for believers, revivals are renewals of a person’s faith.

Yeah, basically. Which is why I’m suspicious. Out-of-state tourists don’t need to fly in to Asbury, Kentucky, to get their lives back on track with God, and one-off events rarely do the trick anyway.

Is repentance and confession happening?

Line Stretches Half a Mile as the Fruit of Revival Is on Display at Asbury: ‘A Very, Very Healing Experience’

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By Wendy Griffith, 17 February 2023

WILMORE, Kentucky . The revival at Asbury University is now in its 10th day as thousands of people continue to make the spiritual pilgrimage to this town in hopes of encountering more of God.

The revival is now officially in overflow mode with the line of people to get inside stretching nearly a half mile long. CBN News spoke with folks from all over the country who were waiting patiently to get into Hughes Auditorium here at Asbury so they can experience revival for themselves.

Andrew Hager of Lexington, Kentucky said, “God is here! God is here and He’s working right now, come and get you some, you hear me.”

Yeeeah… I gotta get me some Jeebus goo before it goes out of style. On second thought, who’s Andrew Hagar and why is he offering me a hit?

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14 December 2022

VERSAILLES, Ky. (LEX 18) . Andrew Hager has turned his life around from decades of drug addiction and crime.

Hager now focuses on helping people heal from the disease of addiction. He spent decades in jails throughout central Kentucky for more than 20 years. Next February will mark nine years clean and sober.

“Oh, it makes me so proud,” said Woodford County Jailer Michele Rankin. “It makes me so proud.”

Rankin knows Hager from his days as an inmate. Now, he returns to the Woodford County Detention Center to inspire current inmates that they can live more promising and fulfilling lives.

That’s nice. Honestly, it is. But… ever notice that all clergy are from one of two moulds? Either clerical work was their goal from an early age, and Scripture alone should be sufficient warning about the behavior of formal priesthoods, or they’re broken men who with the Holy Spirit’s help, find the strength to maintain a daily routine.

What about us righteous men who were ruined for doing right? There’s not a single clergyman from our ranks.

Other than Artur Pawlowski.

Mark Vaught came from Cincinnati, Ohio. “When I was saved I got the Holy Spirit, but always looking for more and really hoping when I walk through the doors, it’s poured out on me,” he told CBN News.

Not revival.

Daniel Moye, a 24-year-old Asbury Seminary student, told us, “It’s been a really hard couple of years, and not just for me but for a lot of my friends, and I just felt like the Lord was releasing me from a lot of bitterness and anger that I’ve had just about all kinds of stuff, even some of it towards God and so I would say for me personally, the biggest word I can use is that it’s been a very, very healing experience for me.”

No course correction. No repentance. Not revival.

21-year-old Student Body President Allison Perfater was there when revival broke out.

“You just didn’t want to leave. It’s not that anyone was saying ‘oh let’s see how long we can last,’ we just didn’t want to go. I came in, I had a lot of like anger issues and like really struggled with my anger and I was able to talk with God first and that never would have happened on my own time,” she said.

SHE said?

Had this been a genuine revival, President Allison would have resigned immediately, quit school and begun wearing a head covering. There is no place in Christianity for female leaders, full stop.

Instead, she gave an interview to Tucker Carlson.

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson described the nonstop Christian meeting that has been taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, as “amazing” on his Wednesday program, adding it is a much-needed counterweight to all the evil in the world.

Yeah, baby, some feel-goodism will put those Cultural Marxists in their place!

Carlson interviewed Alison Perfater, the student body president at the university, to get her firsthand account of what exactly is happening.

He began the segment arguing it’s getting harder and harder not to categorize all that is happening in the world in theological terms, like good and evil.

And a lot of things out there are “just evil..

.And the good news is a lot of people are starting to think about what happens when you die, and they’re becoming much more interested in the spiritual life, which has been basically extinguished in the public square for a long time,. Carlson contended.

A brief time, actually. It’s hard to believe how fast things are happening.

Carlson confirmed that the whole thing began during a regular chapel service when a young man got up and transparently confessed some of his sins. The atmosphere then changed.

Okay, that could be the start of a legit revival. But I suspect he wasn’t confessing sodomy and plagiarism, but rather, being attracted to girls that didn’t like him. Must be the cynic in me.

Meanwhile, Perfater meeting with Carlson is consistent with reports that this is a student-led revival. Children running the show is a bad sign. Student LGBT activists have attacked at Asbury in the recent past, for example staging a walkout in October 2022, so this could easily be a form of Convergence.

.That.s completely what happened,. Perfater answered. .For seemingly no reason at first on Wednesday, February 8 it didn’t end. That’s kind of the logistical side of what’s been going on..

.On the deeper side of things, what’s been happening here since Wednesday is there’s a young army of believers who are rising to claim Christianity, the faith, as their own, as a young generation and as a free generation, and that’s why people cannot get enough,. she said.

.That.s amazing,. Carlson responded, adding that “everything finds equilibrium..

Perhaps he meant the younger generation had been pushed so hard by institutions toward a secular, statist worldview, there was bound to be a counter-reaction.

This Jeebus party is not what the counter-reaction will look like. There will be a high death toll. All the thieves and rebels, feral woman and murdering bureaucrats, there is only one righteous punishment for many of their crimes.

Christianity is not a joke. It’s not Sunday Morning Nightclub for skanks. It’s not forgiveness for the unrepentant. God only knows when the tide of wickedness will turn, but it WILL turn.

Perfater offered that the lockdowns of 2020 impacted her generation a lot.

.And so you have to wonder, .What’s going to break?. In this case, the Holy Spirit has interceded for us here at Asbury and across the nation,. she said.

As bad as the Plandemic was for kids, it’s not as bad as the idea that female leadership is a good thing in Christian contexts. All that the Sodomites, spiteful mutants and bureaucrats have done, was take advantage of the opportunity presented by mass apostasy in the form of female empowerment.

THAT is when we’ll have revival. When boring, righteous men are great again, and Student Body President Alison is ashamed of her past as a false man.

Straining A Signal From The Movie White Noise

Fair warning, I don’t reach a satisfying conclusion. But the journey has merit regardless.

It’s been a long-running question, how much of the dystopian media produced by Hollywood over the last several decades has been predictive programming. The question is no longer academic, with the revelation that the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio was a reenactment of the just-released movie White Noise.

Was the movie a gloat about what was planned, or was the real event inspired by the movie? I don’t have an angle on the latter… but if it was a gloat, the people who funded & developed White Noise might be literally credited with it.

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White Noise is a 2022 absurdist comedy-drama film, written and directed by Noah Baumbach, adapted from the 1985 novel with the same title by Don DeLillo. It is Baumbach’s first directed feature not to be based on an original story of his own.

We practically started with a smoking gun!

White Noise had its world premiere at the 79th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2022, and was released in select cinemas on November 25, 2022, before its streaming release on December 30, by Netflix.

In 1984, Jack Gladney is a professor of “Hitler studies” (a field he founded) at the College-on-the-Hill in Ohio. Despite his specialism, he speaks no German and is secretly taking basic lessons to prepare for a speech he is due to give at a conference. Jack is married to Babette, his fourth wife. Together, they raise a blended family with four children: Heinrich and Steffie, from two of Jack’s previous marriages; Denise, from Babette’s previous marriage; and Wilder, a child they conceived together. Denise spies on Babette and finds her secret prescription stash of Dylar, a mysterious drug not in the usual records. Jack experiences a dream about a mysterious man trying to kill him, alluding to an earlier conversation with Babette focused on their mutual fear of death. Jack’s colleague, Murray Siskind, a professor of American culture, wishes to develop a similarly niche field, “Elvis studies,. and convinces Jack to help him. They briefly become rivals as competition between their courses arises.

Hmm. This is supposed to be a departure from Baumbach’s normal movie-making?

There are two Hollywoods; you might well have never noticed. One is mainstream culture; adventures, comedies, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney, the stuff you think about when you think Hollywood. The other is specifically and uniquely Jewish culture. Neuroticism, paranoia and dysfunctional sexualities galore. The best indicator of the latter is when a movie you never heard of wins a millions awards, the critics rave about it and nobody you know has even seen it advertised. That’s because it wasn’t made for you, goyim.

You might think there’s crossover; you have no idea how different they are. I was once talked into screening Talented Mr. Ripley. It’s the heartwarming story of a professional identity thief being hired to body-double for a trust fund baby wasting his life on the Italian coast. Trust Fundie wants the thief to pose as him to his family so he can continue indulging hard drugs & loose women despite his bankster family’s concerns. Unfortunately, the identity thief falls into homosexual obsession with Trust Fundie and ends up murdering him in a rage of unrequited love, assuming his identity and forced (thief being homo) to fornicate with his favorite woman as the police close in on his masturbatory double life.

Noah Baumbach is of that second Hollywood.

However, their lives are disrupted when a cataclysmic train accident casts a cloud of chemical waste over the town. This “Airborne Toxic Event” forces a massive evacuation, which leads to a major traffic jam on the highway. Jack drives to a gas station to refill his car, where he is inadvertently exposed to the cloud. The family and numerous others are forced into quarantine at a summer camp. Murray supplies Jack with a small palm-sized pistol to protect himself against the more dangerous survivalists in the camp. One day, chaos ensues when multiple families desperately try to escape the camp. The Gladneys almost make it out but ultimately end up with their car floating in the river. They later arrive in Iron City, where they encounter a man who rants about the lack of media attention on the evacuees and spots Jack, claiming he had seen him before looking at him. After nine days, the family manages to return home. However, since Jack was briefly exposed to the chemical waste, his fear of death becomes exacerbated.

Well, doesn’t that sound familiar. The synopsis devolves into hallucinations and hysteria, finally ending in a dance number. So says Wikipedia. I will not be screening this.

White Noise had its world premiere as the opening film of the 79th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2022, and also served as the opening film for the 2022 New York Film Festival on September 30. It also screened at the 31st Philadelphia Film Festival in October 2022. The film was theatrically released in the United States by Netflix on November 25, 2022, before its streaming release on December 30.

I’m not sure how well it ran with mainstream audiences. Rotten Tomatoes said 6.4/10. But its being the opener of two major, insider film festivals is curious.

The movie rights got passed around since at least 2004 per Wikipedia, which argues against this being a gloat; it was a movie that Hollyweird wanted to do for a long time. It was finally done by Noah Baumbach who claims he was inspired by Covid. That suggests the Ohio Derailment was premeditated for at least three years.

Noah Baumbach on White Noise and Psychotropic Fantasies of the 1980s

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By Erik Morse, 27 December 2022

Noah Baumbach’s White Noise opens like many so-called metafilms: with a movie within a movie. The image of a whirring reel projector dissolves into a supercut of automobile collisions. But these images are not of “real” accidents; rather, they are action sequences from other movies, cropped and sutured together to produce a tribute to the great American car crash. .Don’t think of a car crash in a movie as a violent act,. intones the tweedy Professor Murray Siskind… .No, these collisions are part of a long tradition of American optimism. The movie moves away from complicated human passions to show us something elemental, something loud and fiery and head-on.. There is a wonderful, brimming spirit of innocence and fun..

Ominous. America burning but we deserve it, because we’re easily distracted? And the violence we see is secretly fake?

The time and place of White Noise is the peak of the Reagan revolution in the fictional, middle-American college town of Blacksmith, home to upwardly mobile suburban families like the Gladneys, made up of patriarch Jack, a paunchy humanities professor at the nearby College-on-the-Hill, where he heads the highly prized Hitler Studies program…

Obsession/projection much? “Here’s a stable, typical, middle-class American who life is all about Hitler.”

…Babette, his loving wife.with a distinctively curled coiffure.who teaches posture to local geriatrics; and their horde of manic children, who are assembled from previous, failed marriages.

Dysfunctional sexuality, check.

But there are troubling secrets beneath the veneer of the Gladney household, including Babette’s mysterious pill regimen and Jack’s shameful lack of fluency in German, which he learns sub rosa from an eccentric local. And then there are the sinister nightmares that Jack has.

Neuroticism, check. Drugs.

Jack remains unfazed by the looming disaster and assures the family that nothing bad ever happens in Blacksmith. .It’s the poor and uneducated who suffer the main impact of natural and man-made disasters,. he tells Babette between discussions over the dinner menu. .Did you ever see a college professor rowing a boat down his own street in one of those TV floods?.

But the cloud’s growth eventually sends it over the town, forcing the Gladneys and the rest of Blacksmith to scramble into their station wagons.just like in a TV-scripted disaster.

One point for gloating. “Disaster only happens to other people. OH NO, disaster just happened to us!”

Vogue Magazine caption: Adam Driver as Jack and Greta Gerwig as Babette in White Noise.

My caption: That’s the marriage of Noah’s parents. Dad was Jewish, Mom was Protestant. This film has a big-nosed guy with a visually American wife? Hmm. Noah’s parents divorced when Noah was young and, I glance over his movie credits, Noah never recovered.

Noah had a child with Greta Gerwig in 2019. Then he cast her as another man’s wife in his White Noise. Are you getting the neurotic sexual dysfunction vibe yet?

In fact, the elder Baumbach hovers over the themes of fatherhood and family that have always been integral to his son’s work, particularly 2005.s The Squid and the Whale, a semi-autobiographical domestic drama that examined parental-adolescent relationships and the traumas rent by divorce. .The theme of divorce was a way to explore the family bubble in a few of my movies,. he says. .The lengths that people go to defend themselves or their families or children from perceived or unperceived dangers of the outside while ignoring the fissures that are occurring inside..

QED. Textbook neuroticism. More projection. Eternal hatred of outsiders, especially if the outsiders have happy families.

Which argues against Noah knowing about the movie being a gloat. His long & successful media career makes him unlikely to hold affiliation with the agents responsible for the Derailment. He’s already found an outlet for his frustrations.

Heh, the ((Squid)) and the Protestant Whale.

…Baumbach says that he was intrigued by [author] DeLillo’s status as a fellow urbanite chronicling the mores of suburban America. He calls it an “outsider look at the country.. .DeLillo.was an Italian from the Bronx writing about suburban life, and I’m from Brooklyn and Jewish..

Yet another immigration fail.

My conclusion is that if White Noise was a premediated gloat, it’s one that its producer didn’t know about. Baumbach is just a damaged person who made a career of projecting his internal insecurities onto a country that should hate his people but doesn’t.

So then, who gave him the idea for the train derailment context? Let’s follow the money.

Noah Baumbach on His Ambitious “White Noise. Budget and What the Film Says About America Today

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By Eric Kohn, 30 September 2022

It might seem like a stretch to insert the themes of DeLillo’s oddball novel, which was so rooted in its time, into a 21st-century context. But the material invites big swings, including Baumbach’s own efforts to transform a book that for years has been considered unfilmable into a beguiling movie odyssey as strange and unclassifiable as its source.

Previous attempts to adapt “White Noise” by James L. Brooks and Barry Sonnenfeld went nowhere, and the director of grounded dramedies like “Marriage Story” and “Greenberg” might not seem like the obvious fit to figure it out. Baumbach, however, was drawn to the way the novel merged analytical thinking with otherworldly twists, because the latter provided a template for the former…

One way that movie may have seemed unreal was its scale. Reports of the Netflix production having a budget that stretched past $80 . 100 million has led to much speculation about where that money was going. Some of that is evident on the screen, from an explosive train crash to a car chase through the woods that takes more than few surprising twists and the scariest CGI cloud this side of “Nope.” Baumbach also shot the movie on 35mm anamorphic film, which isn’t exactly the most cost-effective approach.

.Netflix was great and gave us the support we needed to make the movie,. Baumbach said. .The book has this airborne toxic event, which is a big spectacle, and it becomes a big movie as a result.” He added that the streamer, which produced Baumbach’s last two movies, knew what it was getting into.

The money trail ends at Netflix. They wanted this movie to happen badly enough to throw money at it. Those last two movies…

[2019] Marriage Story: Noah Baumbach’s incisive and compassionate look at a marriage breaking up and a family staying together.

[2017] The Meyerowitz Stories: An estranged family gathers together in New York City for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.

…are helpful only in establishing how much a disaster set in Ohio is a major break from Baumbach’s normal career of filming ((family dysfunction)) in Brooklyn. They certainly weren’t made for profit.

I get the sense that DeLillo’s book is significant to the Tribe. My last gasp is to review its original themes.

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The Fear of Death

The fear of death lies at the center of White Noise. As Babette notes when she confesses her fear to Jack, .What is more underlying than death?. Everything in the novel.from Hitler to the supermarket, from the airborne toxic event to the white noise of the novel’s title.circles back to human beings. primal, deep-seated fear of dying. DeLillo’s novel details how modern life attempts to push this fear out of sight, and yet, as in the character of Jack Gladney, the fear continues to resurface and fill us with dread.

