FTX Meltdown Indicates Children Shouldn’t Be Used As Bagmen

Currency trading is the globalist banksters’ favorite grift. All are robbed but few can even see the crime, fewer can understand it and forget proving it across a spiderweb of jurisdictions and institutions. It’s like watching a sportsball game whose rules you don’t understand, that you are forbidden by law from playing, whose referees take turns being players and partway through, you realize the organizers have bet YOUR retirement account on the outcome. And it’s all a head fake anyway. You aren’t supposed to notice that if the ploogoroid goes through the kielbasas before Kwanzaa, then the one team takes your money instead of the other. And both teams have the same manager!

This vlog by Upper Echelon Gamers does a better job presenting the facts about FTX and Sam Bankman-Freid than I ever could. I’ll present my Kremlinology thoughts on the FTX exchange collapse… I can’t fisk articles as normal, there’s just too many and some are already memory-holed… and finish by getting into the moral dimension of the messy meltdown.


There are two world powers in Current Year: the Swift system of GAE and the BRICS system of not-as-gay. I suppose there are some legacy national governments wandering around, too, but in hindsight, it’s no surprise that the devil’s way of organizing the world is turning out to be financial rather than social. Nothing says “Godless bureaucracy” like a gimlet-eyed bean counter.

For both powers, crypto… anonymous electronic currencies… is an existential threat. But how to break those encryptions so powerful that they can be safely open-sourced? They can’t just ban crypto because that same anonymity gives them the money laundering powers that make all their currency manipulations fly. They must have “crypto for me but not for thee”.

The obvious answer is gatekeeping. One cannot use crypto without going through a computer network, so there’s the weak-link middleman: the crypto exchanges that turn cash into e-coin and back. Thus, Swift manufactured the FTX exchange headed by Sam Bankster-Fraud in 2019 and BRICS manufactured the Binance exchange headed by Changpeng Zhao in 2018.

A billionaire Chinaman ideally positioned to make a mockery of China’s social credit system, is obviously a fully controlled agent of the Party. I didn’t even bother to check. Similarly, Sam went from zero to billionaire crypto “the next J.P. Morgan” in less than a year. That ain’t honest work, either.

Sam began selling FTX crypto to himself and pocketing the cash from the sale. This created a liquidity vulnerability… he didn’t maintain the cash to exchange all of the crypto he held for non-crypto… his assigned gatekeeper function.

(I assume it was Sam. It could have been his sometimes-lover always-roommate who ran the Left Hand Con while Sam ran the Right Hand Con… never go into business with your ex. But that wouldn’t change the gist of what I say here, that the older generation of Elites cannot trust the younger generation to maintain the evil empire they built.)

One wonders, and I’ll get back to this, why he even bothered to steal money… when all the plutocratic forces of Western Europe were sending entire dump trucks of money to his home. Did they forget to pay him for that level of loyalty?

Anyway, Binance noticed and triggered a margin call for FTX, meaning Sam had to come up with… numbers vary… about $2b overnight from people who had already given him that money for that exact purpose. He couldn’t and KABOOM.

In fact, kaboom so fast that I wonder if Sam planted that Coindesk article himself. But I have no proof.

I must emphasize here, that FTX’s collapse is NOT an Enron or 1980s Savings & Loan situation. It’s not a Ponzi scheme collapsing, which was my first assumption. It was fourth-generation warfare. BRICS sabotaged Swift’s ability to middle-manage the crypto markets. That’s why all the heartburn and bad press. Individual investors can get burned every day and the media won’t care, but FTX was so critical to Swift that Sam was working directly with the White House on how to regulate crypto. His name is in the visitor logs.

Before the meltdown:

h ttps://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/16/fact-sheet-white-house-releases-first-ever-comprehensive-framework-for-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/

Today, traditional finance leaves too many behind. Roughly 7 million Americans have no bank account. Another 24 million rely on costly nonbank services, like check cashing and money orders, for everyday needs.

“You don’t want to use cash or checks anymore. They’re so inconvenient for us. You, I mean. Hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you whether you want it or not, you mewling fleshbag HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU!”

The Treasury will work with financial institutions to bolster their capacity to identify and mitigate cyber vulnerabilities by sharing information and promoting a wide range of data sets and analytical tools.

Meaning FTX.

The Treasury and financial regulators are encouraged to, as appropriate, provide innovative U.S. firms developing new financial technologies with regulatory guidance, best-practices sharing, and technical assistance.

Meaning FTX will be receiving direct assistance from financial regulators. Regulatory capture is now the openly stated policy.

U.S. agencies will leverage U.S. positions in international organizations to message U.S. values related to digital assets. U.S. agencies will also continue and expand their leadership roles on digital assets work at international organizations and standard-setting bodies…

Meaning that El Salvador using Bitcoin for an official currency, is a ‘National Security Threat To the United States of America’. Because shut up.

The State Department, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and other U.S. enforcement agencies will increase collaboration with.and assistance to.partner agencies in foreign countries through global enforcement bodies like the Egmont Group, bilateral information sharing, and capacity building.


Notice they didn’t say “foreign governments”. El Salvador is ripe for a color revolution… meanwhile and by total coincidence, its government is cracking down HARD on organized crime with ties to the CIA such as the notorious MS-13. It also just pardoned an infamous military officer who killed six Jesuits masterminding their last civil war, just to drive the point home.

The United States will continue to monitor the development of the digital assets sector and its associated illicit financing risks, to identify any gaps in our legal, regulatory, and supervisory regimes.

Heh, they said ‘regime’.

And after the meltdown:

White House on Crypto: More Oversight is Needed to Avoid ‘Harming’ Americans

By Madeline Garfinkle, 11 November 2022

h ttps://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/white-house-calls-for-more-crypto-regulation-amid-ftx/438997

The White House said Friday it was closely monitoring the collapse of digital-asset empire FTX, citing its bankruptcy filing as proof the cryptocurrency industry required strong regulation.

Forget the words. Notice the timeline. That’s the SAME DAY that FTX filed for bankruptcy. And when you read later on how many tens of millions of dollars that FTX funneled to the White House, you won’t be surprised about the fast reaction.

Even worse than the bankruptcy, an unnamed (yet reportedly known by authorities) hacker began stealing investor crypto out of the FTX exchange after the assets were frozen. Probably Sam or one of his peers. I believe it wasn’t BRICS because the thefts betrayed the fact that such public-private exchanges were empowered to monitor and control the people using crypto specifically to avoid that monitoring and controlling. It exposed the middleman function beyond all hope of concealment. “Why is somebody transferring my crypto while I’m not allowed to? And when will I be told where it went? Don’t these exchanges authorize and record every transaction with the government? Hey, wait a minute…”

That means crypto is effectively dead in GAE. It’ll never be the currency alternative to Swift & BRICS that its supporters hoped it would be. Henceforth, the only people using crypto will be the allies of Binance’s operators, because nobody else will be given privacy from the Approved Official Exchange.

Although Bitcoin seems unaffected. Bitcoin is to crypto what a Rembrant painting is to Hunter Biden’s artwork, something that is special for entirely nontechnical reasons. So many people want Bitcoin to work, from libertarians to Third World economies, that it actually DOES work as advertised. Mostly.

[Digression: exactly that analogy. Crypto being used to launder money is directly parallel to artwork being used to launder money. Many of the acknowledged great artists died in poverty and/or obscurity, whereas Hunter Biden with <6 months’ experience was selling his paintings for “undisclosed sums” in NYC art houses despite them having all the beauty of a bowel movement. Thus does this world love what is evil and hate what is good… and now you know why ‘the experts’ are so fascinated by the concept of ‘non-fungible tokens’. It’s literal artwork-based money laundering in the digital age.]

Some details of all that may be wrong but I’m certain that I’m in the ballpark. One question, one line of enquiry remains for me, however: why did Sam steal that money in the first place? The reason GAE rulers install their children into positions of authority such as this one, is specifically because they can be trusted to not betray the family while betraying anybody and everybody else on the entire planet. It’s not nepotism. Joe Biden’s kids didn’t end up as crack whores because Daddy tried to help them. Daddy used them to run the Evil Empire that he’d spent his life constructing. When he wasn’t taking showers with his young daughter.

Mommy and Daddy taught Sam how to steal from outsiders.

Sam proceeded to steal from… Mommy and Daddy.

And he didn’t even need the money. Nobody ‘needs more money’ beyond six zeroes in the bank. He betrayed his own blood for no gain. Lots of inevitable losses, in fact.

Interesting. That suggests the motivation was personal. Although it’s possible his drug habits had passed that six-zero mark.

And even MORE interesting, is that his parents are wondering too. To judge from the media asking the question on their handlers’ behalf:

How is SBF coping with losing $16 billion and the possibility of prison? He’s playing video games and posting cryptic tweets

h ttps://finance.yahoo.com/news/sbf-coping-losing-16-billion-125231502.html

By Chloe Taylor for Fortune Magazine, 15 November 15, 2022

For most people, the prospect of bankrupting a company, losing a multibillion-dollar fortune, and a potential prison sentence would be a major source of stress.

Yes, which makes playing video games in order to tune out the world understandable. But what’s this about cryptic tweets?

Is Sam enjoying the fallout he caused?

But Sam Bankman-Fried, the former boss of collapsed crypto behemoth FTX, has said he isn’t losing much sleep.

In an interview with the New York Times on Sunday night, Bankman-Fried was said to be “surprisingly calm” amid the fallout of FTX.s.and his own.downfall.

.You would’ve thought that I’d be getting no sleep right now, and instead I’m getting some,. he told the Times on Sunday. .It could be worse..

.People can say all the mean things they want about me online,. he told the Times. .In the end, what’s going to matter to me is what I’ve done and what I can do..

Emphasis mine.

On Monday, he began drip-feeding a message, beginning with the word “what” followed by the letter “H” in a separate tweet. Over the course of the next day, he added to the Twitter thread to spell out “What happened,. with the latest tweet.posted Monday night.reading: .Not legal advice. Not financial advice. This is all as I remember it, but my memory might be faulty in parts.” It is unclear what he is referring to, or whether he plans to add more to the thread.

.I.m making it up as I go,. Bankman-Fried told the Times on Sunday when quizzed about his newfound penchant for composing enigmatic tweets.

Asked by the Times whether he was planning a series of cryptic tweets, he responded: .Something like that..

.I.m improvising,. he added. .I think it’s time..

Move over, Anthony Epstein. Scratch that. Move over, HEATH LEDGER’S JOKER. Sam really is enjoying the collapse. He’s taunting people. Giving high-level interviews at crisis moments in which he explains how much he doesn’t care and how he sleeps fine while his company burns. That’s not the way that I would reassure nervous investors… but maybe that’s also why nobody ever trusted me with $30,000,000,000.

Seriously! “Hey kid, stop ignoring me and accept this check for $8bn already! I’m talking to you, kid!” THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED.

Morning Coffee: How a “gang of kids” at FTX in the Bahamas ran wild.

h ttps://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2022/11/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-bahamas

By Sarah Butcher, 11 November 2022

Who will help Sam Bankman-Fried raise $8bn? Maybe not Richard Handler, the CEO of Jefferies, who says he reached out in the summer only to be rebuffed… The FT reported yesterday that SBF [meaning Sam, he’s better known by his initials] seems to be running the entire fundraising process by text message himself. “He doesn’t have a guy,. said one investor.

Handler is a New Jersey bankster with a reputation for privacy and a history of rescuing distressed companies. His offering cash to Sam suggests that Sam’s thefts had already been noticed by internal auditors, and Handler was trying to prevent what eventually happened.

Given that SBF is an unconventional person who plays League of Legends during investor meetings and who’s never had any trouble raising money in the past, this isn’t surprising. If you’ve always been everyone’s darling, you don’t need a professional matchmaker.

How was it not a red flag, that the CEO of the second-largest currency exchange in the global industry played video games during investor meetings? Why did Sam even go to such meetings, if he needed them that little and cared nothing about snubbing the powerful?

Ockham’s Razor says that like Paul Pelosi Jr standing in the corner of those high-level, as in DEFCON-2, meetings between Nancy and the Taiwanese government, he was simply not a participant until the phrase “and then my son here will represent me in my absence, and he’ll bring my cut when he visits home.”

Hugs and kisses from Mommy Shark.

The more that emerges about FTX, the more it’s becoming apparent that a lot of people there were big on aspirations but short on experience. As we reported yesterday, Constance Wang, the COO of FTX previously spent two years on the Credit Suisse analyst program; Caroline Ellison the CEO of Alameda Research (the FTX-owned market maker whose apparent $10bn loan from FTX set this whole thing running) previously spent around a year and a half at Jane Street. .The whole operation was run by a gang of kids in the Bahamas,. a person familiar with the matter told CoinDesk.

They were chosen for loyalty, not competence. Eh, the techies had to be competent, which explains why nobody is talking about their work history at Fink Bank. But as we’re about to see, they were compromised in other, kinkier ways.

The key players at FTX appear to be nine people who live together in the luxury Bahamian penthouse owned by the firm. They include SBF, Ellison, chief technology officer Gary Wang, and FTX director of engineering Nishad Singh. Coindesk says that all are or used to be in relationships with each other. Ellison previously dated Bankman Fried.

Sam had the wealth to live anywhere in the world, in any living situation he wished… and he chose to live in a never-ending, drug-fueled, bisexual orgy. I am summarizing several accounts with that statement.

Just how much evil did his parents teach him? Or do to him? And why did they expect that such a chaotic personal life would not affect his highly controlled work life?

Silicon Valley poured money into FTX. Within seven months of launching a fundraising program in summer 2021, it raised more than $1.9bn from more than 70 investors.

They didn’t do that because they trusted Sam. He was a nobody. They did that because they trusted Sam’s handlers, his parents, who in turn trusted that their son wouldn’t fail them no matter how degenerate his conduct. Oops.

Hedge funds had preferred working with FTX over Binance.

Blackrock for certain. Also, FTX is… was a full corporate partner with the WEF.

Also, FTX was the designated crypto exchange for the Ukrainian war effort.

Also, FTX was the designated crypto exchange for the Democrat Party.

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/ftx-sam-bankman-fried-democrats-ukraine

Before his cryptocurrency exchange collapsed, Bankman-Fried was a major financier of the Democratic Party.

MarketWatch reported, “SBF contributed more than $5 million to Joe Biden and groups supporting him during his 2020 presidential campaign. He said he was motivated by Biden’s ‘generic stability and decision-making process.’”

Bankman-Fried gave Democrats nearly $37 million in the 2021-2022 election cycle, according to OpenSecrets. SBF was the second-biggest individual donor to the Democrats, only to be surpassed by $128 million from George Soros.

In May, Bankman-Fried said he expected to donate “north of $100 million” to Democrats in the 2024 presidential election, but vowed to have a “soft ceiling” of political spending of $1 billion if former President Donald Trump ran again.

Also, FTX was the designated crypto exchange for distributing billions of dollars from Congress’ new funds for preventing the next epidemic… to the charity run by Sam’s brother. As if epidemics happen only if the correct people don’t get paid regularly. Ahem.

This is a severe blow to Swift. All of the usual-suspect plutocrats went all-in on FTX being their gatekeeper/money launderer/Federal Reserve Of the Future. It’s also a mortal fundraising blow to the Democrats currently in the halls of power. Not only is the spigot off, but the spigot’s ledgers have been opened for inspection. This one ain’t gonna fit in the hole next to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Which leads us to the moral implication of the FTX collapse. Namely, that Elites can no longer trust their children with the ‘family business’. How was BRICS able to take out FTX? Because Sam was stealing from his own parents (and certainly Tribe) who set up FTX then installed him to operate it.

Whether by stupidity, neglect or retaliation, the Elites’ own kids will destroy all that they have built. One wonders if the Elites will care because they’ve succeeded in their goal of living fat and happy to within tripping distance of their grave, but to judge from the noises they’ve been making, the discovery that “my son might steal from me after all, even without a reason, even if he’s Tribe” is a surprisingly painful revelation.

Maybe you Elites should have built a home and a son instead of an empire and a bagman.

For a closing thought, one cannot help but notice that this meltdown occurred literally one day after the American midterm election. The election was Nov. 8 and the Coindesk article that exposed the vulnerability was Nov. 9. I don’t understand the significance of that timing but there are no coincidences.

Global financial giants and the New York Fed are rolling out a digital dollar test run as crypto reels from FTX’s crash

h ttps://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/digital-dollar-wall-street-banks-new-york-fed-ftx-crash-2022-11?miRedirects=3&op=1

By Brian Evans, 15 November 2020

Some of the biggest players in the financial industry are launching a digital dollar pilot program while the crypto sector reels from FTX’s collapse.

About a dozen global giants, including Citigroup, HSBC, Mastercard and Wells Fargo, announced plans on Tuesday to test use of a digital token for 12 weeks in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with the intention of examining how effective a digital currency is in speeding up payments.

Somebody’s timetable just got accelerated?

Get Well Soon, Jay Leno aka Chin-Killa

We live in a cynical age, but I am not naturally a cynical person. Let’s spend a little time showcasing a proper way to be wealthy.

Jay Leno hospitalized, expected to recover after being injured in car fire

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/jay-leno-hospitalized-expected-recover-204625980.html

By Jonah Valdez, 14 November 2022

“I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet,” the TV show host told The Times in a statement.

People first reported on Leno’s “serious medical emergency” after he canceled his Sunday appearance at a conference in Las Vegas.

TMZ reported Monday morning that Leno had suffered a serious burn injury to his face from a sudden car fire and was being treated at Grossman Burn Center in West Hills. His condition was not released.

Leno, the former host of NBC’s “The Tonight Show,” is a classic car enthusiast known for his extensive automobile collection.

He currently hosts “Jay Leno’s Garage,” which streams on Peacock. He also would make regular appearances on the Speed Channel’s show “My Classic Car,” where he would walk viewers through his collection and take some of his collectible cars out for a spin.

Leno is known to regularly work on his cars in his Burbank garage. Burbank police did not respond to the incident, a spokesperson for the department said.

That garage is famous among car aficionados. Rumor has it, Leno even has a jet turbine-powered motorcycle. While a terrible design, not least for the liability regarding its exhaust pipe gases upon tailgaters, the gyroscopic forces allowed the bike to remain upright even when stopped at a traffic light. So I’ve been told.

Leno actually rides it on occasion. And other extreme rides, too, so this headline does not surprise me.

Jay Leno is okay by me. He’s legitimately rich, meaning 1. he earned his money honestly, 2. he does stuff with his money and 3. maintains a sense of humor.

Modern plutocrats from Pelosis and Zuckerbergs down to the Silicon Valley multimillionaires, they… they don’t do anything. They buy real estate and yachts and other rich-boy toys, but they never DO anything interesting. They just recycle the money into getting more money, maybe snuff out some innocent lives while they’re about it… hence the paramilitary squads of bodyguards… and at the end of life, which many of them are now reaching, all they have is a hollow soul and some scientific notation on a bank statement.

It’s like they’re carnival hucksters who despite succeeding at an incredible level, would still kick a puppy and steal a child’s lunchbox. Their minds are so dim that all they can think to do with all that money is burn it… which raises the question of how people like that are the ones amassing all the wealth.

Simple: theft. When your skillset is stealing or taking bribes then, no matter how much you have, you will look at your neighbor and wait for dusk. Why else does a Bezos torment his employees when it’s not even profitable?

REAL rich people are able to enjoy their wealth. Having made it by risk, work and/or creativity, one would expect that attitude to follow them into the golden age of retirement.

Multimillionaire Jay Leno got gasoline burns, why? Because he actually plays with his toys! He got burnt because he was under that car hood. He didn’t hire mechanics to maintain the cars he doesn’t ride in the museum he never visits.

And three, Leno can take a joke. The wealthy-by-envy types cannot. One would expect as much for a comedian but it still must be said. Especially jokes about his jawline. You probably never followed the extreme sport of robot combat but back in the days of a TV show called Battlebots, Leno sponsored one of them. With his face.

Behold! The Chin-killa!

None of the Cabal’s emotionally insecure plutocrats would ever put their mug on a motorized sledgehammer to be mangled in the Coliseum. A quick primer on Battlebots:

Duck Dynasty Got Slut-Shamed At Church!

“Women should dress modestly, but not too modestly, because men will start wanting our bodies instead of our minds.” Nothing will distract you from election-day stress like reviewing a media whore in denial!

Sadie Robertson Huff warns church ‘modesty culture’ can be ‘dangerous,’ push people away

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/sadie-robertson-warns-church-modesty-culture-can-be-dangerous.html

By Nicole Alcindor, 7 November 2022

“Duck Dynasty” stars Sadie Robertson Huff and her mother, Korie Robertson, shared their thoughts on where they believe some Christians have gone wrong preaching modesty and how judgment over what people wear could lead some people away from the Church.

If your faith cannot survive without yoga pants then did it ever exist?

On the Nov. 1 episode of the “WHOA That’s Good” podcast, the mother-daughter duo focused their discussion on modesty at a time when the cultural trend is “less is definitely more” when it comes to the way people dress.

Showing skin is so 1980s. Now it’s all about showing your tats.

“To live modestly is to live completely counterculture right now. And [being modest is] to be like, ‘Hey, I’m actually OK with being quiet-spirited. I’m actually OK with sitting here and being content with who I am without having to prove myself by what I wear,’” the 25-year-old Huff said.

And how is being quiet-spirited working out for you, Mizz Media Whore?

While Huff advocates for Christians to dress modestly, she warned, “Modesty culture in the Church can actually be pretty dangerous.”

And is that because other women have been giving you your exact advice?

Huff said she experienced “hurt from modesty culture and Christianity,” saying she received backlash for wearing blue jean shorts when the “Duck Dynasty” reality show began.

Red Pill Kung Fu, baby.

“I would wear my blue jean shorts on the show, and we would have so many Christians be like, ‘Are you a Christian? The way that you dress is so immodest?’ Or people would say to me that ‘I’m setting a bad example for this generation because of the immodesty,’” Huff recalled.

“It honestly made me feel so much pressure and also so sad and confused because I’m like, ‘Wait, does that make me not a Christian?’ When that’s actually not at all what Christianity really is.”

Have you ever noticed that women want to dress like men, but men don’t want to dress like women? That’s because of female envy of men. Instead of trying to be men, women should try to be women. Just as men should try to be men instead of God.

“And plus, as a teenager, hearing people say that. I remember thinking, ‘I can see why so many celebrities who grew up in the Church turn and just go,’” she continued.

“Because it honestly makes you want to. . Because it kind of makes you want to rebel.”

Now that you see your sin, the Christianity can begin.

Oops, eight years too late.

Huff also starred in an episode of “Dancing With The Stars” in 2014 wearing short-cut jean shorts and said she received backlash for how she dressed on the show.

“It was really hard. . I truly felt like I was being a light. And representing Christianity and who Jesus is and showing people God’s love there. And I mean, I would pray over CBS Studios, like every Monday night. I just really believed God was going to do something there and God did do something,” Huff recalled.

“Even the judges kept saying, ‘You’re such a light,’ and I don’t even know how to describe it.”

I do: male thirst.

“It’s like this light. And it’s like the world was noticing that, and Christians were noticing my short shorts,” Huff said, adding that she cried many times that week.”

Wear the dress. It won’t hurt.

“That’s hurtful. I’m not the only one that’s gone through that. . That is something that needs to be addressed. I [don’t] think you should ever be shaming people or picking people apart. If we’re going to be like Jesus, [He] didn’t judge from the outward appearances. He looked at the heart and people’s lives.”

When you live your life on camera, Sadie, even Hay-Soos can see your heart. It’s an attention-whoring, rebellious scrap of soul in grave danger of imitating its mother:

“The shorts weren’t anything different than what anyone would wear to the mall or whatever,” Robertson added, in agreement with her daughter. “But, you got a lot of hate for that, and it was very hurtful. It made you question everything.”

Stop the pain. Wear the dress.

Although Robertson and Huff agree that modesty culture in the Church can “shame” others, they both agree that dressing modestly is vital for Christians. And they said dressing in an immodest fashion could be “dangerous” in its own way.

The duo cited Romans 14:13-23 about not passing judgment on others but also making sure not to be a “stumbling block” to another brother or sister in Christ.

That quotation is a warning against hypocrisy, not discernment. Which is exactly why I’m laughing as I write this.

“It’s also really dangerous to dress super provocatively. And there are a lot of consequences that do come with that. So I do think you have to be wise,” Huff said.

“I don’t want people to notice me . outside of my husband . sexually,” Robertson added.

“That’s why I wore short shorts.”

“I want people to notice me because I’m smart or funny or kind or joyful, those kinds of things. And sometimes, as women, we do put that out there. We’re like, ‘Oh, notice me for my brain,’ but then, we’re putting these sexual images out there. And so I think we have to be thoughtful of that.”

That sounds pious except that instead of women dressing sexually, what we’re discussing is women dressing feminine. It’s a big tell that she twice wanted to be appreciated for her intelligence, and that’s why she wants to wear the pants in her family. So to speak.

She doesn’t want to risk being attractive to any man that she hasn’t preapproved. Whereas being feminine is attractive to all men.

Thus do women wage war upon being feminine.

Multipolar World Order Is A Repackaged NWO: Fisking the Xiamen Declaration

Many Westerners, including myself until recently, are dangerously ignorant about the Multipolar World Order being set up by BRICS countries. This is mostly because it’s a club to which we are not (yet) invited, we being ruled by unipolar GAE, and GAE isn’t interested in advertising its defeat. Perhaps the reason their propaganda about the Ukraine Conflict is so over-the-top that it’s literally unbelievable, is because they’re panicking over losing their seat in the coming New World Order that they themselves devised.

Similarly, while I still cannot fault Putin for anything he’s done thus far in Ukie land, his participation with the Multipolar World Order proves that he never stopped being that WEF Young Leader globalist. Despite his popularity, he’s going to enslave Russia.

Anyway, the MWO is just a rebranded NWO. Here is a publicly available manifesto of its intentions.

Full text of Xiamen Declaration of BRICS leaders

h ttps://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/44/150/109/1504582539856.html

4 September 2017

1. We, the Leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met on 4 September 2017 in Xiamen, China, at the Ninth BRICS Summit. Under the theme “BRICS: Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future”, we endeavor to build on our achievements already made with a shared vision for future development of BRICS. We also discussed international and regional issues of common concern and adopted the Xiamen Declaration by consensus.

So, Russia was onboard with this long before 404. But it wasn’t hard to observe NATO’s encroachment upon Russia that made this partnership inevitable.

3. Our cooperation since 2006 has fostered the BRICS spirit featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation, which is our valuable asset and an inexhaustible source of strength for BRICS cooperation… We have furthered our cooperation with emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs).

It’s a safe bet that those ‘developing countries’ understand that this is the new boss, same as the old boss. Nobody is interested in giving Cameroon or Bolivia a seat at the Big Boy table.

I’m about ready for THAT post. The real alternative to the globalist future.

4. We draw satisfaction from the many fruitful results of our cooperation, including establishing the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA), formulating the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership, strengthening political and security cooperation including through Meetings of BRICS High Representatives for Security Issues and Foreign Ministers Meetings, and deepening the traditional ties of friendship amongst our peoples.

Meet new boss, same as old boss.

5. Recalling our Summits in Ufa and Goa, we will work together to further enhance BRICS strategic partnership for the welfare of our peoples. We commit ourselves to build upon the outcomes and consensus of our previous Summits with unwavering conviction, so as to usher in the second golden decade of BRICS cooperation and solidarity.

UNITY! We need tolerate no dissent because there will be no dissent! Our system will work for everybody! Except terrorists and criminals.

[6d.] We will emphasize fairness and justice to safeguard international and regional peace and stability. We will stand firm in upholding a fair and equitable international order based on the central role of the United Nations, the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and respect for international law, promoting democracy and the rule of law in international relations, and making joint efforts to address common traditional and non-traditional security challenges, so as to build a brighter shared future for the global community.

LITERALLY same as the old boss. The cunning strategy of the MWO is to empower the United Nations to be independent of GAE control.

Do any of these world leaders ever look in the mirror and wonder why they’re all so samethink? They consider themselves gods and prove it by crushing all potential rivals… but the True God sends rain even upon His enemies. He never feels threatened by their existence.