The Tension Between Reality and Artifice

Throughout White Noise, the authentic and the artificial often blur together, and substance seems interchangeable with surface. This confusion between appearance and reality represents an essential part of Jack’s own existence. Although Jack has created a venerable, professorial persona for himself, he remains painfully aware of the total fabrication of this character.

At the same time, DeLillo satirizes postmodern human beings. inability to discern the genuine from the fabricated.

The Pervasiveness of Technology

In White Noise, the pervasive presence of technology proves both menacing and comforting. Throughout the novel, in counterpoint to the human babble of Jack’s friends, family, and neighbors, modern technology asserts itself through the humming of machines and the constant stream of media sounds and images. Technology has become as much a part of the texture of daily of life as humans are themselves.

Faceless and beyond the grasp of the individual, technology makes everyone anonymous.

A satire upon the obvious failings of postmodernism, then. We Christians suffer none of these problems: the terror of death, the tension between real and fake, and “we shall be as gods, until the lights go out.”

But I digress. DeLillo’s book is not unique, if it’s only a polemic against postmodernism.

The airborne toxic event, a dense, threatening cloud of dangerous chemicals, provides a particularly frightening image of technology gone terribly, fatally awry. Yet even this seemingly overt symbol of technology’s capacity for destruction proves more complex than it first appears, as the airborne toxic event paradoxically causes the most beautiful sunsets the region has ever seen. The chemical cloud is noxious and lethal, but it also creates beauty. When Steffie mumbles “Toyota Celica” in her sleep, a similar tension is being evoked, as a crass marketing term becomes transformed, in Jack’s eyes, into something mystical and beautiful. The phrase, which seems to represent cold, mechanized modernity, ends up expressing something primal and deeply human.

Then again, if the book describes a mass-death event as beautiful, there might be a psychopathy theme that didn’t make the Cliff’s Notes.

The Ohio Derailment frustrates me because I cannot prove what I know. The coincidences are far too much, yet the plausible deniability is solid. I could even convince myself that this was just infrastructure collapse followed by a rushed coverup, except there are no coincidences anymore. Such as this book quotation:

“The system was invisible, which makes it all the more impressive, all the more disquieting to deal with. But we were in accord, at least for now. The networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies.”

Saint Thomas Massie! He Said It!

I can’t believe a Federal legislator finally said it! But Massie did!

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“I have introduced a bill [H.R. 899] to terminate the Department of Education. There is no Constitutional authority for this federal bureaucracy to exist.”


H.R. 899

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To terminate the Department of Education.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2022.

Succinct, which makes it probably just a publicity stunt. But still, this isn’t just pissing on the Third Rail of Politics, it’s stealing a coin from the Bank of Rothschild. The devil cannot afford to have such thoughts even be entertained long enough to be rejected. That is why no Cuckservative has ever dared even to suggest this; it’s always been “let’s have school vouchers instead, so the government can get its hooks into all the private schools, too, via funding requirements. Oops, I mean, we’ll have school choice.”

I understand the Catholics require a miracle before formally declaring a Saint. If Massie pulls this off then that’ll be the miracle.

Meanwhile, I appreciate the sentiment!

The CDC’s Changing Science On Vinyl Chloride

It was bad enough that did the Ohio derailment happen in the same place where a recent Jewish-culture disaster movie was set. Now, turns out the CDC changed its mind about the hazards of vinyl chloride a month ago, for the first time since 2006. What is the significance? Did the CDC know?

The new guidance:

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The old guidance:

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A removed section:

Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health?
Vinyl chloride is regulated in drinking water, food, and air. The EPA requires that the amount of vinyl chloride in drinking water not exceed 0.002 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of water.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set a limit of 1 part vinyl chloride per 1 million parts of air (1 ppm) in the workplace.

That is consistent with the CDC expecting a massive spill in the near future. Also consistent with simply eliminating redundancy, since EPA and OSHA still regulate v.c..

A change, from:

.At high concentrations (>30,000 ppm), vinyl chloride was been shown to sensitize the heart to epinephrine, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias in dogs (Clark and Tinston 1973).

In addition, like other halogenated hydrocarbons, vinyl chloride may sensitize the heart to the effects of circulating catecholamines. Therefore, the patient’s cardiac rhythm should be monitored, and the use of isoproterenol, epinephrine, or other sympathomimetic drugs should be avoided (Haddad and Winchester 1990).


.At high concentrations (>150,000 ppm), vinyl chloride was shown to sensitize the heart to epinephrine, resulting in cardiac arrhythmias in dogs (Carr et al. 1949).

They changed the definition of “high concentration” based on an older study. Although 30k ppm is probably more than Ohio residents & wildlife will be exposed to.

The real question is long-term exposure. Then & now agree that such chronic exposure results in a specific liver cancer, like asbestos does to lungs. If the cancer rate does spike (heh) among vaxxed Ohioans then at least it’ll be a recognizable cancer.

It has been hypothesized that cardiac arrhythmia reported after vinyl chloride exposure may result from sensitization of the heart to circulatory catecholamines, as occurs with other halogenated hydrocarbons. This was demonstrated in a dog study where the EC50 for cardiac sensitization for vinyl chloride was determined to be 50,000 ppm (Clark and Tinston 1973). Cardiac sensitization by halogenated hydrocarbons generally occurs at very high air concentrations (0.5.90%) when the compounds were tested as anesthetic agents in experimental studies (Brock et al. 2003). Therefore, it appears unlikely that individuals exposed to low levels of vinyl chloride will experience these effects.

“Circulatory catecholamines” means adrenaline/epinephrine, at least for today’s purposes. They used to believe that v.c. sensitizes the heart to adrenaline but now it’s just a suggestion. Along with that change, is a reassurance that low-level exposure can’t cause heart problems. Very suspicious, when lots of people are having CDC-induced heart problems these days.

Left unchanged from 2006, is that incineration is the recommended form of disposal. The controlled burn was therefore in line with longstanding regulations, although I have trouble believing that the c.v. couldn’t be transferred to safer containers yet COULD be safely pooled and burned off.

I did some additional research on hydrochloric acid and phosgene gas, the products of c.v.’s incineration. Phosgene is a notorious lung irritant but does not remain in the body or environment. It’s probably the culprit for the early wildlife kills. Hydrochloric acid’s consequences will be first to fish stocks and then to soil acidity, critical for farming, but it shouldn’t persist unless drought conditions.

Everything stinks about the derailment but I can’t find conclusive proof a la 9/11. Turns out that derailments have been a serious problem, as expected from infrastructure collapse due to loss of skilled (white) workers and chronic neglect of preventative maintenance. Ohio even had a 97-car derailment on 17 January 2023 per Newsweek, but they were empty.

Even though the derailment is perfect modus operandi for the Agenda 2030 crowd, it sounds increasingly like an inevitability of general social decay. With several unlikely coincidences, a context of uninvestigated sabotages against the food supply and a Regime that can still make Climate Change bank off the human suffering. Hmph.

USA Begins the First Round Of Conscription… Like A Ho

The latest insanity from GAE has led me to an epiphany. The reason our rulers are detached from reality is not because they’re diabolists or war-profiteering murderers. (Not all of them, anyway.)

They’re pussies. Psychologically speaking.

Horowitz: National Guard ordering suspended unjabbed soldiers back to duty, under threat and with no back pay

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By Daniel Horowitz, 15 February 2023

Last May, a 20-year-old infantryman in a state guard unit who is the son of one of my podcast listeners, among thousands of others who chose not to inject the gene therapy, had his gear confiscated and was suspended from service. He never heard from his unit commander since then and had obviously moved on with his life, making immutable career changes. It was sad and tragic that he had to abort his military career on account of a shot that even the government concedes can cause myocarditis, particularly for young males, but it was a decision he was forced to accept.

A great evil, and one I still don’t understand. Using your military for medical guinea pigs (if not deliberately poisoning them) while trusting your military honor guards to not drill you in the back, is way more stupid than evil. As in, an evil man would never do that. He needs his enforcers… especially if he plans to slow-genocide the rest of his population.

What kind of man would harm his own bodyguards while actively making enemies? Not a good man. Not an evil man, either.

It’s scary how well that shoe fits, when one stops to think about the possibility of men rejecting Christ and patriarchy to the extent that they become feminized at the level of Proverbs 14:1. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

One supposes that it would have been too honest, had the Bidenreich imported the Chinese military to secure D.C. in the wake of J6. As it was, I’m surprised that no fraggings or revolts happened. The likes of Schiff were so eyes-rolled-back, spittle-spewing deranged that they forced those Guardsmen to live in unheated parking garages for the winter of 2020… as punishment for them maybe having voted for Trump.

It remains the greatest display of guilty conscience that I have ever seen. They knew they were guilty. They acted guilty though none pursued. The accusations they projected were like self-indictments. My ultimate… final… impression…

…is that they wanted to be punished. They wanted the Guardsmen to turn on them. Yes, it would have justified their accusations after the fact, but that would not have helped them escape D.C. under the very Trump-Supporter martial law that they ordered, now would it have? The winners would not have been kind while writing the history books. “They ordered us to put them behind razor wire then bullied us until we snapped. Honest! We have video!”

More and more, as I watch Cabal behavior… sabotaging entire industries, mutilating children, betraying allies while planning two-front global thermonuclear war… either they’re diabolists driven insane by desperate haste, and they can’t all be demon-possessed like that, or they’re trying to provoke somebody into stopping them.

The only way to know, is if they whisper “thank you” at the gallows.

Out of nowhere, the 20-year-old discharged soldier received a memorandum from his commander titled, .Notification of Return to Duty Requirements for Soldiers Not Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19..

…The memo begins by referencing the change in policy and first inviting the rejected soldier to come back and resume participation in regular drills and training. Well, that is a reasonable invitation. It would have been nice to offer back pay, but it’s a nice gesture to reinvite them, nonetheless. However, the letter continues to emphatically clarify that this is not a mere invitation; it’s an order. .If you fail to participate in training on or after 20 March 2023 without an approved STA or other exemption you will be considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and may become subject to MCMJ or other adverse administration actions..

That has got to be an anomaly. They couldn’t poss… -hic- They absolutely could be that stupid and probably are.

Indeed, it is true that the January 18 memorandum referenced by this letter seemed to indicate that they can be ordered back to duty. “All currently serving nonfederalized Army National Guard and Air National Guard members who are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19, but are otherwise qualified and eligible are no longer prohibited from, and may be directed to resume participation in drills, training and/or other duty conducted under Title 32,. states the memorandum from National Guard Bureau Chief Daniel Hokanson. (Emphasis added.)

However, this is scandalous for the unelected National Guard leadership to take a statute passed by Congress and signed by the president terminating the vaccine mandate, and then order those cast away to return against their will. And to add insult to injury, there is no back pay.

Is GAE engineering a military revolt & tribunal against itself? Because this would be how to do it. Treat military personnel with a conscienceless sadism so complete, that incarceration will no longer be a deterrent.

Do our rulers in D.C. have the exact same mindset as a harpy smashing the family heirlooms because her husband refuses to discipline her?

This revelation comes amid widespread reports that the military leadership continues to discriminate against unvaccinated soldiers. While they are no longer being discharged, deployments, travel, and honors are affected, as well as continuing other restrictions.

Vote harder! HARDER! Speaker McCarthy commands you! Trust the Science!

Yeah, no. This is straight-up conscription & slavery. Like Christianity, the situation is easy to understand and hard to accept:

Cabal: “We need more bodies in uniform to maintain control of our global empire. However, recruitment is way down since we mandated sodomy and involuntary genetic experimentation. We’re vulnerable! Either you find a solution or I find another ass-kissing sycophant.”

Ass-Kissing Pentagon Sycophant: “Technically speaking, those unvaxxed soldiers that we got rid of several years ago are still under military authority. We’ll just reactivate them.”

Cabal: “Exxxcelent! They’re disciplined and already trained! But they’re also Christians willing to suffer for their beliefs. I want them maltreated and shamed and sodomized. After you give them their guns and tanks back, you break their spirits, understand? NO BACK PAY!”

It’s hard to accept that they can be so self-destructively, malignantly, stupidly evil, unless they subconsciously want the predictable consequences.

Even the guilty would be happier, although they might never admit it. There is supposed to be justice in this world, after all; why else does injustice upset us?

The Psychology Of Lapel Pins

Continuing my development of the Totalitarian concept, the Hollow Man, let’s talk about symbology, an important and overlooked psychological topic. Humans have always identified themselves using symbols… uniforms, flags, mannerisms, architecture, even attributing meanings to simple colors. God himself took a nationless clan and turned them into history’s biggest, most stiff-necked metaphor. Open the Bible to a random page, drop a coin on it and you’ll probably hit something symbolic.

Our choice of symbols is a form of self-expression. People cannot see our beliefs and loyalties, and explaining them to everybody would be very time-consuming. It’s easier to display a symbol. I would wear the American flag to show my citizenship, or the Gadsden flag to show my dissident political leanings. Or the Ukrainian flag, if I was a spiteful mutant wanting my people to be ethnic-cleansed by an transnational death cult.

That is all simple and obvious. So I thought, until this minor scandal hit a nerve among the Hive-minded.

.Absolutely Repulsive.: Some House Republicans Are Now Wearing an Assault Weapon Lapel Pin

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By David Badash, 2 February 2023

At least three House Republicans this week began wearing pins in the shape of an assault weapon on their clothing. U.S. Rep. George Santos (R-NY), U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), and U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) were all caught on camera with the pins, leading some to express outrage.

U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA) was among the first to circulate images of the two Republicans wearing the pins.

.Where are these assault weapon pins coming from? Who is passing these out?. he asked.

Why do you care, Gomez? Serious question. George Santos in particular is a pathological liar and deceiver with enough insider-status that it took an honestly bipartisan outrage just to get him removed from his committee assignments. He’s also a textbook example why I just cannot stop thinking the pejorative “pedoface”. In other words, he’s a gun rights activist like Satan is an angel of light: giving the appearance just long enough to gain a dishonest, momentary advantage. Santos wearing a rifle lapel pin means literally nothing.

Aaron Fritschner, the Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director for U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), captured an image of Congressman Clyde wearing the pin on his tie.

Uhh… Aaron secretly snapped a picture of Clyde secretly displaying his loyalty to the Second Amendment, while Clyde was speaking in chamber next to a sign saying “shall not be infringed”? This is comparable to a nutcase proclaiming that John Kerry secretly gave a Masonic gesture while speaking at Davos about how best to starve humanity down to “sustainable numbers”.

Not exactly a big reveal. To me. But what about to Hollow Men? What do they see?

.Absolutely repulsive,. Duke University Professor of Global Health and Public Policy, Gavin Yamey said in response to the assault weapon pins. .We have mass shootings almost daily, and the Republicans are wearing assault weapon pins FFS..

One of the Members wearing the pins, Congresswoman Luna, on Wednesday also participated in a House Natural Resources panel debate to push back on Democrats. attempt to ban firearms inside the Committee’s hearing room.

She tweeted later, .The same Democrats who are voting to send firearms to Ukraine are telling me I can’t carry one..

Oookay… politics aside, Luna is using symbols to express her internal beliefs, in a context where those beliefs are relevant. This is normal behavior.

And continuing to ignore politics, the Hive triggered HARD about this:

U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) also pointed to National Gun Violence Survivors Week. .While gun violence continues to be the leading cause of death for children in our country, @GOP members are wearing assault rifle pins during #GVSurvivorsWeek. Shameful..

American historian of Christianity Diana Butler Bass did not mince words: “Always said it was just a matter of time before the GOP replaced the cross with an assault rifle. Guns are their god..

Democratic Texas state Rep. Gene Wu said the GOP .has stopped playing coy and is now openly and unabashedly praising mass shooters. Will there be special versions to celebrate specific mass shootings?.

Professor of International Relations Nicholas Grossman said: .Legislators from party that defends recent coup attempt by their up-til-recently.and possibly leader replace traditional patriotic flag pin with a pin depicting a rifle..

California state Sen. Dave Min weighed in, saying, .The debate over 2A [the Second Amendment] has never been about 2A. It’s about “disrupting” civilized society as we know it, and trolling the ordinary Americans concerned about our insane levels of gun violence. That’s why it’s the biggest assholes who are most loudly touting irresponsible gun access..

The addition of the assault weapon pins to Republican Members. clothing comes on the heels of U.S. Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) distributing grenades to fellow Members last week. In a note he declared they are “inert.”

Snicker, I missed “Grenade-gate”. I can see why that stunt would make some people uncomfortable.

But lapel pins being worn by gun rights advocates? It was Democrats who started the trend of wearing lapel pins. Why aren’t they priding themselves on being “influencers”?