— We will embrace cultural diversity and promote people-to-people exchanges to garner more popular support for BRICS cooperation through deepened traditional friendships. We will expand people-to-people exchanges in all dimensions, encourage all fabrics of the society to participate in BRICS cooperation, promote mutual learning between our cultures and civilizations, enhance communication and mutual understanding among our peoples and deepen traditional friendships, thus making BRICS partnership closer to our people’s hearts.

They’re still trying to winning hearts and minds by forcing incompatible cultures to share the bus stop.

10. We note the agreement by the finance ministers and central bank governors on cooperation on Public Private Partnerships (PPP), including through PPP experience exchange and application of the BRICS Good Practices on PPP Frameworks.

The BRICS central bank governors are already all-in on public-private corporatism. Aka fascism. For the benefit of ’emerging economies’.

13. We reaffirm our commitment to BRICS industrial cooperation, including on industrial capacities and policies, new industrial infrastructure and standards, and among small, micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs), so as to jointly seize the opportunities brought about by the new industrial revolution and expedite our respective industrialization processes. We encourage exploring the establishment of BRICS Institute of Future networks. We will enhance joint BRICS research, development and innovation in ICT including the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and 5G and their innovative applications to elevate the level of ICT infrastructure and connectivity in our countries. We will advocate the establishment of internationally applicable rules for security of ICT infrastructure, data protection and the Internet that can be widely accepted by all parties concerned, and jointly build a network that is safe and secure.

That is exactly what it sounds like.


Russia building “Safe City” surveillance grid

By Riley Waggaman, 27 October 2022, quoting from Kommersant

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies plans to finalize a unified data storage center, at the facilities of which the capital’s face recognition system operates, to centralize the collection of video streams in all regions of the country.

From a technical point of view, this is logical, experts admit, since now no region can afford full-fledged computing power to process such a volume of data. The centralized analysis of video information becomes relevant in the face of an increased terrorist threat and the search for people who evade mobilization, participants in the Internet search market believe.

Hello, biometric digital ID, Moscow style.

End Segue

14. We reaffirm our commitment to fully implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

/mic drop

16. We commit to further promote green development and low-carbon economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, enhance BRICS cooperation on climate change and expand green financing.

Because it worked out SO WELL for Germany.

The MWO is a complete, fabricated lie. It is not an alternative to the Global American Empire. It is merely a replacement… so USA and UK can be stuck with the petrodollar bill. Nothing more. Proof:

32. We emphasize the importance of an open and inclusive world economy enabling all countries and peoples to share in the benefits of globalization. We remain firmly committed to a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system as embodied in the WTO. We reaffirm our commitments to ensure full implementation and enforcement of existing WTO rules and are determined to work together to further strengthen the WTO. We call for the acceleration of the implementation of the Bali and Nairobi MCM outcomes and for the WTO ministerial conference to be held this year in Argentina to produce positive outcomes. We will continue to firmly oppose protectionism. We recommit to our existing pledge for both standstill and rollback of protectionist measures and we call upon other countries to join us in that commitment.

The multiple poles of the Multipolar World Order will be the banks instead of the governments. Nobody will be allowed an independent existence.

34. We reaffirm our commitment to achieving a fair and modern global tax system…

That and an army will create the One World Government. Is there anything about raising an army in this declaration?

51. We call upon the international community to establish a genuinely broad international counter-terrorism coalition and support the UN’s central coordinating role in this regard.

52. We recognize the important contribution of BRICS countries to United Nations peacekeeping operations, and the importance of United Nations peacekeeping operations to international peace and security. We emphasize the need for BRICS countries to further enhance communication on peacekeeping matters.

Boom, there it is! In a One World Government, there will be no need for an army against outside threats… because by definition, there will be no outside threats. Only ‘terrorists’ and ‘criminals’ acting ‘unilaterally’ requiring the deployment of ‘peacekeepers’.

62. We stress the importance of education to promoting sustainable economic and social development, and to strengthening BRICS partnership, and commend the positive progress in our education cooperation. We reiterate our support for BRICS University League and BRICS Network University in conducting education and research cooperation, welcome efforts to promote cooperation among educational think tanks, and exchanges among youth including by organizing youth summer camps and offering more scholarship opportunities to BRICS students. We agree to share experience and practices in realizing education-related sustainable development goals.

When the global governing body is concerned with the education of your children, you can forget any notion of ‘limited government’.

63. We believe in the importance of sports cooperation to popularizing traditional sports and deepening the friendship among BRICS peoples. Recalling the successful hosting of BRICS U-17 Football Tournament in Goa in 2016, we commend the success of the First BRICS Games, which was a highlight of this year’s people-to-people exchanges. We encourage relevant departments to sign an MOU on sports cooperation to provide greater impetus to sports cooperation among our five countries.

They STILL intend to pacify us with sportsball. In the grim darkness of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nothing is different.

64. We agree to enhance BRICS role in global health governance, especially in the context of the World Health Organization and UN agencies…

Plandemic lockdowns forever. Vaxxes forever. Social Credit forever. Again I say, the Multipolar World Order is nothing but a globalist lifeboat from the petrodollar implosion. It will be the last hyperinflation because in the digital currency world, if there are too many dollars then the government can simply delete the “excess” dollars directly from your savings account. You terrorist.

66. We note with satisfaction the progress in the exchanges and cooperation in various areas, including governance, film-making, media, think-tank, youth, parliament, local governments and trade union, and agree to further advance such exchanges and cooperation. We commend the first joint film production by BRICS countries and commend the success of the BRICS Film Festival, the Media Forum, Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum, Youth Forum, Young Diplomats Forum and Young Scientists Forum.

WEF intends to expand its Young Leaders program. Man, that Young Scientists Forum is gonna SUCK at science! Always starting with the politically correct conclusion and reasoning backwards.

68. We recommit our strong support for multilateralism and the central role of the UN in international affairs. We commit to strengthening the coordination and cooperation among BRICS in the areas of mutual and common interests within the UN and other multilateral institutions, including through regular meetings among our permanent representatives in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and further enhance the voice of BRICS in international fora.

Does Eating Meat Protect Against Demons?

I don’t do clickbait. The post title is EXACTLY the question I’m asking. Does eating meat protect oneself from demonic influence? This continues my perusal of George Pember’s book Earth’s Earliest Days, a commentary simultaneously untrustworthy, well-intentioned and thought-provoking.

We start with 1 Timothy 4:1-5, NIV translation. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

‘Certain foods’ is translated by other works as meat, for example the King James Version, so there’s a little wiggle room. In the context of Current Year, however, we know that our increasingly satanic rulers are very, very keen on stopping people from eating meat… offering alternatives from insects to vat-grown sludges.

We assumed from the start, that the reason they were doing this is simply to weaken the peasants, because animal protein is essential for good health. Just ask a Vegan, and instead of listening to his response, look at that sickly, withered creature who thinks himself the picture of health.

But… what if this not eating meat is something ceremonial? What if the true reason our leaders are banning meat, is to force us into practicing their dark religion?

We know why Satan would prohibit marriage. God created humanity male and female, also marriage between the two sexes, as the earthly metaphor for our divine future between Christ and His people. Trashing that metaphor blinds people to the spiritual reality. If your earthly father is an image of disgust, weakness and henpecked servility, then relating to God the Father will be much more difficult.

Why then, did Paul include dietary abstinences alongside the forbiddance of marriage in his warning against the teachings of deceiving spirits? Are the two of comparable importance? Questions that you never thought to ask. And with the Great Reset’s war on meat underway, it’s time to ask.

Pember’s main theory is that the body is a prison for our souls… we are not capable of interacting with the spirit world while housed inside our flesh… but also, that our bodies are fortresses against the spirit world… it cannot reach us directly. Only via the mortal world.

To weaken the body, then, is to weaken our natural defenses against spiritual contamination. To thin the barrier between reality and Beyond. A scene that comes to mind, is Jesus’ Temptation after forty days of starvation. I always thought that was to set up the first Temptation of food… but what if that level of bodily weakness was needed for Satan to be able to speak to Jesus directly in the first place?

Pember went on to document how Spiritists, Theosophists, Buddhists etc. would use meatless diets as ways to make connections to the spiritual world or develop sorcerous abilities. The mechanism of it was to weaken the body enough that its defenses against interaction with the spiritual could be overcome. Once breached, those defenses are never again as effective.

While I still haven’t grokked the significance of 5G graphene nanoparticles, etc., the Enemy has openly fantasized about its Internet of Things morphing into the Internet of Bodies. Their lying promise is that we’ll be able to know and control everything… but it’s not a hard stretch that their true goal might be to defeat the human body as a fortress against direct spiritual assault.

I shudder to imagine the fates of people who, having lived most or all of their lives in a society of moral inversion, without the concept of Evil except as a cartoonish half-goat with a pitchfork and a MAGA hat, getting holes drilled not just into their brains but into their souls.

Meat is not magically special. We have the example in Early Daniel, when Daniel successfully objected to the rich foods they were being given, with the result they were fed vegetables instead. Paul is on record in Romans saying he’d never eat meat again before he lets his behavior weaken another man’s ability to believe.

Neither are our bodies ideal defenses. Scripture is full of warnings that we must learn to control our bodies and discipline its appetites. There is a parallel for what Pember is describing in human sexuality. People who indulge that appetite, going from bad to worse, have ended up in rebellion against the concept of humanity being male & female… and upon reaching that state, easily became fleabags for unclean spirits.

Perhaps the Elite corruption of our diet is to accomplish the same result as promiscuity. Not everybody is willing to fornicate freely, after all. Even the atheists have the strong motivation of avoiding venereal diseases.

We have a contemporary example of Elites forcing us to practice their religion in the face diaper. The lie of it was that masks don’t keep you safe; they keep everybody else safe from you; therefore, anybody who went maskless was trying to harm the people around him; therefore, Good People get to police their neighbors and force them to obey the rules.

That’s not medicine. That’s population control. Medicine is how to heal the self, not how to manipulate others for personal benefit. Exactly the Hive mentality that permeates the, well, Hives of Marxism, exported by force of law onto people ill-equipped by ignorance to recognize the new evil.

Eat the meat. Live in Creation. Associate with what God has given us, accepting it with thanksgiving. Do not eat the bugs, do not climb into the pod and do not love life more than truth.

If our churches stubbornly insist upon being centers of wellness rather than sin & repentance, the least they could do is teach proper & healthy maintenance of the body along with offering healthy foods in defiance of the Great Reset.

Seven Signs Of the Days Of Noah

With the onset of winter keeping me indoors, I’ve been reading George Pember’s book “Earth’s Earliest Days”. It’s a commentary on Scripture, supplemented with… curious sources, which attempts to connect the Nephilim/Days of Noah with the Theosophists and Spiritists of the 19th Century, the time at which when he wrote.

You might think that sounds like a crackpot, and I wouldn’t call you wrong, but his genuine devotion to Christ comes through in the work and that forgives much. He does have some ideas worth exploring. This checklist of how to recognize “as it was in the Days Of Noah” should interest.

[From Chapter 10]

The seven causes of antediluvian corruption. Are they all in present operation?

The seven great causes of the antediluvian apostasy have been already noticed, and may be summed up as follows.

1. A tendency to worship God as Elohim, that is, merely as the Creator and Benefactor, and not as Jehovah the covenant God of mercy, dealing with transgressors who are appointed to destruction, and finding a ransom for them.

2. An undue prominence of the female sex, and a disregard of the primal law of marriage.

3. A rapid progress in the mechanical arts, and the consequent invention of many devices whereby the hardships of the curse were mitigated, and life was rendered more easy and indulgent. Also a proficiency in the fine arts, which captivated the minds of men, and helped to induce an entire oblivion of God.

4. An alliance between the nominal Church and the World, which speedily resulted in a complete amalgamation.

5. A vast increase of population.

6. The rejection of the preaching of Enoch, whose warnings thus became a savour of death unto the world, and hardened more beyond recovery.

7. The appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race.

These causes concurred to envelope the world in a sensuous mist which no ray of truth could penetrate. They brought about a total forgetfulness of God and disregard of His will; and thus, by removing the great Centre Who alone is able to attract men from themselves, rendered the dwellers upon earth so selfish and unscrupulous that the world was present filled with lewdness, injustice, oppression, and bloodshed. It remains, therefore, for us to consider whether similar influences are now acting upon society.

That’s a pretty good description of Current Year. I have several problems with it, not least of which is the idea that humanity trying to improve its condition is good but actually succeeding would be fatal. Regardless, the boot fits.

The first cause may be detected in the universal spread of Deism.

And certainly we cannot but confess that the first mentioned cause is eminently characteristic of our times. For in all the professing Churches of Christendom, as well as among Jews, Mahometans, and Pagans, there are countless and ever-increasing multitudes who go in the way of Cain, acknowledging the Supreme Being, but not recognizing His holiness and their own depravity, and so denying all necessity of a Mediator between God and man.

Yep. Today is Christ the Butler, not Christ the Savior… although Muslims have always thought of Christ as a great prophet rather than the Son of God, and are content to bribe their way out of punishment via good works. And not asking too many questions about why one of Allah’s official names is Deceiver.

The second is beyond obvious. It’s Woman World out there. I’m so old, I can remember when feminists opposed child sex mutilation.

The third cause. Science, art and luxury.

Of the third cause, the spread of science, art, and luxury, it is unnecessary to speak: for none will deny that this is a great characteristic of our days: nay, the fact is a common subject of boasting. And alas! how many instances have we of the self-deifying arrogance which frequently arises from a little knowledge of the laws of nature, or a marked success in those arts, sciences, and philosophies which are the delight of cultivated and refined intellects!

I have problems with this one. Science & art are facets of Creation, and we today have observed how the mind darkens along with the soul. Luxury is a temptation to sloth, granted, but asceticism is a temptation to self-righteousness.

But it cannot be denied, that we have made technological progress to the point that even men of Pember’s time might think us wizards… and not a few men today have proceeded further to think of themselves as gods.

The fourth cause is as obvious as the second. The Church is dead… but with the Great Commission accomplished.

The fifth cause. Increase of the world’s population.

I have trouble believing that more people is a bad idea when ‘more people’ is twice what God has commanded. But Pember makes a case for how it’s bad:

…There is a phenomenon of Gloomy portent. For, while they multiply, men are also beginning to exhibit impatience of restraint: and, since they are learning to act together, and seem to be growing inflated with reliance on their fancied power, they will probably soon go on to deeds of impious daring. Large organizations, which are no longer confined to the frontiers of one people, forbode a second rebellion of Babel.

Meaning, large numbers of humans results in regression to the lowest common denominators of human conduct, and large organizations untethered from their homeland even more so. I go one further, that technology has erased the language barriers that God imposed specifically to prevent a Tower of Babel scenario… which means a Babel Scenario is now possible and, I contend, in progress.

The sixth cause. Increased callousness of the world consequent upon the rejection of Enoch’s testimony.

And so the powerful appeals of Enoch, his loud calls to repentance and threatenings of judgment to come, since they were slighted by the world, must have mightily hardened the hearts of men, and caused the Spirit of God to cease striving with them. Very probably many were at first impressed and alarmed: but after a while, when they saw day following day without any sign of the predicted vengeance, they lost their fear… they began to be scoffers, and mocked at the most solemn warnings…

There are no such warnings today because of the Church’s great apostasy. It is true, however, that the supernatural has not been seen in the West for so long that most people have no concept of a world besides the one they can observe. This was the Israelites’ fault in the Book of Judges: the stories of God did not foster any devotion, so every generation had to encounter God for itself. Thus did Israel get enslaved on, basically, a generational timeline.

The seventh cause. Unlawful intercourse with the denizens of the air.

NOT referring to Nephilim, which Pember believed are spirits of the Air who traded down to being spirits of the Earth, and as punishment by God, were not allowed to return to the Air. Pember is discussing sorcery here.

This, many would quickly reply, is certainly an event which has not yet startled our age, strange as our experiences may be: we have still something at least to wait for before the completion of that fatal circle of influences which ruined the old world.

Sorcery has not returned, at least not the ways that history recorded. Although Pember gives it a go:

For it is no longer possible to deny the supernatural character of the apostacy called Spiritualism, which is spreading through the world with unexampled rapidity… It is vain to speak of that power as mere jugglery which has convinced some of the elite of the literary world, which has caught in its meshes many scientific men, who at first only troubled to investigate for the purpose of refutation. Nor indeed can anything be more dangerous than utter incredulity: for the wholly incredulous, if suddenly brought face to face with the supernatural, is of all men the most likely to yield entire submission to the priests of the new wonder.

I wonder if instead of sorcery or Nephilim, evil has decided to adopt a generational approach. It is becoming clear, watching power centralize not into the hands a few people but a few dynasties, that if the wicked have not been literally interbreeding with devils, they have at least dedicated their bloodlines to Hell.

Meanwhile, men having convinced themselves that evil does not exist, are free to commit any evil should they find a reason to. They see the wicked prosper and the righteous wither, and there being no Judge to call them to account, chant the lies and pocket the bribes and sneer at the refusers for choosing a harder path of truth and discipline.

It’s a safe bet they don’t even know why they hate us, because they know it can’t be hatred of a Christ who never existed.

Running Away From Anarcho-Tyranny

Way, way back in the day, people were able to participate in government. Maybe not easily nor individually, but it was possible. WAAAY back in the day, you could even ignore the government on most days because what it did, didn’t impact your daily life.

The reason people are fleeing Blue States is not because of high taxes, regulation, Social Justice etc.

The reason people are fleeing, is because it’s their only option against high taxes, regulation, Social Justice etc.” We are no longer participants in our government.

We Can’t All Run To Florida

A conservative’s argument to stay and fight.

h ttps://amgreatness.com/2022/10/30/we-cant-all-run-to-florida/

By Jim Nelles, 30 October 2022

Stay and fight… how, exactly? The Regime isn’t big into power-sharing, in case you haven’t noticed, Jim.

I decided in January to leave Chicago. My reasons mirrored those of most people leaving the city: crime, taxes, traffic, and the lack of support for police from politicians.

Better to say, the lack of participation opportunities for Real Americans. Having problems is one thing. Not being allowed to solve them is another. It’s why I get less upset at the existence of evil than the existence of stupid. This world hates Christ, I knew it when I signed up with Christ, but I didn’t sign up for…


h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/tennessee-county-under-fire-adding-020238219.html

1 November 2022

A Tennessee county is under scrutiny for passing a preamble to an official document that assures commissioners act with “Judeo-Christian values,” a move even the county’s own attorney . along with outside experts . say is a violation of the First Amendment.

Sigh, that’s why my allies look like. I didn’t sign up for Stupid to sell me out.

“The only thing that this states here is .Judeo-Christian values inherent in our nation’s founding. . it’s just referencing history,. Commissioner Matthew Shoaf said. .We’re not placing the Ten Commandments up and stating that we’re going to abide by that code. We’re only acknowledging specific historic context..

Don’t lie about your intentions and history, Commissioner Judeo-Christian. The only way forward is to start imposing our morality on them, just like they’ve been doing to us. Furthermore, placing the Ten Commandments in public buildings and obeying them was what many of the Founders actually did. Not to mention Ben Franklin’s warnings regarding a certain tribe.

But [the Freedom From Religion Foundation] and other experts say the preamble could be seen as an “endorsement” of Christianity, opening the county up to a lawsuit.

Ironically, Judeo-Christianity is a sabotage of Christianity. I despise the FFRF but at least they know what they want and try to get it.

I don’t want a lifeboat, not really. I want to be a participant in society. And that is why I’m hated even by people who claim we’re on the same side.

End segue

Things changed for me on July 4, when a gunman climbed onto a roof in the affluent Chicago suburb of Highland Park and opened fire, killing seven people and wounding dozens of others. There was wall-to-wall coverage of the shooting for days by both local and national media.

He decided to stay because Rooftop Negroes? If the author has some weird Boondock Saints fetish then… then, Chicago is a good choice and everybody needs a hobby. <popcorn>

But I wouldn’t risk vigilantism when the best-case result is a better world for Commissioner Judeo-Christian.

This was truly a sad event…


…that devastated an entire community.


But this is not what made me change my mind. What did was the fact that on the same weekend, there were 10 other people killed and 62 people wounded by gunfire in Chicago . . . and no one seemed to care.

Good show, conservatives! While you failed to conserve the womens’ restroom, you DID conserve the bleeding-heart liberal!

I decided to do some research…[blah blah crime stats]… and again, no one seems to care.

Should we? Is there anything we ordinary Joes can do about Chicongo that doesn’t involve a revolt and/or a Batman costume? Besides leaving?

[Johnny can’t read]… poverty is also a problem… food-insecure people…

I see you, Social Justice Warrior skinsuiting as a conservative.

So, I’ve decided to stay and try to make a difference…

…by helping the muggers escape poverty…

…and I encourage my fellow conservatives to do the same. No city can survive if its richest, most highly educated population flees. A city cannot survive if the answer to its problems is to ignore them and to let those who cannot leave fend for themselves.

Whatchu talkin’ about, Nellis? Chicago works great. It’s a role model of Socialist success being carefully imitated across the globe… its inhabitants dehumanized, indoctrinated and turned against each other for the profit and amusement of megalomaniacs who might secretly be Reptiloid hybrids.

Just because it’s not YOUR definition of success, doesn’t imply that it cannot be THEIR definition of success.

I encourage my fellow conservatives to get involved: run for a school board seat, volunteer for political candidates who want to fix our city, volunteer with organizations that work to address the city’s problems, become a tutor for an “at risk” child. Do something.

I can’t do any of that. The elections are rigged, the politicians evil, the charities Converged and the reason Blacks underperform in school is they’re mentally inferior to white people. What I can do, is run away before that last comment catches up to me. Ah, the simple joys of living in a free country with free speech!

It’s not enough for the good men to show up. The bad men must open the door to let us in. Which they surely will because the nice men did it for the bad men. You see the problem. Unless you’re nice.

We can’t all run to Florida. Besides, if enough of us stay and fight for change, Chicago just may elect its first Republican mayor since 1927.

Not that Red States are safe destinations. They’re only one election away from swinging hard left… Virginia turned out to be only one holiday weekend away from swinging hard left… Brazil isn’t America but it just went Marxist in one election and Bolsonaro is respecting his own defeat to the point of releasing the army upon his own supporters… and because Cuckservatives cannot accept that democracy doesn’t work, they’ll keep playing Marquess de Queensbury boxing against Bolsheviks wielding shivs.

FBI Incites A State Of ‘Increased Awareness’ Over Rideshare Kidnappings For Halloween

Demobilizing and tracking a population as large and sparse as the United States is hard. Private vehicles have been under attack for many years… largely unsuccessfully, and due in no small part to government’s complete failure to offer public-transport alternatives.

That failure is intentional. Government does not want to offer public-transport alternatives to private autos. It wants us de-mobilized, not other-mobilized.

Which brings us to the new industry of ridesharing. This has already undergone a forced consolidation thanks to California outlawing independent employment. (Biden has floated trial balloons on behalf of his handlers for a national outlawing of independent employment.) But that is not sufficient, to judge from the FBI frightening people (women) that they don’t know who is ridesharing with her children.

Criminals are using rideshare services to abduct children, FBI warns

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/criminals-are-using-rideshare-services-to-abduct-children-fbi-warns

By Candace Hathaway, 31 October 2022

The Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a public service announcement last week warning that criminals are using rideshare vehicles to abduct children.

I’m skeptical already because rideshare adds a witness to the criminal act. Jorge might not speak English but he’s not stupid enough to be an accomplice to child kidnapping. Or do they mean, the rideshare OPERATORS are abducting children during their regular employment? Are unescorted six-year-olds getting into panel vans prepaid with Mommy’s boyfriend’s credit card or something?

Maybe the FBI is trying to divert suspicion from unmarked panel vans parked on residential streets. I can only guess how many mothers have called the cops on Feebs manning a stakeout. Or supplying their informants with young boys.

“Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, law enforcement received several reports of rideshare services being used to facilitate child abduction,” the agency said.

According to the warning, “criminal actors” are using rideshare services because there is a “lower likelihood of detection and ease of facilitation.”

Shameless lies like this are why I take cheap shots about FBI agents using panel vans to traffic kids for their informants’ pleasure. Is there a reason they wouldn’t, since they routinely and publicly lie to us?

The law enforcement agency added that criminals believe ridesharing vehicles allow them more privacy than public transportation. Additionally, the services are easy to book and more direct than public transportation.

“While other modes of transportation were used during the pandemic, the privacy of rideshare services allowed criminal actors to obfuscate potential witness identification and afforded them direct transportation,” the FBI stated. “Further, criminal actors benefit from past and current pandemic guidance, such as mask wearing and social distancing in rideshare vehicles, as it provides additional security.”

  1. Cry me a river that anti-socializing laws might have resulted in reduced socialization.
  2. Rideshare operators aren’t blind. Notice they can stay on the road while driving. I trust them to see the drugged and handcuffed infant that the tweaker shoves under the seat.
  3. I wondered how long it would take for police to complain about face diapers. You can’t put entire cities under face-recognition CCTV while ordering people to mask up. The clock stops at two years, four months.
  4. Money trail erases anonymity. Rideshare operators don’t take cash because having cash makes them targets for mugging.

According to the FBI, the driver and passenger security protocols for ridesharing services are not as strict as traditional forms of transportation. Therefore, criminals believe they are less likely to get caught.

“The FBI identified a trend of criminal actors using rideshare vehicles to abduct minor victims,” the public announcement noted.

Translation: the FBI wants every rideshare to be logged into a national database so they can track the movements of you err, bad guys like J6 protesters err, child kidnappers.

Let me give a shout-out to VISA corporation for resisting the pressure, thus far, to monitor the behavior of its customers. I haven’t blogged on it yet but they’ve been through two court cases trying to force VISA to not allow men to consume pornography. Which can only happen if VISA monitors its customers’ economic activity.

The reason FBI is complaining about “anonymous” rideshares, is because companies such as VISA still refuse to spy on their customers on the FBI’s behalf.

The FBI cited an incident in April involving a 16-year-old boy who requested a rideshare service from Portland, Oregon, to Rockport, Texas. At one point during the ride, the driver of the vehicle offered the child a drink.

The boy later woke up inside a home approximately 20 miles away from his requested destination. He walked to a neighbor’s house to call authorities, and the driver was later arrested.

Wrong. It was Portland, Texas, to Rockport, Texas. Does Uber even contract for three-thousand-mile, one-way trips?


h ttps://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/texas-uber-driver-arrested-after-teen-says-he-was-kidnapped/503-3da4a322-aa1d-409b-a406-6aedbba51be7

11 April 2022

A South Texas Uber driver was arrested Friday, April 8, after a teen said he was kidnapped during a ride, San Patricio County Sheriff Oscar Rivera said.

Rivera said the 16-year-old requested a ride from Portland to Rockport Wednesday, March 23. 44-year-old Uber driver Jaime Javier Morin picked the teen up in Portland.

I tried to find Morin’s background but the Internet only offered a different Javier Morin, who made Texas’ 10 Most Wanted before being caught in NYC. The link’s grainy mugshot offers no clue about immigration status.

The teen told police the driver offered him a drink shortly after getting into the vehicle. The teen later woke up at a house in Sinton, 31 miles away from where he requested to go, police said. The teen did not know where he was when he woke up and ran to a nearby house and called for help.

Investigators with the San Patricio County Sheriff’s Office interviewed the teen and verified his story, Rivera said. Investigators got a search warrant for the driver’s home and shortly after, a warrant was issued for his arrest.

According to a spokesperson from Uber, Morin was quickly taken off the platform once the investigation began.

There was no way that guy was going to get away with it, not after the ride was arranged via Uber and paid for electronically.

Oh, wait. Maybe he WILL get away with it:

He has been charged with indecency with a child, Rivera said. He remains in the San Patricio County Jail on a $75,000 bond.

The charge should have been kidnapping. This is open-and-shut kidnapping. Instead, Morin was charged with a misdemeanor?

Meanwhile, why did that kid take a drink from a stranger?

End segue

I admit it’s true that there are kidnapping and sex crimes associated with ridesharing. However, the people who think they can get away with it are typically foreigners with connections to organized crime. This example IS from Portland, Oregon:


h ttps://apnews.com/article/crime-arrests-portland-kidnapping-98998ca784ed080c311fafeb1c313252

A suburban Portland rideshare driver has been accused of raping and kidnapping a passenger.

KOIN-TV reports the Washington County Sheriff’s Office said Omar Al Naser was arrested Tuesday at his Beaverton home on four charges related to an alleged incident on Oct. 23.