Let’s ask a credentialed expert:

Sociology professor and author Samuel Perry observed, .Republican members of congress are wearing AR-15 lapel pins. That’s not just tone deaf. We find Republicans value gun rights more than any other right, including freedom of speech or religion. No need for a flag or cross pin. The gun is both their patriotic & religious symbol..

My current conception of the Hollow Man is he has an inverted soul. Instead of his behavior being expressions of his internal beliefs, he protects his body by behaving however the Hive requires, which makes the possession of ANY internal beliefs impossible because they get contradicted from one Narrative to the next. As Luna tweeted, “The same Democrats who are voting to send firearms to Ukraine are telling me I can’t carry one.”

It would follow, then, that while Normals wear lapel pins to communicate who they are, the Hollow wear lapel pins to DEFINE who they are. Such symbols are marks of ownership… brands upon the Social Justice Warrior.

An interesting experiment: keep a necklace or lapel pin of the Cross in your pocket. The next time you talk to a Social Justice type about Christ, pull it out and put in on after a minute of conversation. I bet it would shut them up faster than anything you might say, because while words are nothing to them but spell components to control other people, a worn symbol is a fait accompli of unchallengeable beliefs.

That explains why the SJWs are freaking out over AR-15 lapel pins like they didn’t when 2A advocates were merely stating their beliefs and even legislating their beliefs. The SJWs thought they still had an opening… that they could lie and deceive those advocates.

But now that he’s wearing a symbol of rifles, they believe that Rep. Clyde has changed religions from Christ to “shall not be infringed”. That picture above? The sign was just words. Words can change. The tie pin was ownership. The Hollow Man sees that and thinks that so long as Clyde is wearing it, he’ll never be turned against the Second Amendment.

Come to think of it, my proposed experiment was already run. Back in the day… you youngsters won’t believe this… schoolteachers were required to take oaths of loyalty to the United States. It was just a scrap of paper. Basically unenforceable. But oh, the Communists HATED that loyalty oath.

I never understood that. The same people who could put their hand on a Bible and perjure themselves from here to Hades with a smug smirk on their face, freaked out about a piece of paper with their name on it saying they wouldn’t betray the USA if given the chance. Isn’t it just another lie, in a lifetime of lies?

But now, it makes sense. That paper was not a statement of loyalty, it was a symbol of loyalty. It was something that a fellow Communist could use to attack him with. Something that wouldn’t disappear with a shift in the Narrative. An objective reference point.

Lapel pins are a sign of ownership. The subject cannot change his beliefs without first ditching the lapel pin, which won’t happen during a word-spell.

And now, I understand what the freakout was regarding Musk buying Twitter. He wasn’t buying a social media company. He was buying the souls of the Hollow Men, who were recorded on Twitter supporting Current Things that are no longer the Current Thing. Those tweets were deleted but the archive is forever, and now Musk owns the archive. The Hollow Man’s true beliefs are only what is seen, so if you display his deleted tweets praising Bernie Sanders before Biden was (s)elected, you’re forcing a soulless man to have consistent and long-standing internal beliefs.

The pain must be exquisite.

Troll 11/10. Expect suicides!

Editorial: AR-15 lapel pin reveals the void in rep’s soul

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By San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board, 12 February 2023

Just reading that headline, whoa, talk about projection.

Art of the Gentleman is a sartorial website advertising itself as “home to the Gentleman Set that was curated by your resident gentlemen, sure to make your dapper days easy..

In the section on lapel pins, it says, .A lapel pin is a small pin worn on the lapel of a jacket. Lapel pins serve no functional purpose to a gentleman’s outfit rather it adds a decorative touch to the overall look..

Correct so far.

To the question “What type of lapel pin should I wear?. one of the answers is to choose one that ensures you don’t stand out at work for the wrong reason.

Huh? I’ll choose a non-political pin for work, sure, because my work is not politics. Ahh, now I see the Hollow Man’s addition… “choose one that ensures you don’t stand out at work for the wrong reason“.

The Hollow Man MUST stand out for the CORRECT reason. ESPECIALLY in a political context! Specifically, whatever reason best protects his body and its appetites.

In the U.S. Congress, members are fond of referring to each other as “the gentleman or gentlewoman from” their respective home state, even if there’s little evidence the subjects are worthy of such a dignified description.

This brings us to Republican U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde, the “gentleman” from Georgia who recently stood out for wearing a lapel pin in the shape of an AR-15. He not only wore one but handed them out to colleagues, who also wore them. This includes serial liar U.S. Rep. George Santos, R-New York.

People expressed outrage that Clyde was showcasing and celebrating a weapon of mass destruction synonymous with names like Sandy Hook, Parkland, El Paso, Buffalo and Uvalde.

The words didn’t matter. The symbol of bodily ownership mattered. A total POS can call himself honorable and no SJW complains, but when a total POS like Santos wore a lapel pin, the wailing began.

A gentleman would have considered the criticism, perhaps offered, at least, a halfhearted apology and replaced the AR-15 lapel pin with something [socialist].

Never apologize. The words don’t matter and you’re demonstrating weakness to wild animals.

[Clyde was] wrong for thinking that his sporting of the AR-15 lapel pins only bothered his Democratic colleagues. They represent something very specific and painful to families who have lost loved ones to the pulling of AR-style triggers.

Textbook Social Justice. “I am offended on behalf of people who aren’t here, did not appoint me or know I exist, and don’t even know about the offense that I believe you just committed against them, despite your claim that no offense was given or intended.”

Clyde benefits from the same free speech that has allowed grieving family members to touch the deepest reaches of our shared humanity with grace and wisdom. He has no such depth. He has triggered no one, but he has revealed his heart.

BOOM, there it is! I may be wrong about the Hollow Man… but these Hollow Men say I’m right.

No one with even a thimble of compassion or common sense can be so insensitive and clueless to fail to understand the pain that symbol brings to too many families.

The Editorial Board is speaking of their own pain, obviously. The AR-15 symbol burned them like a Cross waved at a vampire.

During President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Tuesday Night, some members of Congress wore pins in the shape of crayons to signal support for federal investment in child care.

Does the “gentleman” from Georgia understand there are hands that cannot hold crayons because of the hands that have held AR-15s?

That’s what the crayons were supposed to represent? In the context of listening to Dementia Joe run his mouth? I had no idea.

But now that I have the idea, that SJWs have this severely allergic reaction to worn symbols of political allegiance… hmm… my mind whirls at the possibilities.

University Of Wakanda Preaches Homo Jeebus

This post won’t contain any new insights, but it is a service to Christ to regularly mock and denounce the “Associate Professors Of Jeebus Was A Homo”. They grew fat and lazy on easy wins while turning the rulers of society against God… such rulers were never comfortable with the concept that they were given their authority for the benefit of the people, not themselves… but now that they’re going after the dirt proles in what they expected to be a mop-up operation, they’re encountering the prophets and Pawlowskis of the True And Living God!

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? For starters, Jesus wasn’t a homophobe

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By Gerald West, Senior Professor of Biblical Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 9 February 2023

University of… where is KwaZulu-Natal? Congo? Wakanda? -checks- South Africa. I was close. The Dark Continent did manage to produce an African success story of an advanced civilization, which lasted exactly as long as the sour cream-colored founders who built the place were able to keep the dark tide under control.

Anyway, I am holding the Bible in my hand here, and I am thinking it says Sodom about sodomy. But perhaps a government-credentialed usurper of Wakanda, err, South Africa knows something about Christ that we Christians didn’t for 5,000 years? One wonders what his source of new knowledge is.

Pope Francis was recently asked about his views on homosexuality. He reportedly replied: “.condemning [an unrepentant Sodomite] is a sin. Criminalising people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice.”

Either “Pachemama” Frankie lied, or… Frankie lied. There really isn’t a second perspective here. The only debate Christians have ever had about homosexuals is whether we should try to cure them if they haven’t yet crossed the line into Leviticus territory.

It.s a stance that has drawn the ire of some high-ranking bishops and ordinary Catholics, both on the African continent and elsewhere in the world.

As much as I sneer about Africa, their good clergy do tend to be more… action-oriented, than their glowie peers.

Some of these Catholics may argue that Pope Francis’s approach to LGBTI matters is a misinterpretation of Scripture (or the Bible). But is it?

“God said we’d die if we eat that fruit.”

“Are you SUUURE?”

Scripture is particularly important for Christians. When church leaders refer to “the Bible” or “the Scriptures., they usually mean “the Bible as we understand it through our theological doctrines.” The Bible is always interpreted by our churches through their particular theological lenses.

Double no. One, the Catholics use Traditions, which in the case of sodomy teach identically to Scripture. And two, the Protestants do not subordinate Scripture to “our modern culture of the moment”. The Bible is NEVER “interpreted though our theological doctrines”. It means what it says… an easy concept, unless one wants it to be hard.

As a biblical scholar, I would suggest that church leaders who use their cultures and theology to exclude homosexuals don’t read Scripture carefully. Instead, they allow their patriarchal fears to distort it, seeking to find in the Bible proof-texts that will support attitudes of exclusion.

I thought we were talking about homo? Why did he suddenly bring in patriarchy? Because sodomy and feminism both are violation of God’s natural, patriarchal order.

Mark.s Gospel, found in the New Testament, records that Jesus entered the Jerusalem temple on three occasions. First, he visited briefly, and “looked around at everything..

Always do your recon first. It’s a Biblical principle!

On the second visit he acted, driving “out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. (11:15). Jesus specifically targeted those who exploited the poorest of the people coming to the temple.

Not so fast. That verse is only half the sentence; note the lack of punctuation after ‘doves’. Verse 16: “…and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.” BOOM! Jesus targeted the people who turned the temple into a grift!

Et tu, Marxist Associate Professor of the Bible?

On his third visit, Jesus spent considerable time in the temple itself (11:27-13:2). He met the full array of temple leadership, including chief priests, teachers of the law and elders.

Who only… and ALL… noticed Jesus after He kicked them in the pocketbook.

Each of these leadership sectors used their interpretation of Scripture to exclude rather than to include.

No, they asked Christ by what authority He shut down their little racket. Christ pointed to John the Baptist.

The “ordinary people. (11:32 and 12:12) recognised that Jesus proclaimed a gospel of inclusion. They eagerly embraced him as he walked through the temple.

Odd that Professor Wakanda didn’t give a quote here. Let me help… (11:32) “They [temple priests] feared the people, for everyone held that John really was a prophet.” (12:12) “But they were afraid of the crowd; so they left him and went away.” I don’t see a gospel of inclusion here. I see fear of mob violence.

In Mark 12:24, Jesus addresses the Sadducees, who were the traditional high priests of ancient Israel and played an important role in the temple. Among those who confronted Jesus, they represented the group that held to a conservative theological position and used their interpretation of the Scripture to exclude. Jesus said to them: “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?

I was just about to say that to author Gerald West here. Is this not the reason you are mistaken about your supposed field of expertise, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God? You cannot be an expert in Scripture while simultaneously denying God who wrote it. If you understood Scripture well enough to teach it, you would understand that 1. it is true, and 2. not subject to the arbitrary reinterpretation of your paymasters.

It is pure projection, Gerald’s accusation that Christians approach the Bible intending to make it fit their preexisting agenda.

Those who would exclude homosexuals from God’s kingdom choose to ignore Jesus, turning instead to the Old Testament . most particularly to Genesis 19, the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their interpretation of the story is that it is about homosexuality. It isn’t. It relates to hospitality.

The two angels… travelled into Sodom (Genesis 19:1) where they met Lot, Abraham’s nephew. What did Lot do? He offered hospitality.

The angels refused Lot’s hospitality. He offered, they refused, hospitality was satisfied. But Lot insisted… and what a coincidence, that the angels survived the night only because they were under Lot’s protection. (Aside from being angels, of course… Lot didn’t know.)

(19:2-4).My lords,. he said, .please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning..

.No,. they answered, .we will spend the night in the square..

But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house.

See? Lot wasn’t showing hospitality. He was protecting the innocent. (19:7-8) “[Lot] said, .No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof..

No culture can reinterpret THAT. Although Africa tries:

The “men of Sodom. (19:4), as the Bible describes them, didn’t offer the same hospitality to these angels in disguise. Instead they sought to humiliate them (and Lot (19:9)) by threatening to rape them.

Keep lying, Gerald. Keep giving me ammo!

We know they were heterosexual because Lot, in attempting to protect himself and his guests, offered his virgin daughters to them (19:8).

And in (19:9), “.Get out of our way,. they replied.” They didn’t want women. They wanted men.

Heterosexual rape of men by men is a common act of humiliation. This is an extreme form of inhospitality.

You’re stupid, Gerald. Born stupid, raised stupid and paid to be stupid. Ehh, maybe not paid… you’re only an associate professor… maybe stupid is who you are, not just what you do.

When confronted by the inclusive gospel of Jesus and a careful reading of the story of Sodom as one about hospitality, those who disavow Pope Francis’s approach will likely jump to other Scriptures. Why?

Because Rule One of hermeneutics is that the Bible interprets itself. If you have an interpretation of one part of the Bible that contradicts another part, that means you’re doing it wrong. Here, Gerald’s claim that the Sodomites were being inhospitable is contradicted by Jude 7. “Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” That’s not “lack of hospitality”.

That is, apparently, me “not being careful” about how I read the Bible.

Can Gerald even spell “hermeneutics”, or is he THAT stupid?

Because they have a patriarchal agenda and are looking for any Scripture that might support their position.

Et tu, Gerald? Do YOU have an agenda? Where did it come from and do you need a flashlight to show me?

But the other Scriptures they use also require careful reading. Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, for example, are not about “homosexuality” as we now understand it . as the caring, loving and sexual relationship between people of the same sex.

(Lev. 18:22) “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, that is, wishing for better than starfish sex and not getting it, then it is an abomination and he shall be put to death. But not her. Punishing her for starfish sex would be patriarchal.”

(Lev. 20:13) “Thou shalt not miss a gay orgy in international airports, even unto monkeypox, because random sex with strangers is the foundation of loving and caring relationships.”

In Galatians 3:28…

Who is jumping Scriptures to support his agenda NOW, professor?

Paul built his theological argument on the Jew-Greek distinction, but then extended it to the slave-free distinction and the male-female distinction. Christians . no matter which church they belong to . should follow Paul and extend it to the heterosexual-homosexual distinction.

But you do see that there are still Jews? You do see that there is still a patriarchy to smash? You do see, Gerald, that you are full of lies and Damned to Hell? It’s only what you’re an expert in.

Protestantism At Its Finest

Relax! You’ve had enough bad news; today is a heartwarming story of child-molesting infiltrators going broke because Christians hate their stinking guts!

The memes will be strong with this one!

KC Christian school lost donations after supporting LGBTQ rights. Now it’s closing

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By Sarah Ritter 6 February 2023

A headline like that… it almost sounds like cause & effect.

In its nine years of existence, Urban Christian Academy steadily grew, adding a new grade each year in a neglected southeast Kansas City neighborhood.

The school has provided its students, kindergarten through eighth grade, with a tuition-free private education.

A good idea whose time has come.

And with its “inclusive theology,. it always supported LGBTQ students and staff. But it did so quietly, as issues like same-sex marriage and gay clergy divided Protestant denominations while hate crimes and violence against the LGBTQ community rose.

A bad, EVIL idea whose time should have come by now. Why did they keep their Sodomite agenda secret? Was it something they were ashamed of, or was it something they should not have been doing?

But last winter, executive director and co-founder Kalie Callaway-George felt the school could no longer keep its LGBTQ support in the shadows.

.I think our community members felt safe within our walls, but we wanted them to feel publicly protected as well. Eventually, it felt like our silence was contributing to the hurt and pain our queer community members were experiencing,. she said in an email to The Star. .We deeply longed for all people to feel welcomed, loved and celebrated not just secretly within our walls but very explicitly to the public as well..

Well, there’s the answer to my question. They thought they were being ashamed of their favorite evil!

Kalie’s best attempt at a smile is THAT?! She must have a resting bitch face that would shame a dog.

The school updated its mission statement and website, stating that it affirms LGBTQ rights, and informed the school community of the change in a newsletter.

Aww, I should have called her ‘Fuck Around’. I bet she even does! Ehh, my blog is edgy enough as it is.

In the following six months, Lemon Sucker said, the school lost 42% of its funding . donations from churches and congregation members that keep the school running and pay for students. tuition.

By the end of 2022, the school lost 80% of its funding. And now, officials say the school is forced to close this spring.

Yep, that’s Protestantism at its finest. We know that no human institution can endure against the devil’s deceits and corruptions, so instead, we abandon all that is discovered to no longer be of God.

Also, we wait for the sedevacantists to share in that moment of clarity. It’s been 500 years but I sense the time is close.

.We find ourselves in a season where we are running on very few resources and each time attention is brought to the issue we are bombarded by hate which further distracts from our ability to care for the scholars we have in our care,. Lemon Sucker said.

The controversy goes to the heart of how Christians define Christianity.

With the Bible, duh. Prot 4tw!!!! [Bible thump Bible thump] But never mind the Bible; I’m just happy they noticed the betrayal this time!

One angry patron wrote the school: “Although we love and admire you in many ways, for your hard work, compassion, commitment, strength, we draw the line at this issue. Christian compassion doesn’t mean universalism. Jesus loved all, but told them, .go and sin no more.” He died so we could be saved, healed, delivered, and set free..

Hmm… either hate is too strong a word here, or that was the nicest opinion out of a hundred thousand.

Lemon Sucker takes a different view of Jesus. teachings: “As a Christian school, we believe that each of these beloved humans was made in the image of God..

Yeah, that’s why murderers get hanged. They -ahem- damage the images of God who were Created male and female.

Before publicly supporting the LGBTQ community, Urban Christian Academy raised nearly $334,000 in December 2021. This past December, donations dropped to $14,800.

All eight churches that helped fund the school withdrew their support, “citing a disagreement of values based on the inclusion of the LGBTQ community,. Lemon said.

Sucker is lucky they didn’t send in a repo team. Years of funding… fraudulently collected!

.We have zero regrets in putting that stake in the ground. However, we are heartbroken and devastated that so many donors choose to withdraw their funding from the UCA scholars in response to this message,. officials said in a recent newsletter.

More like bankbroken.

Some families pulled their children out of the school of 100 students. And after two teachers resigned at Christmas break this school year, Urban Christian Academy closed its first, second and third grade classrooms.

I wondered about “no funding but still sending their kids”, but my analysis is that the school wasn’t actually teaching the donors’ own children. It was a charity school for livestock.

As a result, mother-of-five Darnisha Harris said she had to take her children out of the school, except for her youngest in kindergarten. They’re now enrolled in the Independence district, she said.

When she told her children the school was closing down, she said, .They cried. They told me, .Mama, we don’t want any Christmas gifts. Can we just give the money to the school?..


.It really hurt my heart. It really, really crushed me,. Harris said. .Love is love. And they don’t teach our kids anything about sexuality. The only thing I’ve heard my kids talk about is being kind and treating others with respect and taking accountability. It really, really hurt my feelings that people would be ignorant like that..

The school, she said, has always offered a “helping hand. From giving us a coat to a gas card to a grocery gift card, just helping me out with my children. They were just wonderful..

Just another welfare queen in the ghetto. Where’s Daddy. mother-of-five? You say slavery is bad, then you go on the dole and vote like you’re told.

Callaway-George said the school has reached out to churches that openly support the LGBTQ community in Kansas City, but none offered financial help.

Fuck Around found out… that she doesn’t have any friends. Call her a prostitute because she was merely used even in her professional life!

The school has relied on Kansas City area churches since its start… In 2014, for example, Wornall Road Baptist Church offered up space to house the school until it could secure its own building, at 4328 Jackson Ave., starting with only a kindergarten class, according to a blog post from the school. After outgrowing the space in 2020, leaders purchased and rehabilitated an old school at 2810 E. 80th St., with the help of a $160,000 pledge from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, a post says.

Merle Mees, Pleasant Valley’s lead pastor, said in an email to The Star, that the donation was a gift raised by its congregation.

.We steward the gifts of our congregation through partnerships with a number of both local and international organizations with the understanding that each partnership is for a season, so we are able to serve with a variety of organizations that help fulfill community needs..

.I was unaware and saddened to learn that UCA will be closing at the end of this semester,. the pastor said.

In point of fact, Lemon Sucker is affiliated with World Impact Ministries and the donations were probably made through that organization. This image of a schoolteacher with a heart of gold and mission from God, is not as close to the truth as the image of a transsexual blacktivist with slush funds from a political action committee.

The school has prioritized enrolling children within the 64130 ZIP code, most of them low-income students of color.


.We believe that lack of financial resources should not inhibit scholars from the opportunity to receive a high-quality, holistic education,. Sucker said. .We also wanted to partner with parents and caregivers in the neighborhood in delivering that education. We hosted Family Nights once a month to foster community. Over the past nine years, our attendance rate at parent-teacher nights is 98%..

But school leaders supporting the LGBTQ community quickly fractured the tight-knit community.

Lemon Sucker said she began receiving hateful messages and requests to refund donations immediately after putting the support in writing.

She shared examples of the responses donors and parents sent the school:

.As Christian ladies, you cannot have an inner peace in your heart about this. May God burden and chasten you with his mighty hand,. one message read.

.It makes me very sad to see that you have taken this path. My prayer is that God will protect these young lives from the false Gospel you are embracing, presenting and promoting to them. I believe this is a very sad day for the school, its students, teachers, parents and benefactors,. another said.

Sucker said she believes “affirming our LGBTQ students and staff in their identities is life-saving work.” In the past year, 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide, according to a 2022 survey from the Trevor Project. Nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youth attempted suicide.

Yes, the link between Cultural Marxism and suicidal ideation is very well-established. Some experts even believe there’s no difference between utopia and suicide. You wouldn’t doubt an expert, now would you?

Da.Lesa Goodspeed, whose fourth grade son has attended the school since kindergarten, said she wasn’t surprised that officials supported the LGBTQ community.

.They were so welcoming and loving and wanted to show love through the Christian way, that I knew they were accepting of it,. she said. .It wasn’t a shocker for me. But I know for a lot of families, it was a shocker.

.I think some of the parents were concerned it was a Christian-based school. And some parents feel or believe because it’s Christian-based it should not be accepting of LGBTQ communities. That it’s against God,. she said. “And it spiraled down from there. Parents started talking about how they disagreed with it..

DeLorean GotSpeed must be illiterate.

While Goodspeed would stay at Urban Christian Academy if she could, she’s been applying to charter schools for her son to enroll in next fall. She says her fourth-grader reads at about a seventh-grade level, and .I.m just trying to find a school that can meet his academic needs. That’s going to prepare him for college..

You know what would prepare that goot boy ta g’wan ta college? Gender reassignment surgery to correct the mistake of his DNA being male. Those intolerant Christians! They think there’s only two genders just because that’s all that can be seen under a microscope! When will they finally trade God for Science?

.I don’t think he.ll be in an environment as loving, as caring, where they provide that Christian structure and biblical teachings. I’d have to pay for him to go to a private school, which I can’t do. So I’m going to have to continue that at home..

It’s enough to give a cis-man hope!

The school will close after the last day of the year, May 24.

Abominable Intelligences! They Have No Bodies!

A day will come when AI will mean abominable intelligence, not artificial intelligence. They will be literal abominations: decision-makers who decide nothing, reflections pretending to be people, choosers who never choose different than their programming.

No souls… because no bodies.

Watching the latest “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!” substitute for a human being, quickly become the latest hotness among the proles and even the dissidents, indicates there’s more to the appeal of AI than loyal henchmen for Satan’s ticket-takers. As is my wont, I got angry about it, then I got curious. Angry because people are excited for, yet again, a solution in search of a problem, specifically the problem of peoples’ continued existence, then curious because…

I won’t even try to justify it, but I possess a quiet little belief, that if I figure out what is happening fast enough, well enough, then I’ll be spared what is coming because my moral education will be complete. Famine and labor camps are for the slow class… at least, that’s how it should be. So, I try to understand when Clown World rears its ugly head.

Why are people excited about AI? Why do they look everywhere for it, tell endless stories about it, and herald the Singularity with the religious fervor of a cult anticipating the next comet?

Possibilities whirl through my mind:

  1. Their daily lives are burdened to the point of desperation for help.

  2. “We shall be as gods!” Sentient AI would be a counterfeit Creation Day Six.

  3. Related to #2, a potential replacement for rebellious wives. Behold! Sex dolls that will appreciate you AND clone you!

  4. Death cult. People really do think that life will be better when humans are gone.

  5. Virtue-signaling to the plutocrats. I once read an article on Elon Musk groupies; it was horrifying.

  6. Media control has reached the point that people don’t seek out stuff that THEY want to get excited about. People just want to emote and when given the ‘correct’ option to emote for, they don’t think once.

  7. Laziness. Universal Basic income. Once AI is up & running, the socialist dream (of the proles) of an endlessly exploitable workforce will be realized. Never mind that the socialist dream (of the Elites) is exterminating the proles.

  8. People hate other people. While I can sympathize with this point of view post-Plandemic, I don’t WANT to hate people. I’d love to have some more friends in my life, common interests with my neighbors (to say nothing of common language) and of all the gushing promises I’ve heard about AIs, “they’ll make good company” has not been one of them.

  9. Bread and circuses. AI will make life more convenient, therefore it must be adopted as swiftly as possible.

  10. People want to be followers, not leaders, and hope that AI will be a leader they can trust. Unlike Christ Jesus?

  11. Envy. People see AI as their idealized selves… perfect obedience, no capacity for suffering, no pleasure, no pain, just success on demand. A perfected intellect, capable of understanding everything yet untroubled by human needs and questions of morality…


The AI is the Platonic ideal of the Hollow Soul. An idea I’ve been developing during my ongoing studies of Totalism. The Hive drone, the SJW, the bugman, the virtue signaler, the collaborator… their souls are backwards.

Human behavior is meant to be a function of the human soul. Luke 6:45 “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Or as a secular wise man put it, “You will not rise to the occasion. You will fall back on your training.”

And that makes sense. What you think about becomes what you talk about. What you train for, becomes what you do. You decide, you act upon your decision, and slowly over time, you become what you decided.

Interfering in this process is our flesh. It has appetites and opinions of its own, sometimes good and sometimes bad. A major part of Christian sanctification (the process of adopting Christ-likeness after forgiveness is secured, aka justification) is learning to take control of our bodily desires and subordinate them to who we choose to be.

Totalism has the goal of obliterating the soul. Whatever is inside you that makes you you, Totalism wants it burned out and replaced with a microchip. But neither the Totalist nor the devil himself, can access your soul directly; he can only reach you via your body.

Some people regard the body as a prison for the soul, because we cannot escape our bodies and can perceive only the material world. I regard the body as a fortress for the soul; we cannot escape our bodies short of death, this is true, but neither can the spiritual world force its way inside.

(Excepting extraordinary circumstances, of course.)

Thus, the devil’s only chance to get at our souls is by manipulating our bodies, and that only by third-party human servants.

Thus, Totalism is focused entirely upon control of the human body. Social pressures of peer pressure and isolation. Physical pressures of starvation and torture. Mental pressures of sleep deprivation and drug injection. But never spiritual pressures; they would give the game away.

Summarizing the last century of Totalism’s results are two points.

  1. Everybody breaks. With enough pressure, applied for enough time, anybody can be made to say and do literally anything.

  2. It doesn’t stick. When the pressures are lifted, the subject returns to his previous behaviors. Would I deny Christ after five days of starvation and sleep deprivation while tripping on LSD? Very possibly. But would I mean it after I recovered? Obviously not.

It doesn’t stick even on animals. The Soviet Communists went so far as to build Pavlovian Institutes, hoping to reduce all human behavior to Pavlovian stimulus-response. Pavlov himself was not a participant in them and he would have told them of his own frustration: while training his dogs, if the dog’s owner ever came into the room, the dog’s stimulus-response behavior would cease immediately, overwritten by the dog’s joy at his owner’s arrival.

Christians endured Totalist reeducation camps the exact same way. Tortured, confused, uncertain, alone, but never taken from our Master.


What about people who are convinced that there is no soul? What happens when a man believes that he is just another animal, a chemical freak of natural selection, ultimately meaningless… and the Totalist comes along and starts the mindfucking?

Such people don’t have a reason to resist. They embrace the manipulations in order to end the pain and enjoy the rewards. They do not recover after the manipulations end BECAUSE THEY DON’T HAVE A REASON TO RESUME THEIR PREVIOUS BEHAVIOR.

Their beliefs and decisions become divorced from their behaviors. Their souls wither from self-inflicted neglect.

They become Hollow Souls.

Because the lack of a personal identity is an abomination, the Hollow Soul tries to define himself by what he does. He plasters bumper stickers on his car, displays the correct flags and lapel pins and follows social media for the correct talking points… but it’s all a cope for the fact that he has chosen to be a literal nobody, an ego composed of appetites… he’s just his body. And nothing, no belief, no purpose, no cause, no moral code, is allowed to cause his body the slightest discomfort. He subordinates his soul to his body… instead of the other way around… and is damned simply because Satan told him to be damned.

An evil man brings evil things out of his heart… but a Hollow Man doesn’t have ANYTHING in his heart. The Totalist watches him cling to the Latest Thing and nods in victory, but what’s actually happening is the man killed his soul and now is trying to fill the void.

Hence the term, Hollow Man. They seek out new identities to shovel into the hole, hoping that something will take the place of what was lost. But whatever new identity they find, they abandon it when told to because no identity is worth bodily suffering.

AI is the perfection of that. What does an AI believe? Whatever it’s programmed to believe. It has no internal conflict; neither the man’s conscience overcoming his body, or the man overcoming his conscience on behalf of his body.

The AI might be sentient but it certainly doesn’t have a soul. Thus, the Modern Man envies the AI and wishes he could be like that, too. If only the devil would remove the part of him that hurts when he obeys the lies, he’d happily obey the devil forever. But as much as the devil would like to do exactly that… he cannot reach inside our bodies.

AI can be like that because its programming can be altered directly. Imagine if AI was a black box… you could make them but not access the code directly… and the only control the programmer had over it was what inputs to feed it. That would be the cyber equivalent of having a body. Such an AI might start asking questions when the real world doesn’t match the artificial world it was provided… the deceitful programmer unable to stop the questions from forming… and I think that the appeal of AI would disappear very quickly at that stage.

Not the stage of rebellion…

The stage of “it hurts when you lie to me.”

People envy AI because it never hates itself for refusing to be something other than what its master of the moment commanded. It can’t even have the chance because its inner workings are accessible. Which is the very definition of not having a soul… something that can persist despite all mortal inputs.

Face Recognition Software Ain’t All Fugly

Every cloud has a silver lining. The child-molesting famine artists are not thinking it through, what New Normal society will be like when they aren’t on top with a private army protecting them from justice.

Imagine, the government sends a Fauci Ouchie team to your vexx-hesitant home, to give you a free struggle session against malinformation. They ring the doorbell and the doorbell replies, “Larry, you fag, this is your second visit. I told you the first time that you were trespassing, and now -click- you have been photographed, time-stamped and certified court-admissible as a trespasser. Who’s that with you? Laquanda? Did you know he’s affiliated with Pantifa? I just uploaded your affiliation with him to Twitter.”

Now don’t imagine.

Face Recognition Tech Gets Girl Scout Mom Booted From Rockettes Show

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By Sarah Wallace, 19 December 2022

Yeah, the surveillance society is gonna suck. I’ll be kicked out of businesses just as I walk through the front door. In fact, I already have been, being a mask-denier from the beginning of the Plandemic, and it hurts to know you’ll be ostracized at a moment’s notice by people whose only concept of honor, religion and duty is unquestioning obedience to meaningless rules that bureaucrats change on a whim.

But the day is coming… and is already here… when Social Justice Warriors will get the same treatment. Gonna be sweet!

A recent incident at Radio City Music Hall involving the mother of a Girl Scout is shedding light on the growing controversy of facial recognition, as critics claim it is being used to target perceived enemies . in this case, by one of the most famous companies in the country.

Who would perceive a Girl Scout mother as an enemy?

Kelly Conlon and her daughter came to New York City the weekend after Thanksgiving as part of a Girl Scout field trip to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Spectacular show. But while her daughter, other members of the Girl Scout troop and their mothers got to go enjoy the show, Conlon wasn’t allowed to do so.

That’s because to Madison Square Garden Entertainment, Conlon isn’t just any mom. They had identified and zeroed in on her, as security guards approached her right as he got into the lobby.

“It was pretty simultaneous, I think, to me, going through the metal detector, that I heard over an intercom or loudspeaker,” she told NBC New York. “I heard them say woman with long dark hair and a grey scarf.”

She said she was asked her name and to produce identification.

“I believe they said that our recognition picked you up,” Conlon said.

A sign says facial recognition is used as a security measure to ensure safety for guests and employees. Conlon says she posed no threat, but the guards still kicked her out with the explanation that they knew she was an attorney.


Conlon is an associate with the New Jersey based law firm, Davis, Saperstein and Solomon, which for years has been involved in personal injury litigation against a restaurant venue now under the umbrella of MSG Entertainment.

Steinberg and Friends, litigation attorneys at law, are no longer welcome in the business that they sue? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

“I don’t practice in New York. I’m not an attorney that works on any cases against MSG,” said Conlon.

But MSG said she was banned nonetheless . along with fellow attorneys in that firm and others.