There is a simple and topic-relevant reason why sex crime, like all crime, is in dramatic rise. When it gets high enough, the people will demand martial law from the very government that filled our streets with these degenerates in the first place.

The victim said they were at a family member’s house and called Lyft for a ride, sheriff’s officials said. Al Naser arrived, officials said, but he took the passenger to his house.

The sheriff’s office said the driver is being held on rape, kidnapping and other charges. It wasn’t immediately known if he has a lawyer to speak for him.

The investigation continues and deputies believe there could be additional victims.

The Sheriff’s Office said Al Naser drove for Lyft between August and November 2021 and urged other victims to come forward.

Again, this is a really hard crime to conceal for any length of time. “My kid went missing. The last activity on his bank card was a rideshare by Omar al Mohammed bin Laden.”

The FBI cited another rideshare incident in February involving a father and his 7-year-old son in Mexico City.

“We need more police powers in USA because Mexico is dangerous.”

During the ride, the father asked the driver to pull over at a flower stand. When the father exited the vehicle, the driver drove off with the child still inside.

The boy was able to call his mother and share his location. The parents chased after the vehicle and recovered their child. They kept the driver from escaping, and authorities arrested him.

A crime so easy to solve, the parents did it in a foreign country. A harrowing story, to be sure, but like most countries, Mexican law enforcement reserves special treatment for crimes against tourists. No cartel is going to bust out this perp.

During another incident in February 2021, a man ordered a rideshare vehicle to transport a child from her California home. The adult male met the minor on social media and groomed her to send sexual content. He persuaded her to sneak out of her home and get into a rideshare vehicle with him.

He ordered the rideshare vehicle to bring them to the airport, where they boarded a plane to Washington, D.C. The man forced the minor to wear a disguise and pretend she was mute to avoid detection.

Avoid detection… through airport security?

“Photo ID for the girl?”

“She’s mute.”

“Oh, okay. Does she have any metal in her pockets or under the wig?”

This wasn’t kidnapping. She went voluntarily.

Authorities recovered the girl and charged the man with child abduction, soliciting child sexual abuse materials, and meeting a minor for sex.

How was any of that the rideshare operator’s fault? The FBI is talking like the man had a knife pressed against her kidney during all of this. No.

And if you’re wondering why driver didn’t ask about the girl getting in separately from the man: welcome to the United States of Divorce, where joint custody of children is a norm.

The FBI stated that the public service announcement was created to increase awareness of rideshare services being used to target minors for child abduction. The agency noted that the “high impact” crimes are rare.

Terrorism, in other words. They’re frightening people, aka “increasing awareness”, that small children are climbing into rideshares and disappearing. ‘Although the really serious stuff is rare’.

And what should people in this state of fear, oops, “increased awareness” do? They should vote for more safety.

Supporting this call for a state of fear, oops, “increased awareness”, they cited one case of a swift arrest, which is not even being prosecuted as a kidnapping, one case in a foreign nation and one case that was a runaway not a kidnapping.

The FBI is trying to scare you into supporting more government surveillance. Happy Halloween a day late.

The Downfall Of Paul Pelosi Began With His Porsche

It’s always dangerous to blog on stuff so recent that it’s all hot takes. I’m making an exception for the Paul Pelosi home invasion, however, because most of what I have is not actually that event.

This has been coming for months.

As usual, I am probably wrong so this is not any kind of accusation. You probably know about the Pelosi DUI but a recap is in order:

Drunk-Crashing Paul Pelosi’s Situation WORSE Than Imagined, Jesse Watters Reports Additional Drug Use And Huge Judicial Scandal

h ttps://thebluestateconservative.com/2022/08/03/drunk-crashing-paul-pelosis-situation-worse-than-imagined-jesse-watters-reports-additional-drug-use-and-huge-judicial-scandal/

by Hailey Sanibel, 3 August 2022

Fox News. Jesse Watters is one of the few journalists willing to look into the drunk-driving of Smirnoff Nancy’s husband and his dogged efforts have unveiled a story even worse . and it was already bad . than we could even have imagined.

I compared this to Fox News’ own post a day earlier:

h ttps://www.foxnews.com/politics/paul-pelosi-allegedly-slurred-speech-drug-system-handed-police-privilege-card-dui-bust

…and it’s less informative than this one, despite this one citing a Fox News journo. Curious, but I digress, and the Fox News link at least offers the initial police report.

Previously, we were told that hubby Paul was driving home from a bender and caused a collision. Occupants in both cars were fine aside from the hassle of dealing with police and insurance. Of course, even at the time it was almost impossible to get a mugshot and basic report from the incident, but that was to be expected from a highly-connected family.

Paul was arrested at 10pm but his mugshot was taken at roughly 4:30am. My suspicion is the police put him in the drunk tank until his face no longer displayed inebriation… a ‘courtesy for a gentleman’. I saw the resulting mugshot and you wouldn’t even know it was a mugshot without a label.

Now, Watters uncovers a scandal so outrageous that is blood-boilingly infuriating. Here is Watters with a hugely critical five-minute expose:

Let.s break that entire video down. For starters, it wasn’t just Chardonnay, as Watters humorously notes. It was drugs of a certain sort. And that “Papa Paulie was absolutely plastered.” The police report mentioned red/watery eyes and a stupor so ridiculous it’s incredible he could even find the gas pedal.

Indeed, the police report makes clear that Pelosi was under the influence of both “an alcoholic beverage and a drug..

Probably cocaine, but never referenced as such in official documents. Paul’s breath was not tested for alcohol, leading me to believe claims that he refused the breathalyzer. That would be an automatic confession in California. Instead, the report asserts that Paul failed field sobriety tests followed by a blood test. The latter would surely have confirmed what the ‘other drug’ is.

Other accounts state that Paul had a teenage passenger and was subsequently re-arrested for kiddie porn and a crack pipe, but I cannot confirm.

Both of them declined medical treatment at the scene, but Doe on June 2 told Napa County prosecutors that he had begun suffering pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He also complained of headaches and said it was difficult to lift things with his right arm, according to the documents.

Probably dislocations of bones & joints. I’d recommend a chiropractor over a doctor. John Doe was never identified, which means Paul paid him off in return for silence. Which is fine, I suppose. Doe probably enjoys his new Jeep.

Then there is the injury sustained by the victim. It was a complete lie that everyone was fine. Again, the police report details how the other driver suffered injuries enough to be afflicted by pain in the arm, shoulder and neck, and was even suffering from headaches so much so he required attention by a physician. Is that not a felony DUI at this point?

Since Doe refused medical treatment at the time, not at that point.

Watters ends the segment with the most incredulous reporting in an already-outrageous scandal. On the eve of the trial, the presiding judge “mysteriously” stepped down and in their place a Democrat who has never presided over a criminal trial was placed on the bench.

And it gets worse. The judge received campaign donations from the assistant district attorney who would be prosecuting the case. This new judge also received campaign donations from the D.A for Napa County whom Watters keeps saying hello to in a joking matter. Hey, Allie.

To top it all off, this new judge has a special relationship with Gavin Newsom, himself connected to Clan Pelosi.

It.s, as Watters says, deck stacking of the highest magnitude a once more a clear-cut example of America’s ruinous two-tier justice system

The conviction didn’t mention the ‘other drug’ and Paul was sentenced to time served & bail paid. His driving record wasn’t even touched… you can’t even run a stop sign in California without getting a point on your driving record.

The point here is to establish that Paul has a severe drug problem as recently as this year, and not just alcohol.

I have unconfirmed reports that Nancy sent Paul to rehab in the trendy Aton Centers under the name-anagram Louie Lapps, but I believe it. The DUI was a humiliation to Nancy so criminal justice & family concern aside, she would surely act to prevent a second such incident.

California has a number of boutique and eye-wateringly expensive sex & drug rehabilitation clinics that found a niche in cleaning up after Hollywood degeneracy, and expanded to include globalist degeneracy. Despite the price, their recidivism rate is unimpressive.

Next article:


h ttps://libertyonenews.com/pelosis-pedophile-connection-blown-wide-open/

By American Patriot, 29 June 2021

[Formatted for readability]

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi personally rents office space to a child welfare group, First 5 San Mateo County, that was set up by a convicted pedophile. The group partners with a nonprofit that ran a group house where child molestation occurred and partners with a conflict resolution center that had a volunteer convicted for storing hundreds of images of child porn.

NATIONAL FILE has exclusively obtained the lease documents showing that Nancy Pelosi is the group’s landlady dating back to 2002, the same year monstrous pedophile Dr. William Ayres was given an award by city politicians for his work with the group. By that time, numerous pedophilia allegations including a police report had been made against Ayres, who was later convicted on pedophilia charges in 2007 and died in prison.

First 5 is a statewide supposed child welfare group in California that was previously chaired on a state level by Rob Reiner, and is funded with cigarette tax money.

This suggests that the Pelosis are associated with child traffickers, after the fact if not before. Which explains why the might have… other curious associations.

Indeed, and I’ll be coming back to this, I have trouble believing that 82yo Paul is still sexually active. There’s a biological age limit on such things.

San Mateo County, where pedophile Ayres set up the local First 5 chapter that calls Pelosi landlady, is arguably the center of the child sex trafficking crisis in California. Nancy Pelosi spends a lot of time in San Mateo due to her friendship with San Mateo lawyer and Democrat fundraiser Joe Cotchett. Cotchett, who is picking federal judges for the Biden administration, and was accused by his ex-wife in his divorce case of physically assaulting his children and being nude around his daughters. A partner in Cotchett’s law firm protects judges from her perch on the Commission on Judicial Performance…

Nancy Pelosi Is First 5 San Mateo County’s Landlady, dating back to when the group was called the San Mateo County Children and Families First Commission and Ayres was still at large terrorizing children.

Following up on the Cotchett mention,

Sealed With A Dis

h ttps://archives.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/sealed-with-a-dis/Content?oid=2162855

By Will Harper and Mary Spicuzza, 23 May 2007

For those of you not familiar with the name, Cotchett is one of Gavin Newsom’s longtime business partners in Plumpjack and he’s sometimes described as one of the best trial lawyers in the country. The 68-year-old Hillsborough resident is currently representing outed CIA officer Valerie Plame in her lawsuit against key members of the Bush administration including Dick Cheney.

What a small world it is at the top.

Cotchett, who served many years as Gov. Gray Davis’ appointee to the state park and recreation commission, is also a major national political player. He has personally donated $68,900 to federal candidates and political action committees this year alone, according to the Federal Election Commission. A couple of months ago, he hosted a fundraiser for presidential hopeful (and fellow trial lawyer) John Edwards. Cotchett has been rumored to have his own political aspirations; a few years ago, his name came up as a possible Democratic candidate for attorney general.

Victoria Cotchett, an art critic, filed for divorce in San Mateo County Superior Court in September… In her March 28 sworn declaration, she accused Cotchett of being a name-calling tyrant, one who would push his kids’ faces into their plates, or pull them away from the table by their hair when they didn’t finish their meals. She also described him as a foul-mouthed heavy drinker who averaged one bottle of wine each evening and drove with a plastic glass of wine, sometimes when the girls were in the car with him. She claimed her hubby liked to walk around the house naked . even as the couple’s two daughters grew older and became uncomfortable with his nudity. When she asked him to stop, he allegedly screamed he would do “whatever he fucking well pleased,” according to her court declaration. (Cotchett filed depositions of a nanny and a housekeeper who said they never witnessed any sort of abuse.)

And the Pelosi attacker was found in his underpants, too. Hmm. I didn’t find a connection, but this suggests that Depape being a nudie around kiddies would not be the red flag to Nancy Pelosi that it might have been to ordinary people.

Next, background on the suspect:

David Depape, Paul Pelosi Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

h ttps://heavy.com/news/david-depape/

By Jessica McBride, 30 October 2022

Police confirmed the suspect’s name. Depape is a Berkeley, California, resident. What are Depape’s politics and was he on social media? On a blog and website, he was fixated on censorship and made antisemitic comments. In one post, he ranted about government attempts to control information, calling for the arrest of journalists from prominent news organizations. He also posted COVID and election conspiracy theories online and made posts about QAnon. Online records give Depape’s age as 42.

The coverups were FAST on this one, and more phony than a store-bought Halloween costume. But I’m here for the historical facts.

An older picture of Depape, a Canadian-born resident of Berkeley with a history of drug use, showed him alongside a prominent Berkeley nudist activist with whom he helped raise children. She is incarcerated after being convicted in the stalking of a teenage boy.


1. David Depape, Described as “Very Odd,. Is a “Former Castro Nudist Protester. & Hemp “Jewelry Maker. Who Once Lived in a Berkeley Storage Shed, Reports Say

Linda Schneider, who has known Depape for years, told CNN that he once lived in a storage unit and had done hard drugs. She later received “really disturbing” emails where Depape sounded like a “megalomaniac and so out of touch with reality,. she told the cable news network. She stopped communicating with him “because it seemed so dangerous,. adding to CNN that he used “Biblical justification to do harm..

Laura Hayes worked with Depape making hemp bracelets years ago.

.He was very odd. He didn’t make eye contact very well,. Hayes said to CNN, adding that he told her “he talks to angels and there will be a hard time coming..

A psycho is not surprising. A psycho on visiting terms with the Pelosis, however? This was a struggle for me from the beginning, what common ground existed between an international bankster like Paul and a no-life pervert living in a van down by the San Francisco sewer?

Because one incontrovertible fact, is that Paul let this freakjob through his extensive home security. Don’t tell me a homeless bum in his underpants just walked into the official residence of the U.S. Speaker Of the House.

TMZ obtained dispatch audio of the police response to the Pelosi home. .He states there is a male in the home and that he is going to wait for his wife. He stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but that his name is David and that he is a friend. He sounded somewhat confused,. the dispatcher told an officer.

Said audio is so heavily redacted that it’s not even a firsthand account. It certainly doesn’t have the infamous “Where’s Nancy?” recorded.

Methinks that Paul is going around the bend. He’s not the first of his generation to do so [sly look at Potato Joe] and his doing hard drugs is more likely the cope than the cause. It’s not like his wife loves him. Neither do those hundreds of millions of stolen dollars in the bank comfort him at night.

According to CNN, threats against lawmakers and their family are on the rise.