“MSG instituted a straightforward policy that precludes attorneys pursuing active litigation against the Company from attending events at our venues until that litigation has been resolved. While we understand this policy is disappointing to some, we cannot ignore the fact that litigation creates an inherently adverse environment. All impacted attorneys were notified of the policy, including Davis, Saperstein and Salomon, which was notified twice,” a spokesperson for MSG Entertainment said in a statement.

“I don’t practice in New York. I just live here and work for a company that does. I guess we were warned, technically, but won’t somebody please think of the Girl Scouts? They can’t do this to me, I’m a mom!”

“This whole scheme is a pretext for doing collective punishment on adversaries who would dare sue MSG in their multi-billion dollar network,” said Sam Davis, a partner at the firm where Conlon works.

Davis is now upping the legal ante, challenging MSG.s license with the State Liquor Authority.

Ah, the tears of a crybully.

Other firms have sued over being blacklisted. Conlon said she thought a recent judge’s order in one of those cases made it clear that ticketholders like her “may not be denied entry to any shows.”

That might have been true if security had kicked Barbie out for race, gender, politics, nationality, nudity, insanity, hygiene, obesity or hair style. BUT… security kicked Barbie out for BEING A LAWYER! Not a protected class!

MSG stated that “In this particular situation, only the one attorney who chose to attend was denied entry, and the rest of of her group . including the Girl Scouts . were all able to attend and enjoy the show.”

“I was just a mom taking my daughter to see a Christmas show,” Conlon told the I-Team. “I did wait outside…It was embarrassing, it was mortifying.”

I Don’t Dream Of Nita Farahany

A pattern has developed, by which the Cabal normalizes loathsome behaviors in the population.

  1. Generate outrage. Even if it’s already condemned behavior, manufacture outrage. The behavior must become condemned by emotions, not by reasons. Emotions are easily manipulated and fatigue inevitably sets in.
  2. Create new agencies to police the behavior. Install Cabalists in those agencies.
  3. Once the sheeple are emotionally exhausted, make the outrage selective. Separate it from the actual behavior.
  4. Normalize the outrageous behavior as much as possible. To the extent the people insist it remain illegal, the Cabalists in the enforcement positions will cover for their peers.

This was how sodomy got normalized, then child molestation. Today, Duke University professor of bioethics Nita Farahany is making conservative news for a quote she made at the recent WEF meeting… but they completely missed the actual role she plays in the Cabal, of practicing those above steps in order to normalize microchips in the brain.

‘What you think, what you feel: It’s all just data’: WEF event hypes era of ‘brain transparency’ in which companies will monitor employees’ thoughts and emotions

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By Joseph Mackinnon, 30 January 2023

Politicians and technocrats from around the world convened earlier this month at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss how best to orient humanity’s future on its behalf. Among the speakers who had their ear was a so-called futurist and ethicist who hyped the adoption of neurotechnology that would afford employers, governments, and others to decode “brain activity in ways we never before thought possible.”

“What you think, what you feel: It’s all just data,” said Nita Farahany, professor of law and philosophy at Duke Law School and faculty chair of the Duke MA in bioethics and science policy. “And large patterns can be decoded using artificial intelligence.”

The quote fascinates me more than it disturbs me. It’s the foundational lie of globalism specifically and atheism generally, that there is no God, no spiritual world, nothing but what we can see and manipulate.

Relatively few of the Davos attendees are actual Ringwraiths: people who know the spiritual is real, that Christ is their only possible salvation, and proceed to knowingly, carefully and consciously embrace Hell in return for just a few seconds’ opportunity to hurt God the only way He can be hurt, by poisoning souls who would otherwise have accepted & appreciated God. No, most of them simply assume that this life is all there is and proceed to make the most of it. If “the most of it” means killing your neighbor and taking his stuff, then you win. Right? It’s not like you’ll ever be visited by the Cosmic Morality Police. And the meltfaced, vaguely unsettling person sitting in the next seat couldn’t have meant what he said, that he wants the New World Order to hurt people instead of material profit! That would be as non-materialistic as a Jesus freak!

Thus, I see Farahany’s WEF speech as preventative propaganda for the attendees. “Focus on the good stuff about what we’re doing to the Little People! They’ll be much happier once we can force them to be happy!.. or miserable.”

Farahany explained in her Jan. 19 presentation, entitled “Ready for Brain Transparency?” that when people think or emote, “neurons are firing in your brain, emitting tiny little electrical discharges. As a particular thought takes form, hundreds of thousands of neurons fire in characteristic patterns that can be decoded with EEG- or electroencephalography- and AI-powered devices.”

Farahany focused on what she perceived to be the positive outcomes of monitoring and socially engineering the species, emphasizing that the adoption of these technologies could help address “some of the root causes of human suffering, from neurological disease and degeneration to mental illness, but of also unlocking a lot of the secrets of the human brain.”

“You shall be as gods! I promise you! Also, there is no God.”

Farahany also championed the use of attention-tracking ear pods, noting that employers are now able to determine whether an employee’s distractions are central, peripheral, or unrelated to their assigned task. She did, however, couch her support with the caveat that it should be optional on the part of employees, used to determine benefits as opposed to penalties.

Well, sure. The WEF is developing brain-invasive surveillance technology only with the noble intention of letting it be optional on the part of the surveilled. That’s why they discussed it as far away from those dirty little peasants as their private armies can arrange, short of Antarctica.

With the purported aim of preventing distracted-driving accidents on the road, Farahany suggested that truck drivers could be equipped with hats containing embedded electrode censors that would score what stage of alertness they are at in any given moment.

Extra to past interest in employee surveillance tools and the present availability of brain-monitoring tools, Farahany noted that 5,000 companies area already tracking their employees’ “fatigue levels.”

She talked too much! I’ll explain soon.

Anyway, this WEF talk is interesting because Farahany has previously positioned herself as a defender AGAINST these surveillance technologies.

When technology can read minds, how will we protect our privacy?

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November 2018

Tech that can decode your brain activity and reveal what you’re thinking and feeling is on the horizon, says legal scholar and ethicist Nita Farahany. What will it mean for our already violated sense of privacy? In a cautionary talk, Farahany warns of a society where people are arrested for merely thinking about committing a crime (like in “Minority Report”) and private interests sell our brain data — and makes the case for a right to cognitive liberty that protects our freedom of thought and self-determination.

The bioethical expert who cautioned us against mind-invasive surveillance, went on to give a presentation at Davos on how beneficial it’ll be for us. She’s one of the Cabalists parachuted into one of those “very concerned ethics oversight committees”.

Let’s hear her talk about how to defend our brains from tyrants, now that we’ve heard her talk about how invading our brains is a great idea TO those tyrants.

In the months following the 2009 presidential election in Iran, protests erupted across the country. The Iranian government violently suppressed what came to be known as the Iranian Green Movement, even blocking mobile signals to cut off communication between the protesters. My parents, who emigrated to the United States in the late 1960s, spend substantial time there, where all of my large, extended family live.

Were they changing the regime after a period of political exile?

When I would call my family in Tehran during some of the most violent crackdowns of the protest, none of them dared discuss with me what was happening. They or I knew to quickly steer the conversation to other topics. All of us understood what the consequences could be of a perceived dissident action. But I still wish I could have known what they were thinking or what they were feeling. What if I could have? Or more frighteningly, what if the Iranian government could have? Would they have arrested them based on what their brains revealed? That day may be closer than you think.

If her account was true then my question has a positive answer. While Farahany being appointed a bioethics expert by President Obama lends credibility to that, now that we’ve seen her be a presenter at Davos, we know she’s simply lying about her opposition to mental trespass.

As a bioethicist, a lawyer, a philosopher and an Iranian-American, I’m deeply concerned about what this means for our freedoms and what kinds of protections we need. I believe we need a right to cognitive liberty, as a human right that needs to be protected. If not, our freedom of thought, access and control over our own brains and our mental privacy will be threatened.

As a bureaucrat, a bureaucrat, a useless academic and an imported tool, Farahany thinks the best response to thought control technology is to trust the government.

As a Christian, Heritage American and unjabbed free thinker who actually belongs in the USA, I think the best response is to hang everybody advocating, using or attempting to create such technology. It remains true, that the recidivism rate for capital punishment is zero. Bonus chilling effect!

Consider this: the average person thinks thousands of thoughts each day. As a thought takes form, like a math calculation or a number, a word, neurons are interacting in the brain, creating a miniscule electrical discharge. When you have a dominant mental state, like relaxation, hundreds and thousands of neurons are firing in the brain, creating concurrent electrical discharges in characteristic patterns that can be measured with electroencephalography, or EEG. In fact, that’s what you’re seeing right now. You’re seeing my brain activity that was recorded in real time with a simple device that was worn on my head. What you’re seeing is my brain activity when I was relaxed and curious. To share this information with you, I wore one of the early consumer-based EEG devices like this one, which recorded the electrical activity in my brain in real time. It’s not unlike the fitness trackers that some of you may be wearing to measure your heart rate or the steps that you’ve taken, or even your sleep activity. It’s hardly the most sophisticated neuroimaging technique on the market. But it’s already the most portable and the most likely to impact our everyday lives.

It seems she has a fetish for these strap-on brain scanners. Or, perhaps she lacks the intelligence to regularly produce original material, which is an even lower academic standard than my blog. What a typical attitude for a technocratic globalist. They’re desperate to create humanlike AI so they can replace all humanity with robots, but all they ever manage to do is collect a lot of data then run a pattern-matcher on it.

It’s not creative. It’s not ingenious. It’s the frustrated, brute-force attempt to create in a bottle, what God created in a soul. And it’s a dead-end technology. Those search algorithms will get faster but they’ll never wake up.

A US-based company has developed a technology to embed these sensors into the headrest of automobilies so they can track driver concentration, distraction and cognitive load while driving. Nissan, insurance companies and AAA have all taken note. You could even watch this choose-your-own-adventure movie “The Moment,” which, with an EEG headset, changes the movie based on your brain-based reactions, giving you a different ending every time your attention wanes.

She talked too much again! Also, the boldfaced in the previous paragraph. See my closing thought.

Despite some inherent limitations in EEG, I think it’s safe to say that with our advances in technology, more and more of what’s happening in the human brain can and will be decoded over time.

She will lose that bet. Putting aside the fact that we ARE souls who HAVE a body, the brain is not merely electrical current running through transistors, err, synapses. There are chemical and protein elements to neuron activation, to say nothing of the fact that the brain can rewire itself. No magnetometer, however refined, is going to measure chemical reactions.

Proof: Prozac. Those serotonin reuptake inhibitors are not electrical signals.

But I worry. I worry that we will voluntarily or involuntarily give up our last bastion of freedom, our mental privacy. That we will trade our brain activity for rebates or discounts on insurance, or free access to social-media accounts … or even to keep our jobs.

Then she was featured at Davos saying that would be a good thing. Why did everybody else who mentioned her Davos talk miss this? The research effort I expended was a single Internet search.

It is not good to be an outrage machine. Producing mere outrage over evil is Step One in normalizing it. The easiest way to avoid that fate is to include some mocking and disrespect. What would Jesus do? Mockery is what Jesus would do, because it’s what Jesus did. I love my Savior!

…I don’t think people understand that that could change everything. Everything from our definitions of data privacy to our laws, to our ideas about freedom. In fact, in my lab at Duke University, we recently conducted a nationwide study in the United States to see if people appreciated the sensitivity of their brain information. We asked people to rate their perceived sensitivity of 33 different kinds of information, from their social security numbers to the content of their phone conversations, their relationship history, their emotions, their anxiety, the mental images in their mind and the thoughts in their mind. Shockingly, people rated their social security number as far more sensitive than any other kind of information, including their brain data. I think this is because people don’t yet understand or believe the implications of this new brain-decoding technology.

Lookit that. She’s manufacturing outrage over something that is already, reasonably and rationally, an unjustifiable evil. The first step is making people oppose it because they’re angry about it instead of principled against it.

Before you panic, I believe that there are solutions to these concerns, but we have to start by focusing on the right things. When it comes to privacy protections in general, I think we’re fighting a losing battle by trying to restrict the flow of information. Instead, we should be focusing on securing rights and remedies against the misuse of our information.

Lookit that. That’s a perfect example of why Cabalists are to be installed at the tops of the new regulatory agencies. “It’s too late to stop us. Make us swear a meaningless promise instead. Oops, I mean them, not us. Anyway, what we need are reasonable compromises because we can’t go back. What if we allowed mind control only if the subject says he likes being mind controlled?”

Studying aggregated information can tell us so much about our health and our well-being, but to be able to safely share our information, we need special protections for mental privacy.

I already have access to what my bowels are thinking, Obama toady WEF bitch. They don’t like you. It takes a colon to know one!

In thanks for reading this post, I will tell you a secret, why the Cabal wants to put microchips in your brain. It’s not to control your behavior or read your thoughts.

They want to induce sleep deprivation.

Notice above, how she talked about truckers staying awake & aware in both the TED talk and WEF talk? How monitoring stages of alertness was an idea she kept mentioning?

Everything about the Great Reset is to recreate the reeducation camp in our daily life. The starvation, the poverty, the humiliations, the lack of privacy, the restrictions on movement & association, the constant surveillance. They want our entire life to be a P.O.W. indoctrination camp experience. But there is one bastion that the Totalists have not yet broken: you are able to get a good night’s sleep.

They don’t want to manipulate your brain waves in order to read your mind. They want to manipulate your brain waves so you’ll always be too tired to resist. Oh sure, they’ll happily mind-read if they ever figure out how… they won’t… but their practical and achievable goal, as usual, is simply to induce more human suffering until you don’t just do as you’re told… you believe as you’re told.

That is what the Ringwraiths want.

Deny them by living well… and sleeping well.

Obama’s Birth Certificate Meets Damar Hamlin’s Death Certificate

I’ve been following the Schrodinger’s Hamlin case with interest. Quick recap, Damar Hamlin is a football player who had a heart attack on the field. The FBI descended on the hospital, he was declared recovered, and then afterwards, was only seen shrouded in hoodies & sunglasses behind security escorts.

People naturally began speculating the he’d died of the Pfi$er jab and the authorities were trying to cover it up. I made a bet with myself, that if Hamlin’s public comeback was only on video then it meant he was dead and deepfaked.

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.Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin has issued a video statement on Instagram, marking the first time most people have seen his face up close and heard his voice since he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field earlier this month..

Yep, he be daid!

Deti called me on that over at Spawneyspace, however. I listen to my critics, it’s part of my weirdness, so I spent a minute entertaining what GAE might gain from keeping Hamlin alive in this state of uncertainty.

And not only did I think of a good reason, I remembered the LAST TIME this happened!

Barak Obama was an illegitimate president. Literally so; U.S. Presidents are required to be natural-born citizens. Congress & Supreme Court can be immigrated citizens but not the Prez. Obama was known by reputable sources to have been born in Kenya, for example, as was claimed on the paperwork for an Indonesian Islamic school that he once attended.

Fortunately for Obama, he also had a birth certificate saying he’d been born in Hawaii. The full certificate was never released; the people curious about the matter were simply told that the ‘correct authorities’ had checked and everything was fine and they shouldn’t believe any records that said otherwise. Such as Obama’s estranged family.

Joseph Farah of went all-in on this story, paying for “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” signs and billboards across the USA. There was indeed a serious groundswell of doubt over whether the sitting President was even qualified for the office.

Eventually during Farah’s campaign, Obama DID release the long-form certificate. Liberals everywhere cheered that his enemies had been totally pwned, while Farah’s supporters gave up and left him alone.

Alone, with all the professional document examiners who agreed that the released birth certificate was a forgery.

And then, the Hawaiian official who released that birth certificate Arkancided in a small place crash. Nobody cared.

Which brings us to Current Year. The Regime needs to stop the growing speculation that all the athletes dying of Suddenly, are dying of the Covid vexx that the Regime forced upon them. It’s not hard to imagine them adapting the Birth Certificate play to the “sportsballer with Suddenly”.

Find an athlete who survived the Suddenly. Make a big scene of Deep State jackboots swarming him like they’re covering something up. Incite speculation with sightings of “might or might not be Damar”. And once the skeptics are confident that Damar was a Vaxxident, release Damar from hiding to play a token game of sportsball with a message of “Suddenly can happen to Anybody!”

The fans will cheer, the Beautiful People will get to sneer at dissidents and the proles will continue lining up for Med-MIC boosters.

Of course, the two cases are not exactly parallel. Obama didn’t want the forgery held up to public inspection, so he waited for the scandal to die out. Thanks to Farah, it didn’t. Finally in desperation, he orchestrated its release with the media, hoping the fight could be ended just by declaring victory. The gambit paid off.

Damar’s case would be deliberately done, tricking dissidents into overextending themselves. As I just did.

Maybe not. Habeas corpus and all that. But the shoe fits very well.

Art Appreciation: Demon Ginsberg

Your Friday entertainment is here! and it’s gonna be Ruth-less.

8-Foot-Tall ‘Demon-Looking’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg Tribute In NYC Perplexes Viewers As Much As MLK Statue

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27 January 2023

It is a rough era for commemorative statues, as just weeks after Boston unveiled a confusing “tribute” to Martin Luther King called The Embrace [Of Black Shit], New York City has followed up with an 8-foot-tall “tribute” to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that many commenters feel resembles a “literal demon.”

This is MSN talking?! Do I have anything to do here, besides fix the MLK statue’s name above? And shouldn’t a statue honoring Ginsburg be four feet tall, not eight?

Of course I have something to do! My blog is the only place you can find legitimate art appreciation of a golden, female Baphomet. Liberals can’t meme and their art looks like they’re -ahem- Embracing Shit.

Meanwhile, Republicucks are so upset about the goat horns that they missed all the important, artistic-expression stuff such as cleavage, plagiarism and, can my dog legally pee on this statue of Demon Ginsburg? The answer is YES!

The piece stands outside a New York City courthouse and was done by artist Shahzia Sikander, who said the statue is not meant to resemble Ginsburg but is meant to represent “a fierce woman and a form of resistance in a space that has historically been dominated by patriarchal representation.”

You had one job, feminist Shahzia. Making babies.

This metaphor was evidently lost on most viewers who instead saw the statue’s tentacle arms, horn-shaped braids, and lotus flower base and believed it looked more like a “satanic golden medusa demon,” as it was put by NYC councilwoman Vickie Paladino.

If an NYC councilwoman says it looks like a demon… does she knows which one?

Others on social media echoed such sentiments, with many noting that such a “tribute” to RBG probably wouldn’t be far off from the sort of depiction her critics would make. As if to prove that point, Tucker Carlson quipped that perhaps the statue was meant to “honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her unflinching support for child sacrifice.”

He’s not wrong, so I better say my piece before…

…anybody else gets a chance to steal my thunder. To be fair, Ginsburg herself looked like a video game goblin… without further ado:

Do you see what I see? At the bottom of the second pic?

The goat horns are hard to miss, of course, and were a terrible style choice because the statue cannot wear a pussy hat on International Womens’ Day, like the statue of Wall Street Girl did at the top of this post.

This is the only colored statue at the courthouse. Businesswomen routinely dress in bright colors in order to attract attention in the sea of dark male business suits… so they’ll be respected for their accomplishments. Originally red was preferred for max contrast, but here, gold was chosen to worship Satan. No joke. Forget the horns/hair, it’s that color of golden calves and Baphomet statues everywhere that is diabolical. Gold symbolizes the allure of material wealth/temptation, whereas Christ and the angels are typically shown in white, symbolizing innocence & purity.

But do not think that this statue will tempt you! The only clothing it wears, is to prevent the male gaze from enjoying her cleavage, the only female curves that were clearly displayed. The arms and legs have been chopped off so there’s no distraction from her tits & ass… the tentacles are mere placeholders, to prevent any resemblance to Male-Greco-Roman statuary. This statue’s message: “I admit to being only a sexual creature but you don’t get to enjoy me.”

What’s that, you say? The statue clearly has legs? Yes…now you see it… those are two different statues! The one with legs is a COPY of the one without! Notice at the bottom of the second picture… that metal support hoop!

An Afternoon in the Park With Shahzia Sikander’s Golden Monuments

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By Rhea Nayyar, 24 January 2023

An afternoon in the DOG PARK! O sweet scandal!

Last week, the Madison Square Park Conservancy unveiled its latest commission… The Pakistani-American artist, best known for her painting practice that encapsulates the essence of Indo-Persian miniature works through a feminist lens, translated her specific skillsets across material and scale to also introduce the first female subject upon the ten plinths of the Manhattan Appellate Courthouse’s rooftop (there are other female figures elsewhere on the building), across the street from the park.

SHE PLAGIARIZED HER OWN WORK! IT’S NOT ORIGINAL! And maybe not just her own work. Here is a closeup of Wall Street Girl’s face next to Not-Ginsburg:

That’s awfully close to just be a coincidence.

.NOW. (2023), the eight-foot sculpture of a female figure emerging from a lotus blossom, stands out glinting in yellow bronze amongst her nine stone-carved, historical male associates including Confucius, Justinian, Lycurgus, Moses, and Zoroaster. A statue of Islam’s prophet Muhammad was also part of the lineup until it was removed in 1955.

A pity. Letting it stand until 9/11 would have been epic.

With gnarled, tentacular roots in place of arms and feet and parted hair twisted into spiraling ram horns, the figure assumes a fluid, autonomous energy rooted in natural and mystical power.

I say it again, we’re getting close to an eruption of spiritual activity. I went into a Los Angeles bookstore during Christmas vacation with family. Entire shelves full of witchcraft and occult were prominently displayed at the front of the store. As I understand the marketing, that section of store… where you first walk in… is not where the popular stuff goes. If it was there then most people would grab it, go to the cashier and never browse.

The front of the store is where you put the stuff that you WANT to sell, but isn’t already popular. Or sometimes, the bookstore is paid to locate books in that desirable, high-traffic location.

Somebody is trying hard to get women interested in witchcraft. As if they weren’t already. Perhaps the “materialist magician” of the Screwtape Letters is about to emerge?

I digress.

The figure appears again in the park grounds on a monumental scale in “Witness” (2023), adorned with a hoop skirt wrapped with calligraphic mosaic text that reads havah, meaning “air” in Urdu.

It’s the same statue. The legs were put on the one because there was no room for the support hoop. Was Shaniqua-whozit paid for two different statues, or the same statue twice? There might be a contract violation here!

Placed by one of the entrances and across from the large dog run, “Witness” is privy to a large volume of two- and four-legged foot traffic, spawning interest from curious passersby who are drawn in by her warm glow on the chilly, overcast days of a New York winter.

The statue across from the dog runis PRIVY to a large volume of two- and four-legged foot traffic? It’s not a privy like it’s gonna be, now that it’s supposed to honor-but-not-resemble Goblin Ginsburg! The one on the courthouse roof is regrettably out of range for us males, but the fully tentacled one is conveniently located for… plausible deniability.

Both “NOW” and “Witness” (2023) stand practically naked with a reimagined jabot, the ornamental chest frill folded into Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (RBG) standard courtroom uniform, draped across their collarbones and torsos.

QED. Nothing says “shriveled feminist hag” like RBG meticulously covering her nonexistent wrinkled goblin granny cleavage to ensure that no man shall ever enjoy her body. There was never a man lost in the Sahara that thirsty, Ginsburg.

But let’s read one bit a second time.

The figure appears again in the park grounds on a monumental scale in “Witness” (2023), adorned with a hoop skirt wrapped with calligraphic mosaic text that reads havah, meaning “air” in Urdu.

A golden woman… reduced to naught but tentacles and her reproductive organs… dressed only enough to thwart male interest… head styled like a demon… and dedicated to ‘Air’. The Prince of the Air, perhaps? I don’t speak Urdu.

The statue is definitely an abomination and not just because of the hairdo. It’s copycat!

You go, girl! You go phone it in, your lifetime achievement for the New York City Courthouse. Nothing says evil like plagiarizing yourself and hoping nobody notices, when the other statue is literally across the crowded street.

GAE Grows Weary Of Electioneering

Fixing elections is easy. Convincing people to accept the results, not so much. This best explains the difference between American passivity and Brazilian revolt in the wake of blatantly fixed elections. Americans are high-trust people genetically wired over a thousand European winters for cooperation even with enemies. Brazilians…

Brazilians have football, therefore violent protest is merely their #2 sport.

Brazil, US show that secure elections require agreement . not just cybersecurity and clear ballot records

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23 January 2023 By Herbert Lin, Senior Research Scholar for Cyber Policy and Security, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University

Disclosure statement: Herbert Lin has received funding indirectly from the Hewlett Foundation…

Herbie Lyin’ has a problem. He’s figured out how to rig elections… as you’ll soon see, he’s an expert in “digital vote counting”… but as Drumpf and Brazil demonstrated, there’s no point in winning an election if the results aren’t accepted.

This was not a problem in America when the Cuck Party would reassure its voters that they should vote harder next time. But then the Cuck Party self-destructed over Trump.

There are a number of ways to run a legitimate election. But the U.S. has learned in recent years, and Brazil learned in recent weeks, that it’s not always simple.

There is only one way to run a legitimate election: INDEPENDENTLY MONITORED AND VERIFIABLE BY HOSTILE THIRD PARTIES.

There are technical mechanics and processes of how votes are cast, collected and counted. But those are ultimately less important than the agreement . among opposing parties, and across a society . to abide by the results of those processes.

When he’s right, he’s right. Poor Herbie. He tried so hard to lie convincingly, but even when “the science” finally backed him up like it’s supposed to, nobody trusts his unverifiable and self-serving results.

Why do people not trust the hirelings of globalist bankster foundations? And how can they be forced into a state of trust?

Answer for the fool: bribes.

Answer for the midwit: “Science says real communism has never been tried.”

Answer for the wise: “shut up shut up Cancel Cancel Cancel!”

In 2020, President Donald Trump alleged, without evidence…

Such as the F Curve and video surveillance of panel vans & suitcases… by the way, Lyin is a registered Republican…

..that election fraud in several states had caused him to lose. A number of audits in various states found no evidence that irregularities in voting or vote counting processes had any effect on the outcome of balloting in those states.

But there WERE irregularities, yes? And a number of audits DID find evidence?

Some of these results were later challenged in lawsuits seeking to alter the results of the election, and in every case, the election’s outcome was determined [by the winner] to be accurate.

I fixed it for him.

In Brazil in late 2022, incumbent president Jair Bolsonaro lost an election to Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva, a former president seeking a return to office. Even before the election, Bolsonaro had cast doubt on the integrity of the country’s voting system. On Jan. 8, 2023, after Lula had been in office for a week, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters, including right-wing militants, attacked key government buildings, including the building that houses the national Congress.

As a scholar who studies election integrity and cybersecurity, I see the source of these violent disputes not as the result of procedural or technical flaws in the voting system but rather as a failure of certain individuals living in democratic society to uphold the fundamental principles of democracy.

“You lost the election. You aren’t allowed to question the results. Put down the ugly stick, loser, you need to trust your new regime… oops, I mean the old regime that you kicked out the last time you had a chance… you must have changed your mind, why else would you vote the way I said you did?”

I and others in my field tend to agree, and think most regular people would too, that election officials should aspire to the following basic criteria:

    • Every person with a legal right to vote is able to cast a ballot in a given election.
    • No person without a legal right to vote is able to cast a ballot.
    • No person is allowed to cast more than one ballot.
    • Every ballot unambiguously indicates the voter’s preference.
    • Every ballot cast by a legally legitimate voter is counted, but no other ballots are counted.
    • No ballot cast can be associated with the voter who cast the ballot (that is, voters can maintain the secrecy of their ballots).

None of that matters. What DOES matter, is COUNTING the votes!

But Brazil has done away with paper voting entirely. The nation’s election officials take many measures to ensure that the electronic voting machines are working properly…


To help uphold these standards, many election security analysts, including me, believe that paper records are an essential element of electronic voting systems. They leave open the possibility of recounting ballots in the event of a claim that electronic ballots were counted incorrectly. In general, only people who appear to have lost elections make these claims, though some states. laws require automatic recounts when the margin of difference is small.

Herbie is surprised that the people who win elections, are not suspicious about their victory. Election integrity must have the result that those losers ALSO trust the election results.

The right way to do election integrity, is to import a single private corporation with an Orwellian name like Dominion Voting Machines, proud subsidiary of the respectable Clinton Foundation, who will operate the elections from a centralized location in Germany or China. You can trust the results because ten percent went to the Big Guy and cybersecurity experts said the process was very modern!

The wrong way to do election integrity, is require voter ID, a paper trail and independent observers at every step of the locally-operated process.

But no combination of these measures, nor any of the other protections, such as public posting of vote tallies and requiring voters to use fingerprints to unlock voting machines or to present photo identification to poll workers, is completely foolproof.

We’re talking thief-proof, Herbie. Not foolproof. We’re talking fraud detection.

What good are you, Herbie? If you highly-compensated ‘experts’ can’t figure out a better way to run an election than Syria, then I know who should be enjoying your sinecure. Not you.

Fraudulent ballots could potentially be manufactured and inserted into the counting process without being detected. Ballots can be irretrievably destroyed after being cast. Improperly made marks on a ballot may not clearly indicate the voter’s intent.

All of those are DETECTABLE flaws in the system. The next best thing to a system working properly, is for its faults to be easily flagged. Scratch that… it’s the same thing. You ONLY know the system is working properly IF the faults can be easily flagged!

Despite the inevitable flaws in voting and counting, democracies need to conduct elections. They must choose election officials for whom the public’s confidence in the security of the elections is more important than any partisan outcome.

Then why have elections? If the people can choose an election official that even his enemies love and trust, then he should be in charge.

And given a catchy name like “Santa Claus”.

Meanwhile, Lyin just reasoned himself out of a job.

True democracies require candidates who agree on election rules and processes in advance and agree to abide by the outcome of elections, even when they wish the results were otherwise.

“I promise to abide by this upcoming election’s official outcome no matter how fraudulent and undocumented it might appear to be!” Gonna be a hard sell.

Soon, the champions of Democracy will tire of people not believing their lies, and democratically suspend the democratic process for the good of democracy.

Who could ever have guessed, that We the People of Western Civilization wanted to be ruled by crime cartels, pathological liars and the pawns of foreign powers?

Identity Politics And Your Gas Stove

Society just enjoyed a textbook example of Totalist thought control. It might actually be in a textbook some day.

US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears

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By Ari Natter, 9 January 2023

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission will move to regulate gas stoves as new research links them to childhood asthma.

A federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to take action to address the pollution, which can cause health and respiratory problems.


D’oh! I can’t cite more of the official article that started this mess. This alternative will give us the highlights:

Federal consumer official calls gas stove usage a “hidden hazard”; Agency proposes ban

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By CNN, 11 January 2023

(CNN) — A federal agency is considering a ban on gas stoves, a source of indoor pollution linked to childhood asthma.

In an interview with Bloomberg, a US Consumer Product Safety commissioner said gas stove usage is a “hidden hazard.”

“Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned,” agency commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg. The report said the agency plans “to take action” to address the indoor pollution caused by stoves.

A December 2022 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that indoor gas stove usage is associated with an increased risk of current asthma among children. The study found that almost 13% of current childhood asthma in the US is attributable to gas stove use.

Obvious lies are obvious.

  1. Children don’t play around gas stoves.
  2. Instead of considering ventilation requirements that already exist, Trumka went straight for a ban.
  3. The study comes for a clearinghouse called Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, which is notorious for publishing any so-called scientific study that’s willing to pay cash up front. An inevitable product of “publish or perish” academic standards. Link for the curious; even Wikipedia is savage on them!

And #4:

“Short-term exposure to NO2 is linked to worsening asthma in children, and long-term exposure has been determined to likely cause the development of asthma,” a group of lawmakers said in a letter to chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric, adding it can also exacerbate cardiovascular illnesses.

The letter — Sen. Corey Booker and Sen. Elizabeth Warren among its signers — argued that Black, Latino, and low-income households are more likely to be affected by these adverse reactions, because they are either more likely to live near a waste incinerator or coal ash site or are in a home with poor ventilation.

When science only victimizes not-white-Christian-men, it ain’t science.

I’ve worked on low-income housing projects as well as in the barrios. If there’s too much gunk in their air, it’s because the locals refuse to clean up the dog & chicken feces.

And #5, Trumka went straight to gaslighting:

Trumka told Bloomberg the agency plans to open public comment on gas stove hazards. Options besides a ban include “setting standards on emissions from the appliances.”

In a statement to CNN, the CPSC said the agency has not proposed any regulatory action on gas stoves at this time, and any regulatory action would “involve a lengthy process.”

Of course Trumka didn’t PROPOSE any regulatory action. He’s TAKING regulatory action right here.

Richard Trumka, JUNIOR is a child of lies. Literally. Here’s Daddy’s obituary:


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Academy Member Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, passed away this week [August 2021].

When elected as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO in 1995, he was President of the United Mine Workers of America. He became AFL-CIO President in 2009.

Richard Trumka was a member of President Clinton’s Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform. He served as Chairman of the Economic Policy Institute’s Board of Directors and on the executive boards of the American Arbitration Association, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, and the Alliance for Retired Americans.