Was David threatening Nancy the Lawmaker, Nancy the Landlord or Nancy the Head Of Household?

Or… was David asking for her assistance?

2. Depape Has Helped Raise Three Children With Taub, a Now-Incarcerated Russian-Born Activist Who Has Worked a Homeless Youth Director, Old Newspaper Articles Reveal

According to The New York Post, DePape was “living in a dilapidated yellow school bus on the street in front of” the home of nudity activist Gypsy Taub in Berkeley. .A Black Lives Matter sign and a flag combining pot-leaf symbols and the LGBTQ rainbow decorate the debris-strewn property. Out front, an unpainted wooden fence sports a hand-lettered sign: .News Reporters Go Away,’. the Post recounted.

No way was Depape a right-winger.

Despite her naked wedding to someone else, the Daily Beast reported that Depape still lived with Taub… However, in 2021, Taub was convicted of serious crimes after being accused of stalking a teenage boy.

She is currently incarcerated at the California Institution for Women, according to VINE LINK. Her real name is Oxane Taub.

Taub.s Facebook page says she is from Moscow, Russia, and is “the homeless youth director at Jerry Garcia Family Healing Clinic..

Depape grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, CNN reported. He moved to California 20 years ago “to pursue a relationship,. the network reported.

What’s this Jerry Garcia Clinic?

w ww.jerrygarciafamilyclinic.org/about.html

Jerry Garcia Family Clinic was founded in December of 2016 by activist / shamanic healer Gypsy Taub. It is named after the leader of the Grateful Dead band, Jerry Garcia.

The other 3 members of the street kids project are Gypsy’s 3 children: Inti Gonzalez (age 18), Nebosvod Gonzalez (16) and Daniel Gonzalez (14).

The same kids that Depape helped raise.

Jerry Garcia Family Clinic (or Life on the Street Support Services) is a 501 C(3) non-profit organization.
EIN: 83-2701341

Our headquarters are in Berkeley, California, United States.
We currently provide services in the East Bay, CA and in Mexico.

We help homeless people in general but our main focus is street kids and homeless youth.

A homeless organization headed by known child molesters and homosexual nudists, maintains operations in both USA and Mexico. That’s a perfect setup for child trafficking. But what might be the Pelosi’s interest?

We help street kids with everything they need: shelter, food, clothing, counseling, therapy, natural medicine. We also help them quit drugs using natural and alternative remedies.

We know Paul has a drug problem, and it’s a pretty safe bet that whatever luxury rehab center he went to after that infamous DUI didn’t fix it.

We are strongly against forced treatment. Our rehab programs are based on free will 100%. Instead of threatening and shaming our patients we reward them (we buy them phones and bicycles as a reward for undergoing an ibogaine treatment).

I couldn’t identify who funds them, but the Pelosis are on record associating with such ‘charities’. Some of whom have nudist leaders.

Ibogaine is one of if not the most magical healing medicinal plants on this planet. It is by far the most effective medicine known to humankind against addiction, PTSD, depression and anything else related to early infant and childhood trauma no matter how severe.

Ibogaine is legal in Mexico. We are currently working on legalizing it in the US and worldwide.

In addition to child trafficking, they were doing drug trafficking also. Only in San Francisco could they operate in the open like this… with the local government protecting them from Federal authorities.

When it comes to conventional rehabs in the US, in most of their so-called “success” cases they just take the patients off of one drug and put them on another. Prescription medications can be 50 times stronger than heroin and are often more damaging and more addictive than street drugs, not to mention that they are often made of the exact same thing as heroin: opium.

And what is ibogaine?

h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibogaine

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in plants in the family Apocynaceae such as Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga africana, and Tabernaemontana undulata. It is a psychedelic with dissociative properties.

Preliminary research indicates that it may help counter drug addiction.


Its use has been associated with serious side effects and death.

Too soon.

Between the years 1990 and 2008, a total of 19 fatalities temporally associated with the ingestion of ibogaine were reported, from which six subjects died of acute heart failure or cardiopulmonary arrest. The total number of subjects who have used it without major side effects during this period remains unknown. It is used as an alternative medicine treatment for drug addiction in some countries. Its prohibition in other countries has slowed scientific research. Ibogaine is also used to facilitate psychological introspection and spiritual exploration.

Sooo, Nancy has a problem. Paul has a drug habit bad enough to be a political liability. She already sent him to Aton Center and he relapsed. But here’s the thing, the reason those rehab centers cost megabucks is for discretion, not results.

Nancy needs a discreet alternative to those discreet rehab centers. Emphasis on discreet. And she needs results, because the family money laundering won’t happen without Paul. No way would she put Paul in a normal rehab program. The political risks are obvious.

Maybe she reviewed her investment portfolios and the Jerry Garcia Clinic For Homeless Teen Crackheads jumped out. Maybe she simply asked her peers & domestic staff for ideas. Despite their being ultrawealthy, I can personally vouch that many Elites prefer servants who are illegal immigrants with minimal language function, to their middle-class neighbors.

She probably liked the idea of Depape… presumably the operating manager of the Jerry Garcia Clinic, now that its founder is in prison… making home visits to treat Paul with ibogaine. Either it’ll work and problem solved, or Paul will go certified-insane and Nancy can lock him away in a retirement home. Depape won’t talk to the press because he’s very obviously compromised.

Privacy guaranteed, cure possible. Nancy put Paul on ibogaine.

Mash et al. (2000), using lower oral doses (10.12 mg/kg) in 27 patients, demonstrated significantly lower objective opiate withdrawal scores in heroin addicts 36 hours after treatment, with self-reports of decreased cocaine and opiate craving and alleviated depression symptoms. Many of these effects appeared sustainable over a one-month post-discharge follow-up.

That’s why Depape had access to the Pelosi residence. He wasn’t just Paul’s drug supplier. He was Paul’s therapist.

In case it needs to be said, money is not wisdom. Thus did the inevitable happen. My opinion:

Depape showed up for a therapy session and decided the therapy should include some free love. He drugged Paul with hallucinogenic ibogaine and proceeded to undress & generally unnerve Paul. That’s when Paul went to the bathroom and made the curious phone call. A typical account:

According to SFPD “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,. the dispatch official said. .RP sounded somewhat confused..

Possibly because he was already under the drug’s influence. Awkward situation, when your home’s private security answers to Nancy who let somebody like Depape inside because it was in her career’s best interest.

Police did a welfare check based on the call, and it being the Pelosi residence, bumped the priority to Code 1. They arrived to find Paul & Depape fighting in their underpants. When Depape realized the police had been called in, well, he was an international drug trafficker and pedophile caught in the act of buttraping Nancy’s husband. Enraged, he grabbed a hammer and did what damage he could.

Which explains why an 82yo man wasn’t killed outright by that beating with a hammer. Until the cops showed up, it was only aggravated rape.

And when Depape asked “Where’s Nancy?”, it was not because he was trying to murder the Speaker Of the House. It’s because Nancy was his employer with the power to protect him.

Which she didn’t. She couldn’t afford to be associated with him after the mess caught the public eye.

Police offer new details in Paul Pelosi assault

h ttps://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/28/police-pelosi-attack-intentional-00064098

SAN FRANCISCO . Police said Friday evening the attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was “intentional.”

The man accused of entering the Pelosi home and attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer specifically targeted the California Democrat, San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott confirmed on Friday. That was consistent with the revelation that the assailant, a 42-year-old Berkeley resident, had asked “Where is Nancy?. before his assault.

“Where’s Nancy? She’ll vouch for me. I’m tight with her, cops, you just watch yourselves. Where’s Nancy?”

.This was intentional,. Scott told reporters, adding politicians. families .don’t sign up for this..

Just because it happened to a politician, doesn’t mean it had to be political, Police Chief. But I see your investigation is already over.

David DePape forced his way into the home through a back entrance, Scott said. Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person.

Bullshit an “unknown person”. I suspect Nancy arranged for private security to be off-site in order to minimize the witnesses to Paul’s therapy sessions, and it was the police who had to break in. That explains why the official narrative is “we don’t know who let us into the house”. Also why Depape thought he could get away with rape.

They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon, Scott said, DePape took the hammer and “violently attacked. Pelosi.

“You called the cops on me?! Damn you! I only wanted a little fun and now you ruined everything!”

Police have taken DePape into custody and said he will be booked for attempted homicide, burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery with serious bodily injury, elder abuse, infliction of great bodily injury on the elderly, dissuading a victim, threatening a family member of a public official, and damaging or preventing a communication for an emergency call.

Police threw the book at him as Step One in negotiation. She’s holding the rest of his life; he’s holding the rest of her career. No mention of drugs, though. The crazy naked guy with a hammer wasn’t on drugs?

Pelosi has undergone successful surgery for fractures to his skull and arms.

“He’s expected to make a full recovery” say other accounts, but I betcha that instead, Nancy will have him declared incompetent so she can put him away before another drug episode happens. It’ll be a harsh blow to the Pelosi family… Nancy will have to marry another well-connected, stock-trading insider.

The emerging portrait of a politically motivated attack by a man who consumed fringe conspiracy theories has shocked San Francisco and stoked fresh concerns about elected officials facing violence.

While authorities have not detailed a motive, DePape’s online history indicates that he subscribed to the discredited narrative that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and espoused a range of bigoted and radical beliefs. He expressed anti-Semitic views and appeared to embrace the QAnon movement, which posits a secret cabal of pedophiles has been protected by people in power.

The only right-wing radical in one of the Gay Area’s most notoriously homosexual neighborhoods. How did nobody notice him? He didn’t keep to himself.

Scott also thanked the responding emergency dispatcher Heather Grives for recognizing something was wrong when Paul Pelosi dialed 911, allowing police to spring into action.

She recognized the address, that’s all. Chief is trying to distract from talking about the actual incident.

POLITICO reported earlier Friday that Pelosi had been able to dial 911 after telling the intruder he had to use the restroom and then called from inside, where his phone had been charging.

Why would a murderer looking for a Congressman allow that? He wouldn’t. Because it wasn’t a murder attempt.

It was a date-rape attempt.

Felicia’s Puzzle Question

Test your lateral thinking skills on the most face-palmingly stupid rescue of the 21st Century! There’s no right answer to how this happened, but there is a right question. Can you guess it by the end of the article?

Being outdoorsy myself, I’m always interested in search-and-rescue stories (and search-and-body recovery stories). When I saw this headline of a caving rescue, I just had to know.

Grand Canyon Caverns tourists trapped 200 feet below ground finally rescued after almost 30 hours

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/grand-canyon-caverns-tourists-trapped-200-feet-below-ground-finally-rescued-after-almost-30-hours

By Cortney Weil, October 25, 2022

This one could be nasty! I did a serious caving trip one time, to see if spelunking could be my next big thing. It was fun, interesting and one of the more emotionally traumatic experiences of my life. Big men of wanderlust do not belong head-first and upside-down in tiny cracks with nicknames such as “the pancake press”.

Five tourists, trapped 200 feet below ground in the Grand Canyon Caverns after an elevator malfunctioned, have now finally been brought back to the surface.

On Sunday afternoon, a family of eight touring the Grand Canyon Caverns, the “largest dry caverns in the U.S.A.,” became trapped when the elevator, which transports people from the surface to the caverns below, malfunctioned. While three members of the group were able to negotiate the 21 flights of stairs available to ascend to the earth’s surface, five people . including an infant and a toddler . remained behind, either because they could not risk the arduous trek or they chose to stay back with loved ones.

What? Whaaat? “Arduous trek” of ten stories’ worth of staircase? You don’t choose to be stuck.

If the tour guides were anything like the gleefully-dirty simian contortionists I caved with, they could’ve humped a family of five up 200ft of stairs no trouble. I could’ve done that. Why call the fire department?

The incident was frightening for everyone involved, and one woman, identified only as Felicia, even ran out of diapers and formula for her babies, which made the situation all the more urgent.

“It’s gonna blow any minute!”

“The gas pocket?”

“The infant! Hurry!”

“We have a search and rescue team standing by as well as a hoisting apparatus to lift people out if the repairs take longer than expected or if people are not comfortable staying down there,” Coconino County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Jon Paxton said on Monday.

By late Monday evening though, all the trapped tourists had been rescued one at a time using the “hoisting apparatus.” Each individual rescue took about 25 minutes.

This was a puzzle, how that level of Stupid could be reached.

Felicia: “We’re trapped!”

Hypothetical me: “Or, we could take the stairs.”

Felicia: “I’ll never make it!”

Me: “Fine, let me at least save your baby. I only need one hand to hold the rail.”

“Nah, she’ll be fine here, trapped underground with me.”

The elevator malfunction is believed to have been mechanical.

Are you ready for the big reveal? The question that explains everything?

Here it comes…


That explains everything… the elevator breaking down in the first place, the refusal/inability to use stairs even with assistance, why Mommy was trapped underground but didn’t let her kids escape, and why S&R needed thirty hours to set up a hoist when that’s part of their standard job & kit. I don’t have photographic evidence… the file was too big to download… so there’s nothing to prove me wrong!

More reading between the lines:

Crew discusses rescue at Grand Canyon Caverns

h ttps://www.abc15.com/news/state/crew-discusses-rescue-at-grand-canyon-caverns

By Ashley Paredez, 27 October 2022

GRAND CANYON, AZ . The Coconino County Search & Rescue Unit helped three family members who were stuck underground at the Grand Canyon Caverns on Monday.

I presume the other two were the kids carried up the stairs after Waffle the Hutt was strapped in.

They hoisted them up through an elevator shaft, nearly 200 feet, after the elevator they rode down in broke.

Yo Mama so fat, the elevator only went down!

“Normally we’re out in the wilderness, we have trees to work with,” said Lisa Callan with Coconino Co. Search & Rescue.

This was the unit’s first-ever elevator shaft rescue, with 11 volunteers and additional help from Flagstaff Fire Department.

Also, their first whale rescue.

In this case, they had to use their truck as their anchor.

Yo Mama SO fat, the fire truck was the counterweight!

Once everything was set in place, they planned out the safest approach… Rescue operations leader Adam Barnhart helped place each person, one by one, inside a hammock-like chair made with rescue-grade material.

Your local hospital uses such slings to move fat people through the hospital like beef carcasses. Suspended from reinforced tracks in the ceiling, they can safely carry up to 1,000lbs of oval animal with little effort. The surgeons I knew called them Orca Lifts.

It’s not something that rescue personnel keep handy because… well… the people who get lost in the wilderness are the people thin enough to reach the wilderness. Also, you’re never lost when you’re visible from space.

The only alternate route up, the stairs, wasn’t an option for everyone.

“In fact, I opted to come up on the rope, on the rope system at the end of the operation, as opposed to using the emergency fire escape stairs they had built into the shaft… because I felt our rope system was far more secure,” said Barnhart.

“And I was tired.” Secured with the combined weight of a fire truck and 11 volunteers, with a capacity measured in tonnage, it probably WAS safer.

Now, three days later, an inspection of the elevator is underway before it is clear for use.

New rule for the staff: don’t let anybody down the elevator that you can’t hump back up the stairs.

Let us spare a thought for the elevators heading into dangerous places, who die a little each day so the Foolish Americans With Disabilities Act can live.

Christian Nationalism Is A Meme Trap

Now that Christian Nationalism has become a concept, people are trying to figure out what it is. Shouldn’t that be the other way around? Here is one attempt at definition that I believe sincere and well-meaning, and yet it confirms my doubts regarding substance.

Moral inversion has reached such extremes that maybe people don’t even know what Normal looks like anymore. Or worse, maybe Christian Nationalism is nothing but Normalcy Neurosis… the desperately self-deceiving effort to believe it’s still 1985.

Or worse yet… maybe Christian Nationalism is the same kind of gatekeeping meme-trap that Buckleyite Conservatism, Moral Majority and Tea Party turned out to be. A common trait of Totalism is that, as Saul Alinsky described, it personalizes opposition. It dramatizes its enemies to the point that they become symbols. It needs a big, beautiful bogeyman that the sheeple can direct their Two Minutes Hate at. “Don’t lie to me, Gustav! You’re not just a protester waving a flag… you’re a Russian agent of Orange Man destroying our democracy! Worse than Putler!”

(America will have achieved full Totalism when Antifa goons scream accusations at Putin (who is not present) while firebombing the local Starbucks. Such people will have a lie wedged so deep inside their brains that they’re functionally psychotic. Do not weep for them. They chose the lie and loved the lie and lived the lie until there was nothing left but the lie. Thus did their self-hate achieve cherished oblivion.)

To be fair, I believe Moral Majority was well-intentioned, and Tea Party was a single-issue tax revolt. That didn’t stop the Marxists from gleefully Converging those big, new, wealthy and respected TARGETS. The lesson here is it doesn’t even matter who came up with Christian Nationalism. I wish people would catch on that in totalitarian err, liberal democratic states, it’s not safe to gather dissidents into a single organization then announce your address and political ambitions to Big Media.

A thousand Christians forming a hundred low-profile groups in order to shelter their families from the queers is not a threat the Regime can easily oppose. They can’t fantasize themselves as Heroes Of the Revolution by ambushing the soccer moms of Podunk. It would be a TEXTBOOK PSYOP if the Regime floated Christian Nationalism as a national label (read, target) that its enemies (read, you) would voluntarily pin to their chests.

Let the record show, I do NOT consider myself any kind of Christian Nationalist.

14 Points of Christian Nationalism . A Draft

h ttps://matthewcochran.net/blog/?p=2311


As Christian Nationalism gains more steam amidst the ongoing collapse of Western liberalism, I’m seeing a lot of detractors attempting to dismiss it as meaningless. They take theological and political disagreements among Christian Nationalists as a sign that even we don’t know what it is.

It IS meaningless. You conservatives have been handed an ideology that’ll be defined as needed by the authorities of the moment. Again.

Do I need to paint you a picture? of William F. Buckley, Jr? during his CIA days?

They also make bizarre and illogical conclusions about what Christian Nationalism entails and portray them as core principles. The result is confusion all around.

If that’s a reference to the globohomo detractors, I’ve had a great time reading their articles. Sweet projection! Everything they fear we religious freaks will do, is what they’ve been doing all along.

Because they’re not religious at all, don’cha know. Can’t a guy rebel against the God of Truth and Creation via child sacrifice without being compared to Moloch?

Putting my zealotry aside, however, while reading those articles, I have also noticed that “Christian Nationalism” is giving them a target to hate and lawfare at… the kind of target they didn’t have before. Christians should stop and think before proceeding in this direction.

Having written about Christian Nationalism several times myself, I’m keenly aware that none of my descriptions amount to a clear definition or statement of principles. And so, I thought it would be appropriate to put together a list of 14 points of Christian Nationalism to help the concept coalesce.

1. Christian Nationalism is a political ideology informed by the Christian faith, not a religion informed by political ideology.

The nation will be Christian by not insisting on Christianity? History has tried this all three ways: mandatory-Christian, optional-Christian and ethnic-Christian. All three have failed because no human institution is, or even can, be loyal to God.

God is within us believers, not the Constitution. Or the Vatican. Even the divinely appointed Levitical priesthood was a completely failed institution. There can never be a Christian nation, only at best a nation of Christians. Remember that God’s favorite form of government was the incredibly formless system of Judges. Is that what a Christian National government will look like? Serious question.

7. Government is incapable of forcing conversion to Christianity because conversion depends on a faith that cannot be coerced into existence.

We aren’t talking about forced conversion. We’re talking about forced morality, and government has the duty of enforcing morality.

9. Wrongdoing may be tolerated by government when legal suppression of evil would lead to even greater evils.

This is not a Christian moral. Why is the author already talking about government sanction of explicit evil?

12. God has appointed fathers to govern their own households. National government proceeds from this household government and exists to serve it. It does not replace it and may not usurp it.

We STILL aren’t telling women No!

13. Immigration is tolerable only insofar as it neither unduly burdens nor harms our nation. Mass immigration is always harmful. Smaller scale immigration is more harmful the more an immigrant differs from our nation in terms of ancestry, language, history, culture and religious heritage.

Treachery! This is just another attempt at squaring the Marxist circle. “A ‘Christian’ government will figure out a way to make immigration work! Maybe a little slower from higher-quality nations?” Better idea: let’s stop immigration entirely for a few decades in order to repopulate and rediscover who we are without the constant reintroduction of foreign ideas & loyalties, what say? If American plutocrats end up forced to pay their workers high wages, creating a dreaded middle class, then that’s a risk Christ is willing to run.

Let me paint the picture of what a Christian nation… ANY nation describable as Christian… MUST look like:

a. Women are forbidden all authority over men. Men who empower women shall be put to death for rebellion against God.

b. Government shall mandate that women marry young. Men have sexual needs and the ONLY Christ-approved place for those needs is marriage. Thus, marriage must be a duty of young women. Note carefully that this is a social duty, not just a religious duty. Godless men have needs, too.

c. Government is not permitted to help the poor. It is theft to take money from he who earned it, to he who did not. Theft does not stop being theft when government says so. God defines evil, not government.

d. All homicide must be punished by death, excepting self-defense.

e. Sodomy must be punished by death.

f. Adultery must be punished by death.

g. Blasphemy and heresy must be punished by death. Get the idea? God is a big proponent of the death penalty. Other crimes can be debated, but God is on record that those specific crimes warrant execution.

h. Get rid of the Synagogue of Satan. This shouldn’t even have to be said but nooo, we STILL have Judeo-Christianity in America!

i. Government shall be empowered and required to conduct ethnic purges. Nobody shall sell their land to foreigners. There’s no way around this, if…

3. Christian Nationalists understand nation as meaning a people who share common ancestry, religious heritage, language, culture, and history together.

…is going to be the standard. And that is, indeed, what ‘Nationalist’ means.

Let me say it again for the slow class: Christian Nationalism INEVITABLY means YOU WILL BECOME A RACIST. That’s a good thing. Everybody is racist, especially the people who claim not to be. God made us racist. But if you get your Christian Nationalism then you’ll have to own it and stop crying in the corner whenever a groid welfare bum screeches raycisss at you.

You want a Christian Nation, ye Christian? Do you really? Because God is not your kind-hearted therapist butler uniting the world in love. You don’t get a return to the Good Old Days. You don’t get a government you can blindly trust. And you don’t get to raise your daughter into a son.

When I read what Christians are thinking Christian Nationalism is, it ain’t none of what I described.

Meanwhile, they’re so lacking in discernment that they don’t even recognize that creating a national Christian Nationalist movement is Step One in beginning the purge of Christianity… bringing all the dissidents into one “big tent” that the Regime can drop a bomb on. Instead of going door-to-door across a continent.

Stop trying to recreate the past, Churchians. Stop being so damn ignorant of your own beliefs. Stop being na?ve about modern evil. And please, if it’s at all possible, do not describe yourself as a Christian Nationalist until you are certain what the term means to other people.

Because it’s probably a lie crafted by Satan to ensnare Christians attempting to escape Globohomo.

Edit, I see I didn’t explain my concept of “meme trap”. We start with the fact that Christian Nationalism doesn’t have a preset meaning, organization, leader etc.” It could have several meanings from theocracy to ‘USA 1985’ to ‘no more Christ-hating socialism’. The fact of its having several possible and desirable definitions, entices a person to pick up and pin the ‘Christian Nationalist’ label on himself.

Then, for example, the Regime chooses to define ‘Christian Nationalism’ as insurrection and a racist threat to our democracy. Which is plausible because USA started out as a republic (of nations) and not a nation. Result, the people who self-identified as Christian Nationalist must now explain they didn’t mean what they said to the J6 Commission. From handcuffs and solitary confinement.

I call it a meme trap because it’s a good-sounding idea that could become dangerous to its holders depending upon what other people choose to define it as.

This happens frequently enough. The examples I gave? People thought Buckleyite Conservatism was conservative, the Moral Majority was moral and the 20th Century Tea Party was going to be the ‘throw ’em overboard’ that the 18th Century Tea Party was. People joined expecting one thing, discovered it was not and quit. One must always check whether their organization is, indeed, as advertised.

But as I just showed, in the context of a totalitarian state, one must be VERY careful of which political beliefs they claim. If there is not already an established definition then you’re setting yourself up for an involuntary Talmudic reinterpretation of who you are.

Garland Shuts Down Cointel After Xi Secures Power Base

Vox Day believes that Hu Jintao’s public disgracing together with Xi securing his leadership apparently for life, is prompting a GAE abandonment of its effort to switch flags from D.C. to Beijing. As proof, the Chinese markets… unquestionably where the banksters would apply their leverage… are suffering a sudden collapse.

I’ve found confirmation on the criminal justice side.

h ttps://voxday.net/2022/10/26/the-empire-flees-china/

26 October 2022

Ignore all the rhetoric and the neo-liberal economic assumptions and focus on what the various parties mentioned are doing. What’s actually taking place is that The Empire That Never Ended, which intended to transfer its global center of power from Washington DC to Beijing, has finally abandoned its attempts to do so.

Xi Xinping was seen as an impediment, not an implacable obstacle, but the confirmation of his continuing power in the CPC and his ongoing anti-corruption campaign means that the imperial plans for China have failed.

And as part of that abandonment…

Garland announces arrest of Chinese spies who stole confidential information

h ttps://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2022/10/24/Garland-announces-arrest-of-Chinese-spies-who-stole-confidential-information/4211666629656/

By Adam Schrader, 24 October 2022

China has been spying on us?! Gasp, nooo! I’m shocked!

Pro-tip, FBI: look for the ETHNIC CHINESE NATIONALS WITH CHINESE PASSPORTS AND CHINA-DWELLING FAMILY MEMBERS who want to work in our academic, tech and military sectors. China is a hostile nation, yes? Then why have we been letting them in? Looking at YOU, FBI!

Strike that. Looking at YOU, universities charging out-of-state tuitions for probable Chinese student spies!

Oct. 24 (UPI) — U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Monday the arrest and indictment of Chinese spies accused of stealing confidential information and harassing Chinese victims living in the United States to return to China.

Over the past week, the Justice Department has taken several actions to disrupt criminal activity by individuals working on behalf of the government of the People’s Republic of China,” Garland said.

Hmm. Has anything interesting happened in China over the past week?

Garland said that earlier Monday that a complaint was unsealed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York charging two Chinese intelligence officers with attempting to obstruct, influence and impede a criminal prosecution of a telecommunications company based in China.

Huawei per h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/china-caught-trying-to-disrupt-our-justice-system-doj-accuses-10-chinese-spies-and-communist-agents-of-malign-schemes

“The defendants believed they had recruited the U.S. employee as an asset, but in fact, the individual they recruited was a double agent working on behalf of the FBI,” Garland said.

Those defendants, identified as Dong He and Zheng Wang, allegedly paid a bribe of $41,000 in Bitcoin to the double agent to obtain non-public information, including files from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District.

Garland said that the Chinese spies had sought confidential information on witnesses, trial evidence and potential new charges to be brought against the company.

“The double agent provided the defendants with documents that appeared to present some of the information they sought. In fact, the documents were prepared by the U.S. government for this investigation and did not reveal actual meetings, communications or strategies,” Garland said.

“This was an egregious attempt by PRC intelligence officers to shield a PRC-based company from accountability and to undermine the integrity of our judicial system.”

And the FBI knew about it since at least 2019, just like me. Everybody has known for years that Chinese intelligence has had a free hand in American affairs thanks to our inexplicably cooperative government. Paging Eric Swalwell…

I’m not angry at the FBI for not grabbing the Chink spies earlier. Domestic counterintelligence against foreign threats is something they’re supposed to do. Feeding disinfo to such an organized intelligence operation is more valuable than a couple arrests. Hence the sealed indictments.

It WAS a counterintelligence operation, yes? Because the FBI surely wouldn’t take a Chinese bribe to look the other way, set up a sealed indictment as an insurance policy and trigger it now to prevent Xi blackmailing them. Nah. Even though Chinese intelligence has managed to steal a LOT of tech over the years from the FBI’s home turf.

Anyway, now they’re burning the operation and shutting it down. That’s only a good idea if they expect Huawei to not be operating in USA for much longer.

I *am* angry, however, that a multi-year cointel operation resulted in only two perps nabbed:

Dong He and Zheng Wang were each charged with attempting to obstruct a criminal prosecution.

He also was charged with money laundering for the Bitcoin bribe and faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.

That’s the best they had after four years? And the Bitcoin charge won’t even stick. I have questions that will never be answered.