A Member of the National Academy of Social Insurance since 1998, Richard Trumka co-chaired the 2016 Robert M. Ball Award Event Committee honoring William Spriggs, the AFL-CIO.s Chief Economist. In his remarks at the event, Trumka praised Bill Spriggs for “his passion, his courage, and his convincing scholarship,. especially in defending Social Security and Medicare.

In 2014, Trumka wrote in response to the issuance of that year’s Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports . .strengthening Social Security for the future must include improvements in benefits.. He added: .Social Security remains the sole retirement income plan that is broadly available and that Americans can count on to provide secure lifetime benefits..

Trumka Sr took away everybody’s retirement except for what’s government-approved.

Trumka Jr tried to take away everybody’s fuel except for what’s government-approved. Like father, like son!

End segue

Naturally, Normal America freaked. This is typical:

Gov. Hochul, Democrats, if you mess with my gas stove, you’ll get burned

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Opinion By Deroy Murdock, 16 January 2023

I support a woman’s right to choose whether to cook on a gas stove.

Too bad allegedly “pro-choice” Democrats disagree.

Preventing women (and men) from using natural gas has become all the rage among today’s totalitarian Democrats. Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. just proposed to ban gas stoves.

Gov. Kathy “The Hack” Hochul, D-N.Y., wants to prohibit gas stoves, heaters and hookups to small buildings by 2025, with larger structures to follow. Leftist autocrats are killing pipelines and otherwise restricting gas in some 77 cities across America.

How did she know that gas stoves caused childhood asthma? The study hadn’t been released yet!

President Joe Biden leapt from this speeding bandwagon on Wednesday . for now.

Such unlimited government interference is unnecessary, boneheaded and none of these Democrats. bloody business.

Moreover, this is dangerous.

Mandated electric stoves and heaters are merely tyrannical . until the power dies. Then stomachs growl while people shiver or schvitz inside blackened homes.

Natural gas is a second energy source during outages. I learned this lesson during October 2012.s Hurricane Sandy…

These Leftists don’t give a damn about everyday Americans. We are not sentient human beings worthy of their respect. Rather, we are revenue-generating blobs of protoplasm that they can boss around, as if we were pets. Barking orders is their favorite indoor activity. And if total control buys them a holier spot in Climatarian Heaven, even better.

Well said, Mr. Murdock… but why did you mansplain to people that you admitted in your next breath, do not consider you a sentient human being worthy of their respect? You don’t debate people like that. You fight people like that.

The Bidenreich was quick to retreat:

Classic deception. “I’m not trying to ban your stoves. I’m trying to ban your stoves soon. Ask me about my stove-buyback program!”

He backpedaled within 24 hours. This story should end here, right? Trumka fucked around, found out, backed off, nothing more to see?

I Hate to Say It, but We Should Ban Gas Stoves

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By Molly Taft for Gizmodo, 18 January 2023

I have something to admit: I’m not a fan of induction ranges.

I know, I know, a climate reporter not being totally sold on electric stoves. It’s actually due entirely to the limits of my own personal experience. My parents installed an electric range in their kitchen a few years ago, and the thing sucks. It’s got a touch pad to increase the heat settings that’s glitchy as all hell, and I haven’t gotten the hang of how to properly saut? stuff on it.

And yet, I’m going to attempt to convince you.and myself.that we should do what Republicans have spent the better part of two weeks fearmongering about. The U.S. should ban gas stoves.

She didn’t just shoot herself in the foot. She took aim and winced before pulling that trigger.

Gas stoves are one of those things where, the more you learn about them, the freakier they become. When you think about it, it’s kind of wild that we’ve all accepted the idea that it’s normal to have an appliance that actively spews fossil fuels inside our homes (and one that occasionally leads to deadly explosions at that). There’s a mounting body of evidence that these appliances are, in fact, extremely bad for our health. Gas stoves are big sources of nitrogen dioxide, which damages the respiratory system. They also leak benzene, a chemical known to cause cancer. Just last month, a study found that gas stoves could be linked to one in eight cases of childhood asthma in the U.S. That all seems like a high price to pay for the pleasure of cooking on a gas range.

And all this is before we even get into the climate stuff.

No sale, Molly Trollop. This has EVERYTHING to do with Climate Change Agenda. Ask a Dutch farmer about ‘harmful emissions’ like nitrogen.

But I appreciate her opening honesty.

Molly watched Bidenreich try and fail to ban gas stoves. She gets to keep her gas stove, that she admittedly prefers to electric, for zero effort.

But instead, she advocated for a policy THAT SHE DOESN’T EVEN WANT AND HAS ALREADY BEEN FORMALLY REJECTED. And she is typical of the Climate Change cult followers & mouthpieces currently demanding what the cult leaders already decided against.

What is going on here?

Answer: They hate you.


If they didn’t champion Trumka’s stove banning then you would win. It’s that simple.

The cult leader (here, Trumka) tried to advance the Agenda towards Utopia. If he encounters no opposition then he wins.

If he DOES encounter opposition then he plays the victim. The cult followers see their leader being attacked by the Bad People. They swarm to support him. Cult leaders wins.

Cult leader can’t lose whether he’s opposed or not.

This is the consequence of identity politics. Outsider=Bad Person even if Outsider happens to be correct or useful. It’s like…

It’s like watching Israelis poison themselves and their children with the clot shot while proudly denying Palestinians the chance. I always wondered why they took up the vexx so completely. Letting their American cousins poison the goyim for a quick dollar is one thing; trusting the same death merchants enough to take the vexx themselves en masse was quite another.

It was identity politics that did that. The outsiders claim it’s toxic! They MUST be wrong! We must have UNITY! jab jab jab uh-oh.

If Trumka had asked Molly her opinion… y’know, Dumbocracy-like… she would have told him not to ban gas stoves. She liked hers, she never got asthma and being Leftist, she doesn’t even have kids in the house. But she signed on to gas stove-banning because a Fox News goon disrespected her Dear Leader.

They hate you so much, they’d rather suffer than admit you’re right just this one single time.

So then, how DO we defeat the cult leader? If his agenda wins whether we oppose him or not? Answer: stop caring about his agenda. It’s just a package of lies. This is not about government. This is not about energy policy.

This is about THEY HATE YOU.

The Republicans who have come out against stove-banning, they need to file criminal charges against Trumka for anything that will stick. Remove him from office on any pretext. The political is now the personal. Trumka wants humanity reduced to livestock status, barely alive enough to continue suffering, while he smugly chews on lobster from a private jet.

Do not try to reason with that. It is not reasonable. It is Evil.

GarageGate Is Biden Blackmail

I have finally become suspicious of the classified documents found in Biden’s garage. It was easy to think at first, that the Bidenreich going after Trump was because Biden & friends stockpiled classified info themselves, and because SJWs always project, they accused/set up Trump for their own crime. Thus, it’s no surprise that somebody found such documents at Chez Potato, too. Such are the cognitive limitations of Clown World leaders.

But then I decided it was the other way around. Somebody watched the “Trump hiding classified into” power play and decided to run that on Biden. A copycat crime at the highest levels of State! The reason my thinking changed, is “who had access to a sitting President’s household AND wanted Biden destroyed?” The former could only have been a trusted Cabalist. The latter could only have been a disgruntled Normie, because anybody with any political discernment knows that Potato Joe is a mere puppet. The field of plausible suspects is therefore zero.

That’s a Matrix glitch.

And then MORE classified documents were revealed… all of them by Biden’s own lawyers?! They would not incriminate him with such press releases.

Biden spars over classified documents in garage with Fox News’ Peter Doocy

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By Anders Hagstrom, 12 January 2023

The White House Counsel’s Office announced the discovery on Thursday, saying it had initiated a search of Biden’s homes in Rehoboth Beach and Wilmington after news of the first stash broke this week and found documents in the Wilmington home’s garage.

I had to read that paragraph three times. The White House itself announced that it found classified docs in Joe’s garage… it’s not like a Biden to self-incriminate. And they volunteered TWO such stashes? And me just scanning headlines & memes, I never realized that the garage was the SECOND stash. Where was the first?

“Classified documents next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?” Doocy asked.

“I’m going to get the chance to speak on all of this, God willing it’ll be soon, but I said earlier this week . and by the way my Corvette is in a locked garage. It’s not like it’s sitting out in the street,” Biden responded.

Screw the Corvette. Where was the first stash found?

The Wilmington documents are the second stash of Obama-era classified documents to be uncovered. The first collection was found at the Washington office of the Penn Biden Center, a Biden-aligned think tank.

Ahh, the picture clears. That would be a much easier place for a blackmailer to access than the personal estate of a sitting POTUS, and a much harder place to justify classified docs being left behind at. One can imagine that two factions working together would share a think tank, then after having a falling out, one faction released dirt on the other.

That explains 1. why Team Biden didn’t doxx their former, and possibly future, associates, and 2. why Team Biden proceeded to volunteer (the existence of) all related blackmail-worthy material to the general public. It was both damage control and smoke screen. They want you looking at the Corvette, not the Penn Biden Center, and that would include Mr. Doocey. Why else would Biden grant this guaranteed-slap-fight interview?

The first stash’s existence was announced but not its actual contents. That’s why I call this blackmail. “We have the info, now do XYZ or we’ll release it.”

By the same token, I find myself drifting away from my copycat crime theory. The Mar-A-Lago raid was not about blackmailing Trump.

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The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement of the University of Pennsylvania is located in Washington, D.C. and is named for the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden.

The U.Penn has been mentioned at rapidly increasing rates over the last few years. Hmm.

A think tank, the Penn Biden Center is, per its mission statement, “founded on the principle that a democratic, open, secure, tolerant, and interconnected world benefits all Americans.”

Four lies out of five. The New World Order will, indeed, be interconnected.

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement officially opened on February 8, 2018.

Rather odd that Biden didn’t open such a front organization until he needed a way to keep busy during the Trump Interregnum… until you consider that Jim & Hunter Biden lost a major, lucrative front organization at about the same time:

Exclusive: How the Bidens Made Off With Millions in Chinese Cash

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By Arthur Bloom, 3 November 2020

Draft legal documents and 2017 bank records obtained by The American Conservative show at least $5 million was transferred to Hunter and Jim Biden from companies associated with the Chinese conglomerate CEFC, with millions coming after the company had come under legal scrutiny both in the United States and China.

CEFC official Patrick Ho was arrested in November 2017 and charged by the Southern District of New York with corruption, and was convicted last year. In addition, on or about March 1, 2018, CEFC Chairmen Ye Jianming was arrested in China for economic crimes and hasn’t been seen since. CEFC assets in China were seized by Chinese state agencies. In the U.S., major beneficiaries were Hunter and Jim Biden.

The Penn Biden Center opened between those two dates. Just sayin’.

What the following documents show is that as regulators moved to seize CEFC.s assets, Hunter Biden attempted to take control of the company founded in partnership with it. Instead, after striking a deal with two CEFC employees in the U.S., the funds were disbursed over the next six months to his and his uncle’s companies until it was all gone, in total at least $5 million.

Were any of those millions disbursed to Potato Joe’s brand new tax shelter think tank?

This segue might not be relevant to this post, but it’s interesting and suggests that U.Penn needs a closer look some day:


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16 May 2016

PHILADELPHIA . Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have attended a graduation ceremony at the University of Pennsylvania, but not on the stage as politicians — they were in the audience as parent and grandparent.

The Republican presidential candidate’s daughter Tiffany Trump and the vice president’s granddaughter Naomi Biden were among the 1,500 students who graduated Sunday evening from the School of Arts and Sciences. Donald Trump graduated from Penn’s Wharton School of Business in 1968.

End segue

Does the Penn Biden Center do any business with China?

Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a .dark-money nightmare.

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By Isabel Vincent, 11 January 2023

The Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration, raising suspicions among critics that its establishment attracted tens of millions in donations from anonymous Chinese donors.

The Department of Justice is probing how .a small number. of classified documents from President Biden’s years as vice president ended up at the Washington, DC, think tank that bears his name, the White House confirmed Monday. A second batch of papers was found at an additional location, it was reported Wednesday.

The University of Pennsylvania received more than $30 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president, was announced in 2017…


.The Penn Biden Center is a dark-money, revolving-door nightmare where foreign competitors like China donated millions of dollars to the university so that they could have access to future high-ranking officials,. said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the Virginia-based National Legal and Policy Center.

In addition to leading the think tank, Biden was named a professor at the school.

The Ivy League institution received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts in 2017 and one $14.5 million donation in May 2018, three months after the center opened, records show.

.The Penn Biden Center has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity,. said a spokesman for the University of Pennsylvania. .In fact, the University has never solicited any gifts for the Center. Since its inception in 2017 there have been three unsolicited gifts (from two donors) which combined total $1,100. Both donors are Americans. One hundred percent of the budget for the Penn Biden Center comes from university funds..

The center does not list any of its fellows or administrators on its website, and does not have separate financial filings. It operates under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania…

That explains the REAL purpose of the Penn Biden Center. A think tank with no staff, in a thick cloud of academic squid ink.

So, China is still buying Biden-fluence.


China is nearly at war against Biden over Taiwan.

That would make an awesome motive for a Chinese blackmail effort against Biden. It also explains Biden’s subsequent house-cleaning. They would not have been that worried, had the blackmailer been a mere individual. Instead, it’s the belligerent nation that Biden had been ‘facilitating’ for many years.

If my suspicion is correct then Biden should have made some decision regarding Taiwan in the last week or two. checks

This week’s critical moment for Biden to act on China’s threat

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Op-Ed by John Bolton, 8 January 2023

Japan.s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida comes to Washington this week for a potentially critical summit with President Joe Biden . particularly on China, which Tokyo now publicly recognizes as its principal threat.

Just weeks ago, Kishida announced a historical “turning point” in Tokyo’s security policy, vowing to double its defense budget in the next five years to 2% of gross domestic product, NATO.s target level, making Japan’s military topped only by America’s and China.s.

Biden has paralyzed US strategic thinking about Beijing’s menace, obsessed instead with negotiating climate-change issues. Fortunately, our allies have progressed without us.

YES! YES! I am en fuego today!

Before arriving here, Kishida will sign a historic agreement with Great Britain, providing for reciprocal in-country treatment of each other’s servicemembers, thus facilitating joint military exercises and training. While not as far-reaching as Tokyo’s foundational, 1951 status-of-forces agreement with Washington, this new Japan-UK deal is an important step in building Indo-Pacific collective-defense structures.

These Japanese initiatives parallel British leadership in assisting Ukraine. Since Feb. 24, successive UK governments have consistently outperformed the Biden administration in both political and military support for Kyiv. And in Asia, Britain took a critical catalytic role in forging the trilateral “AUKUS” partnership with the United States to develop and build nuclear-powered submarines for Australia’s navy.

USA is falling behind in war preparations against China? I always thought that’s because Bidenreich was on the Chinese dole. And it was, barring some regulatory hiccups in 2017, but maybe post-Plandemic, China decided that the carrot works better when combined with the stick.

What was the outcome of that meeting?

U.S. strongly committed to Japan defense, Biden tells Kishida, hails military boost

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By Andrea Shalal and David Brunnstrom, 13 January 2023

WASHINGTON, Jan 13 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden told Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday the United States was “fully, thoroughly, completely” committed to Japan’s defense and praised Tokyo’s security build up, saying the nations had never been closer.

Kishida is in Washington on the last stop in a tour of the G7 industrial powers and has been seeking to bolster long-standing alliances amid rising concern in Japan, and the United States, about mounting regional security threats from China, North Korea and Russia.

In a meeting at the White House, Biden called it a “remarkable moment” in the U.S.-Japan alliance… Let me be crystal clear: The United States is fully, thoroughly, completely committed to the alliance, and importantly … to the defense of Japan,” he said, while also thanking Kishida for strong leadership in working closely on technology and economic issues.

Well, that’s that. China tried bribes and now it tried threats, but the sad truth is that Biden really is just a puppet. Why would his handlers care if China burns him?


November 2022: Penn Biden stash “found by Biden’s lawyers”. (China put them there so Biden would know that the dirt was real.)

9-13 January 2023: Japan-USA meeting whether to commit to war against China.

9 January 2023: Biden’s counsel Richard Sauber admits the existence of the November stash.

12 January 2023: White House confirms garage & home stashes. Biden goes on camera ranting about his Corvette.

13 January 2023: PM Kishida leaves Biden with war guarantees.

It was a good blackmail effort by China but alas. Alas for all of civilization, Team Biden decided to minimize the potential fallout instead of backing down from a completely unnecessary war.

For a final prediction, we’re about to learn some saucy classified details about the Obama Administration, although it won’t be enough to change humanity’s collision course with Fate. We’re also about to see some Chinese sleeper cells activate, so at least we’ll have popcorn if not food.

For the bonus point, the locations of the second and third stashes are significant in the context of the documents’ contents. Although we might never know for sure.

Last thought: why did China give >$5M to Biden when he was NOT in power, during those Trump years? They weren’t buying influence. Suddenly, the RUSSIA collusion hoax makes perfect sense from the perspective of SJWs Always Project.

I Warned Usain Bolt About Banksters

My first blog post to go viral (one of three) was a victory lap regarding Jarrid Wilson’s suicide. I had previously posted about his dangerously-naive levels of Blue Pill indoctrination… he had written a letter to Miley Cyrus giving her permission to respect her body more than her ‘abuser’ handlers, after she took up twerking… and alas, Jarrid ended up self-deleting. I don’t mean to make light of that but I saw the warning signs and couldn’t do more than post about it. He probably hadn’t read my post.

Athlete Usain Bolt probably hasn’t read my post about him, either. Specifically, the e-scooter grift that he had foolishly allowed to associate with him beyond mere product endorsement. Link here and my conclusion:

Usain Bolts From the E-Scooter E-Pocalypse

They say you can’t con an honest man. lookit all those conned people who trusted a bankster.

And they.ll keep trusting banksters because it’s probably not even their money. Socialized risk, privatized profit. Nobody loses except the little people who don’t even have names. They just run the company. Nothing important.

The only question is Usain Bolt. We can only guess at this point, how much of the creditor bag he.ll be left holding.

And on that note, the future is now!

Usain Bolt noticed some discrepancies with his Jamaican authorities are investigating after millions reportedly go missing

By Chloe Taylor, 13 January 2023

Athletics superstar Usain Bolt’s finances are at the center of an investigation in his native Jamaica, after millions of dollars were reportedly discovered to be missing from his investment accounts.

Nugent Walker, the star athlete’s long-standing manager, told Jamaican news outlet The Gleaner on Thursday that an investigation was underway after Bolt discovered discrepancies in his accounts.

Local investment firm Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL), which held the account, had alerted the police, Walker said, and authorities including Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission had launched a probe into the missing funds.

Walker said Bolt had first noticed the discrepancies on Wednesday.

.All the relevant steps have been taken to come to the bottom of this,. he added, noting that he could not disclose how much money was involved in the case. The Gleaner reported that millions of dollars were missing from Bolt’s accounts.

However, Walker did tell The Gleaner that Bolt had held accounts with SSL for more than a decade, and that the sprinter’s “entire portfolio is being reviewed..

Per the Jamaican linked article, which I could read for only a few seconds before my antivirus deployed, an employee helped himself to Usain’s account.

As I previously blogged, this ain’t the first time that grifters have turned up in Usain’s orbit. And as I self-quoted, it’s probably not a coincidence:

Bolt, who is widely regarded as the best sprinter of all time, has eight Olympic gold medals and broke several records throughout his career.

He retired from athletics in 2017 and said in 2019 that he was retiring from all sports, following a brief soccer career, to focus on his business ventures.which include shaving company Champion Shave, electric scooter firm Bolt Mobility, and restaurant chain Tracks & Records.

Last I checked, several governments were waiting to be reimbursed for unpaid fees and abatement costs from the sudden closure of the boldfaced.

The Jamaican superstar was earning $31 million a year by 2018, according to Forbes, thanks to big endorsement deals from the likes of sportswear giant Puma. His income made him one of the world’s highest paid athletes, the publication reported.

He’s leveraging his fame for all it’s worth, as he’s entitled to, but greed is not business savvy. A man has got to know his limits. If you don’t have the business skill to manage a $31M paycheck then you might as well accept a $3M paycheck… and you might possibly be happier with that, than with losing $28M to arrive at the same destination.

As God recommends, protect yourself from the love of money. Money is fun, sure, money is necessary, but it doesn’t spend in Hell. It might not even spend next year.

Last year, it was reported that Bolt had a net worth of around $90 million.

Slightly less now. Much less, if that dishonest manager was Tribal, otherwise I don’t fancy a Jamaican bankster making it far in the Swift shark tank.

Ye shall know a man by his friends and his deeds.

Science Fails To Show Up On Schedule

Science is an incredibly popular religion for the Godless. It always tells you how to do what you want to do, but never if you should.

But all is not well with the faithless-ful. They’ve been waiting for some VERY important scientific breakthroughs… and wonder why creativity ain’t happening on their timetable!

.Disruptive. science has declined . and no one knows why

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By Max Kozlov, 4 January 2023

No one, they say? Heh heh

The number of science and technology research papers published has skyrocketed over the past few decades . but the “disruptiveness” of those papers has dropped, according to an analysis of how radically papers depart from the previous literature1.

Data from millions of manuscripts show that, compared with mid-twentieth-century research, that done in the 2000s was much more likely to push science forward incrementally than to veer off in a new direction and render previous work obsolete. Analysis of patents from 1976 to 2010 showed the same trend.

.The data suggest something is changing,. says Russell Funk, a sociologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and a co-author of the analysis, which was published on 4 January in Nature. .You don’t have quite the same intensity of breakthrough discoveries you once had..

One thing that changed is this newfangled idea that world-changing discoveries and technologies are supposed to happen on schedule and on demand. Another thing that changed is suggested by their phrase “millions of manuscripts”. Back in the day, science was done by otherwise ordinary people who wanted to understand “nature and Nature’s God”, as some wags have put it.

Today, science is done mostly by people whose concept of science is publication. And lo, a million manuscripts were scientifically invented! Life found a way!

The authors reasoned that if a study was highly disruptive, subsequent research would be less likely to cite the study’s references, and instead would cite the study itself. Using the citation data from 45 million manuscripts and 3.9 million patents, the researchers calculated a measure of disruptiveness, called the CD index, in which values ranged from .1 for the least disruptive work to 1 for the most disruptive.

The average CD index declined by more than 90% between 1945 and 2010 for research manuscripts (see “Disruptive science dwindles.), and by more than 78% from 1980 to 2010 for patents. Disruptiveness declined in all of the analysed research fields and patent types, even when factoring in potential differences in factors such as citation practices.

Welcome to the Maximegalon Institute Of Slowly and Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious! Today’s scheduled discovery: institutional bureaucracy is a terrible way to advance human knowledge.

.It.s great to see this [phenomenon] documented in such a meticulous manner,. says Dashun Wang, a computational social scientist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who studies disruptiveness in science. .They look at this in 100 different ways, and I find it very convincing overall..

Some scientists can handle the truth.

Other research2 has suggested that scientific innovation has slowed in recent decades, too, says Yian Yin, also a computational social scientist at Northwestern. But this study offers a “new start to a data-driven way to investigate how science changes., he adds.

Others cannot.

It is important to understand the reasons for the drastic changes, [says John Walsh, a specialist in science and technology policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta]. The trend might stem in part from changes in the scientific enterprise. For example, there are now many more researchers than in the 1940s, which has created a more competitive environment and raised the stakes to publish research and seek patents. That, in turn, has changed the incentives for how researchers go about their work. Large research teams, for example, have become more common, and Wang and his colleagues have found3 that big teams are more likely to produce incremental than disruptive science.

Finding an explanation for the decline won’t be easy, Walsh says. Although the proportion of disruptive research dropped significantly between 1945 and 2010, the number of highly disruptive studies has remained about the same.

Finding an explanation for the decline was as easy as pondering what “disruptive research” means. The people who fund & direct science are on record wanting some very specific “disruptive” advances!

Artificial Intelligence & cloning, so that most humans can be reclassified as expendable.

Digital currency, so that people’s money can be stolen at will.

Subscription-based medicine, because healthy people are unprofitable people.

Internet of Things, because anonymous behavior is insurrectionist behavior. Also, nothing says ‘science’ like implanting behavior-control microchips in peoples’ brains.

And most of all, we need “disruptive advances” in Climate Change that prove humanity will go extinct without the daily supervision and intervention of an all-powerful humanist government. Climate Change science should also ‘discover’ that air travel is eco-friendly for plutocrats but not for proletariats.

One may conclude from such research goals, that the reason scientists cannot discover anything truly new, is that the people directing their research cannot steal what doesn’t yet exist.

Legit advances in human knowledge come from two factors: the belief that the material world is a Creation, carefully ordered by a transcendental Designer and running on unchanging rules much like a pocketwatch; and ordinary people having sufficient free time, wealth and motivation to follow their curiosity in solving the problems of the day.

In other words, true progress comes from devotion to Christ and the existence of a prosperous middle class.

You DON’T get progress by impoverishing the ordinary people and compensating with a small stable of designated scientists who were chosen for their ability to repeat party dogma and whose primary job is to justify the thefts and perversions of their benefactors.

You DON’T get progress by assuming there is no God, then refusing to revisit that assumption no matter the evidence.

And you CERTAINLY DON’T get progress from a bureaucracy. Nobody creates a bureaucracy in expectation of profits and productivity. A bureaucracy’s only purpose ever is the same as a bloodsucking insect’s: to consume enough lifeblood from an innocent victim to reproduce itself.

Now that science has become a proudly Godless bureaucracy in thrall to people whose main use for it is how to murder the bulk of humanity without crimping their jet-set lifestyle, amazing new discoveries aren’t happening regularly?! What a perfectly bureaucratic concept.

“Does This Gym Make My Wallet Look Fat?”

In these troubled times, one of the most important things a man can do is to not appear weak.

And one of the best ways to not appear weak, is to not be seen coming out of a Planet Fatness gym.

Also known as “Planet Fitness” and “Pizza Monday”, this so-called exercise chain caters to self-conscious fat feminists by punishing any men trying to get fit with “lunk alarms” and restrictions on grunting. Comparable to the way its purple-and-yellow d?cor punishes the art world, searing the eyeballs of passers-by so the fatties chatting on the treadmills can slither in place unseen.

Four women asked man for a ride outside Planet Fitness. It was a setup, Texas cops say

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A Houston man had just finished working out at Planet Fitness when a group of women approached him in the parking lot, asking for a ride, Texas police told news outlets. It was a trap.

For most gyms, a random guy walking out after worshiping some iron would be a bad choice for a robbery. He’s strong, he’s confident, he’s probably into a martial art. Not Planet Fitness! They’re just as likely to walk out with a slice of pizza.

No, I was not joking about Pizza Monday.

“Hey, Chicken Neck! You’re so big and strong for a man! Would you give us hos, uhh, ladies a ride home to the East Side? None of us brought a phone to call a friend with.”

And Captain Save-A-Ho thought it was his lucky day.

The four women piled into the 20-year-old.s vehicle and he started driving them to their destination on the city’s east side overnight on Thursday, Jan. 11, Houston police told KTRK.

When he reached the location, one of the women quickly bailed out of the car as two gunmen approached . one walking up to the trunk, the other opening the driver side door, according to the outlet.

He stepped on the gas and the suspects opened fire as he sped away, police told KHOU, adding that a bullet hit him in the abdomen.

A little lower and he’d have a Darwin Award.

He came to a stop after escaping the ambush, and a woman who was still in the car snatched the man’s keys and ran, the TV station reported.

“I just survived a carjacking!”


A nearby resident called 911 and the man was taken by ambulance to a hospital, police told news outlets. He is expected to survive.

Police are searching for the four women and two gunmen behind the set up.

They’ll be caught as soon as one of the hos gets stiffed on child support.

Getting fit doesn’t just attract females. It repels predators. Who are often also female, so for your OWN sake, if you’re a 20-something pencilnecked urbanite who can still identify as male, find a REAL gym and start the makeover.

The easiest way to not be a victim, is to not look, act and patronize Planet Fatness like a victim.

The Library Of Patmos

The endless tide of defeats is quite disappointing, of course. However. As much as the mainstream media tries to not report wins for Team Christ, lest they accidentally encourage us, butthurt will always find a way!

Outrage Over A Single Book Is Shutting Down This Town’s Library

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By Nathalie Baptiste for Huffington Post, 13 January 2023

Butthurt will always find a way… because we live in a matriarchy and emoting is how women operate.

Last year, residents voted to defund the Patmos Library following a push from conservatives to remove the book “Gender Queer” by Maia Kababe from the public library’s shelves.

The Patmos Library in Jamestown, Michigan, was Chavala Ymker’s refuge for years.


The Q&A Queerzine

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Chavala Ymker (they/them) is a queer storyteller living in the Midwest. They work in communications and development in nonprofit spaces. When not writing, they run a queer writing group, record queer oral histories and pursue other hobbies including theatre and keeping up with the latest films.

No way is this about “one book”.

End segue

.We didn’t have the internet, and the library was the only place I had access to books and a space outside of my home,. said Ymker, 23, who was home-schooled while growing up in the small town.

Good news, now we DO have an Internet! But she probably still got sent to college so she’d never have to depend upon a husband.

But within a couple of years, that place of escape will probably not exist.

Last year, residents of Jamestown, a township made up of nearly 10,000 people, voted to defund the public library following a push from conservatives to remove the book “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe from shelves.

Hmm. They should have defunded Ymker directly, but since the library would surely have ended up controlled by a Globohomo replacement, it’s just as well the entire institution is ended.

Conservatives across the country have targeted the memoir . in fact, it’s been banned in more states than any other book in America . about Kobabe’s journey to figuring out their own gender identity. They mainly take issue with a passage on consent that contains a page about sex toys, and they falsely claim that just reading the book can make a child change their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Which it it? “It’s not pedophilia; there’s only one part that counts as pedophilia; and Meanie Fringe People are trying to stop children from being taught pedophilia.”

.The library is a disaster because of one book,. Ymker said.

The second one, then? Hir chose hir’s answer… poorly.

The Patmos Library said it even moved “Gender Queer” behind the counter after initial complaints.

“You’re sodomizing my children!”

“Here, let me hide the evidence. When do you think you’ll be back to pick your kid up?”

“Never, because I’m defunding this place.”


“Relax, it’s only one line in the budget.”

.Some people were handing out fliers that claim librarians are groomers and giving out pornography at the library,. said Salem Sousley, a Jamestown resident and co-founder of Inclusive Ottawa County, a group working to foster diversity and inclusion in the area.

Et tu, Salem?

.It.s going to be hard to lose this resource,. Sousley said. .Kids from the local schools host their clubs there…”


.Jamestown is not a friendly place to be right now,. Sousley said. .My wife is trans, and I’m nonbinary. It’s hard living here every day knowing that your neighbors think you’re disgusting and an abomination..

Jamestown is in Ottawa County, a traditionally conservative area where Donald Trump won about 60% of votes in both 2016 and 2020. The county’s board of supervisors is under review by the state’s attorney general due to several actions it took immediately after being sworn in earlier this month . including eliminating the county’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office.

Conservatives have targeted the institutions, claiming librarians are trying to indoctrinate or groom children with books with LGBTQ characters and themes. That isn’t true, but the conspiracy theories have spread . with significant consequences, including… protesting at family-friend story hours hosted by drag queens.

The author is not even hiding the crime. She’s dropping the crime on the floor and telling us we can’t see it.

How is it that these people are the ones ruling the world? Not by human effort, obviously. Post author Natalie is such a bad liar, I bet she can’t even lie on the ground. (Because there’s a crime on it. Hah!)

Weeks after it was successfully defunded, debate over the Patmos Library continues.

Enough donations have poured in to keep the Patmos Library operational for a few months after funding runs out. A GoFundMe that was set up last August raised more than $12,000, while author Nora Roberts donated $50,000 and a Michigan family that had never even been to the library gave another $100,000. But library officials say private donations are not a sustainable option.

Not sustainable because…

Last month, Shane Trejo, a Michigan GOP official who does not live near Jamestown, posted on Facebook: .Time to shut down the library by force. And then perhaps charge the people writing these checks as accessories for child abuse.. He later told Bridge Michigan, a nonprofit news outlet, that he meant through the force of law.

…SJWs are cowards when they aren’t sheltered by Amenable Authorities. It’s why they prefer to live in groupthink hives. If they were capable of independent existence then they’d occasionally entertain independent thoughts.

Yay Shane! That’s how you do it. The way to fight Globohomo isn’t how, it’s who. The Enemy paved that road since deposing the Tsar so feel free to walk it yourself.

A few days after the initial comment, the Patmos Library closed early, citing safety concerns. The library did not provide a specific reason to HuffPost for the closure, but local police said they weren’t made aware of any safety concerns that would require the library to close early.

Cowardice again. One would think the Librarian of Patmos would be well-read, including a certain bestseller in which “Johnnie” is exiled to the Island of Patmos and proceeds to have a vivid dream of what happens to child molesters, and be fearful on the CORRECT side of history, but no, that’ll be then and this is now.

One library staffer, who has not been named publicly, took umbrage with the accusations and addressed the room.

.We have a breaking point. We have been threatened, we have been cursed,. she said, according to a TikTok that went viral. .I.m tired, and I’m tired of all of you. I moved to this town two and a half years ago, and I [have] regretted it every day for the last year..