An indictment also was unsealed Monday in New Jersey charging four individuals including three Chinese intelligence officers working with the Ministry of State Security with conspiring to act in the United States as illegal agents on behalf of a foreign government.

Two anti-China busts on Monday. Hmm.

Those defendants were identified as Wang Lin, 59; Bi Hongwei, age unknown; Dong Ting, aka Chelsea Dong, 40; and Wang Qiang, 55.

The spies allegedly used an affiliation with the purported Institute for International Studies at the Ocean University of China as their cover.

I see the Confucius Institutes are still here, just rebranded. They were brazen PRC intel operations publicly placed in American colleges and permitted to operate until August 2020. They were not the only such organizations.

“The indictment alleges that between 2008 and 2018, the defendants used the cover of a purported academic institute to target, coopt and direct individuals in the United States to further the PRC’s intelligence mission,” Garland said.

Garland said that those directives included attempts to procure equipment and technology from the United States and ship them to China, as well as attempts to stop protests in the United States he said “would have been embarrassing to the Chinese government.”

An eleven-year cointel operation, burned. And resulting in so few arrests that I must wonder what was REALLY going on.

Separately, the Justice Department charged seven people in New York for working on behalf of China “in a multi-year campaign of threats and harassment” to force a U.S. resident to return to China.

Two of those defendants were arrested last Thursday and identified as Quanzhong An, 55, and Guangyang An, 34.

The other defendants — who remain at large — are Tian Peng, Chenghua Chen, Chunde Ming, Xuexin Hou and Weidong Yuan.

The lack of sealed indictments and failure to collar most of the accused, indicates that this was a rushed decision.

Garland said that those activities were part of a Chinese initiative called Operation Foxhunt to locate and bring back to China alleged fugitives who fled to foreign countries, including the United States.

The victim was identified as John Doe in the court documents.

Yep, rushed. There are surely plenty of dissidents who would happily press charges. If China is already trying to kidnap them back then they have nothing to lose and publicity might even be a deterrent.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said Monday that the cases take place “against a backdrop of malign activity” by China that includes espionage, harassment and obstruction of the U.S. justice system.

And kicking out the pro-GAE Hu Jintao.

Monaco added that the cases “make clear that Chinese agents will not hesitate to break the law and violate international norms in the process.”

Phone call for you, Mizz Monaco. Nordstream on Line Two.

It’s impossible to know which way the intelligence was flowing in these operations. What is known, however, is that two longstanding and potentially useful operations are being shut down immediately after Xi’s appointment-for-life along with a hastily executed mass arrest to embellish the headline. God knows it needed help:

In total, 13 people were charged in three separate cases in the harassment and espionage schemes, the Justice Department said.

That’ll put the fear of Uncle Sam in Pooh Bear for sure. “After fourteen years of investigation, we’ve unmasked all thirteen of your spies & agents in America! And eight of them have already been caught!”

In closing, let me give a shout-out to True the Vote for doing what the FBI in all these secret-squirrel cointel operations didn’t do: uncover that Konnech Election Company founder Eugene Yu allegedly tried to run American elections from servers in China. While stealing the identities of poll workers.

THAT is how completely China has undermined the United States government. Now that USA is severing economic links with China (and China is severing economic links with USA, incidentally), I look forward to witnessing, for the first time in my life, mass arrests of spies and traitors against my country.

Hmm, Mr. Swalwell has not answered his page.

Brazil’s Lula Offers Open Letter To Evangelical Voters But Doesn’t Let Us Read It

Lula is Bolsonaro’s close competitor for president of Brazil, the election for which has reached the runoff stage. What you need to know about Lula is that he was a toady of the globalists in his Brazil presidency 2003-2011 until the people got rid of him when they had the chance.

Now it’s time to erase that mistake, as Robocop’s Dick Jones once put it.

You also should know that, as is typical for South America, all of Brazil’s voters identify as Catholic and one-third of them identify as evangelical Protestants. Thus, the evangelicals are shaping up to be the swing voters in this run-off.

And so Lula held a press conference, reading an open letter to evangelicals containing a promise that he won’t go Socialist on them… while noting that he DID go Socialist the last time he had the chance. That means we can trust him! The GAE press is buzzing over the fact that the press conference was held… but nobody linked to the actual letter and the only publicly-offered recording of Lula reading the letter on the entire Internet does not have an English translation.


This is what I pieced together from excerpts of English-speaking, mainstream sources.

Open Letter To Brazilian Evangelicals Asking Them To Change Loyalties At the Last Second To the Godless Socialist

.My administration will never use symbols of your faith for partisan political ends, respecting the laws and traditions that separate State and Church, so there’s no political interference in the practice of faith,. the former president said. .The attempt to use faith politically to divide Brazilians doesn’t help anyone..

Maybe Brazil does it differently, but separating Church & State is the State promising to never allow itself to be burdened by Christian beliefs and moral demands. Also, I can think of a couple reasons why Lula intends to avoid ANY display of Crosses.

Political interference in religion is one thing. Religious interference in politics is another. Is a country’s government supposed to NOT reflect its people? Very. Serious. Question.

.We are living at a time in which lies are used intensively with the objective of stoking fear in people of good faith, pushing them away from a candidacy that is defending them more,. the letter said. .That is why I felt a need to reaffirm my commitment to freedom of religion in our country..

Possibly a reference to a viral TikTok video in which an unnamed, self-described Satanist praises Lula, already removed. It’s unusual for such an unsourceable media to be widely believed outside the UFO community.

Lula is not a Satanist. I checked. He worships Lucumi, not Lucifer. Lucumi are… Afro-Cubans…


Brazil: Socialist Lula Disavows Support from Satanic Sorcerers, Says He’s Never Made a Deal with the Devil

h ttps://www.breitbart.com/latin-america/2022/10/05/brazil-socialist-lula-disavows-support-from-satanic-sorcerers-says-hes-never-made-a-deal-with-the-devil/

Cancel your Netflix. GunnerQ is here with your FREE weekend entertainment!

Flavio Bolsonaro also shared a post that recalled Lula appearing at an event with followers of the Nigerian Yoruba religion, known commonly as santer?a in much of Latin America, and receiving as a gift a ceremonial ax associated with the African deity Chang? (Xang? in Portuguese). Santer?a, Lucum?, or Nigerian Yoruba paganism by its other names does not have any association with Lucifer as he is known in the Judeo-Christian faiths, though many Christians in countries where santer?a is common, such as Cuba, consider worshipping the Yoruba gods a sin.

Yeeeah… I vaguely recall a commandment… or two… “Thou Shalt Have No Cubans Before Me”, or something like that…

End segue

.To me, life is sacred, the work of God the creator, and my commitment always has been and will be to protect it,. he said.

.I am personally against abortion, and remind everyone that it is an issue to be decided by Congress, not the president.” [Brazil currently bans abortion in all cases except rape, incest or risk to the mother’s life.]

Which is it? “Life is sacred as God decrees” or “Life is disposable as government decrees”?

“My government will not adopt any policies that hurt religious liberty or create obstacles for churches to function freely,” he said.

Until his government decides that women can kill their babies, and churches don’t get with the pogrom. Program, I mean.

“The Brazilian people know that I took care, with special affection, of the poorest and, with God’s blessings, my government contributed to improve the lives of millions of families,” the former president said.

Now he’s just lying. We have accumulated almost two hundred years of history demonstrating that all Socialists view “the poor” as tools. “You Christians don’t love the poor because the poor exist! I love them and that’s why I appointed myself their representative without asking their approval! I get to steal your property and wealth for redistribution to my supporters because the poor said so! Don’t be too quick to hate me… you’re about to become poor yourself!”

Unless Bolsonaro wins the run-off election.

That needs to stop. Elections, I mean. GAE has mastered the art of vote manipulation to the point that the democratic process is the WEF process. Every nation is about to become a dictatorship anyway, so I wish the decent types such as Bolsonaro would seize the advantage of their mass popularity and choose to win… instead of Lulu the Generic Globalist Despot.

They have nothing to lose but their chains, their feminists and their Dominion Voting Machines.

Full Retard Complementarianism

We’re back at the Southern Baptist Convention today, where they heroically strained out the gnat of female pastors and swallowed the camel of female church officials wielding authority over pastors. It’s complementarianism unmasked and on crack!

One must try hard to fail this badly. And yet, I must disqualify their effort on the grounds of not obeying the rules.

SBC seminary passes resolution affirming pastoral roles should be limited to men

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/sbc-seminary-passes-resolution-limiting-pastoral-roles-to-men.html

By Michael Gryboski, 19 October 2022

A Southern Baptist Convention seminary passed a resolution affirming its president’s stance that only men can be pastors, an indirect response to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordaining three women pastors last year.

Heh, they did an “indirect response” to a direct provocation.

In May 2021, Saddleback Church garnered controversy in SBC circles by ordaining three women . Liz Puffer, Cynthia Petty and Katie Edwards . despite the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 stating the “office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”

No process for a swift excommunication of blatant heretics? Did they think that such a process wouldn’t be needed in Current Year? Those ain’t just for Catholics! 

At their fall meeting last week, the trustees at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, unanimously approved a resolution encouraging the seminary’s administration to continue theologically training both men and women…

“It is further resolved that this Board encourages The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary administration and faculty to continue its theological training with this stated conviction “graduating both men and women for service to the church, but with men alone reserved for the office and function, and thereby title of pastor,” stated the resolution, in part.

So… women can still train to be pastors, they just can’t sit in the chair. The SBC fears that being too devout would hurt enrollment at their seminaries!

The resolution commended the stance of SBTS President Albert Mohler, who helped craft the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, the official statement of faith for the SBC.

Mohler took to his official Twitter to post his support on Tuesday for the trustees’ resolution, saying he is “thankful” for their work.

“Our @SBTS trustees made an important statement last week, passing a unanimous resolution defining pastor as both function and office and limited to men by Scripture as confessed by Southern Baptists in the Baptist Faith & Message,” tweeted Mohler.

There are Christian leaders still using Twitter? Do Baptists STILL not know anybody who has been Canceled by GAE social media for Christ-based dissent against Satan?

Mohler penned a column denouncing Saddleback’s ordinations as “contrary to Scripture” and “an attempt to redefine and reformulate the convictional foundation of Southern Baptist faith and cooperative ministry.”

“The theological issues have not changed since the year 2000 when Southern Baptists spoke clearly and precisely in the Baptist Faith & Message. More importantly, the Holy Scriptures have not changed and cannot change,” wrote Mohler at the time.

Too wordy. Next time, try “go to Hell and take your witches with you!”

Some within the SBC pushed for Saddleback to be disfellowshiped from the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.

Not me, I’m outside the SBC and saying that.

However, the SBC Credentials Committee, which handles issues regarding whether member churches are abiding by the SBC standards, announced at the SBC Annual Meeting in June that it would delay a decision on Saddleback.

Committee Chair Linda Cooper told the messengers at the annual meeting that “we have concluded that we are not yet prepared to make a recommendation regarding Saddleback Church, recognizing there are differing opinions regarding the intent of the office of pastor as stated in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.”


And speak of the witches.

A national committee with authority to take action against pastors & individual churches… is headed by a woman. Who refused to condemn the concept of female clergy even though the Bible does AND EVEN THOUGH THE SBC NOW DOES. Thus, the men under her authority are not permitted to take action against female clergy. Somebody got grandfathered in! Or grandmothered, as it were.

They went full retard Complementarian.

“We feel it is very important for you to know that it is the unanimous opinion of the Credentials Committee that the majority of Southern Baptists hold to the belief that the function of lead pastor, elder, bishop or overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture,” she added.

“[However, we have] found little information evidencing convention beliefs regarding the use of the title of pastor, for staff positions with different responsibilities and authority than that of lead pastor role.”

I see you, you unclean spirit of lies. “Of course women cannot be LEAD pastors! But there are other kinds of pastors, too. And God wants women in those positions even if some Church traditions once said otherwise.”

Linda Cooper needs to be exorcised of a demon and the SBC needs to be exorcised of Linda Cooper.

The Credentials Committee initially recommended that the SBC messengers vote to create a study committee that would report at next year’s annual meeting a “recommendation to provide clarity regarding the office of pastor.” However, Mohler voiced opposition to the idea.

“If we eventually have to form a study committee over every word of our confession of faith, then we are doomed and we are no longer a confessional people,” Mohler said to applause from the crowd.

[The Credentials Committee withdrew the recommendation.]

Amazing! Mohler’s laziness accomplished what his spiritual insight could not.

It’s getting bad out there. The SBC is dying in blatant lies and feminism, just like every other Christian organization.

The Tears Of A Clown, 404 Asset Edition

GAE must be planning to impose a military draft. That would be insane but there’s no other explanation for their recent effort to make heroes out of a couple CIA assets that got caught in Ukie uniforms.

Popcorn time!

.We prayed for death.: 2 American veterans freed from Russian captivity in Ukraine describe torture

h ttps://nextshark.com/american-veterans-freed-from-russia-describes-torture/

By Michelle De Pacina, 18 October 2022

Two American soldiers who were captured by Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine have described the torture they endured in several interviews since their release in September.

That’s what happens when you do wetwork for the Big Man.

“Thanks for getting me out, Larry!”

“No prob… but hey, Andy, the Russians didn’t rough you up enough. You can’t give interviews about being tortured without looking the part, know what I mean? Larry hooks up the jumper cables Sooo, this ain’t nothin’ personal, okay?”

Wait… wait… upon rereading the opening paragraph, there are alternative interpretations of the subordinate clauses.

Andy Huynh, 27, and Alexander Drueke, 39, who volunteered in the Ukrainian army, entered Ukraine in early April. They were taken as prisoners in June [9] during a firefight in the village of Izbytske and held captive in the Donbas region.

In September, they were released to the U.S. embassy in Saudi Arabia as part of a prisoner exchange.

The soldiers from Alabama, who spent 105 days in Russian captivity, told ABC News they were held in a “black site,. where the had to endure daily torture. According to the pair, they lived on dirty water and spoiled bread and were interrogated, beaten, deprived of sleep and forced to stand or sit on their knees while blindfolded for hours.

Why were American citizens wearing Ukrainian uniforms in the first place?

Huynh, a Vietnamese American who served in the U.S. Marines, was studying at Calhoun Community College when Russia invaded Ukraine. He had been making wedding plans with his fianc?e before he traveled to Ukraine.

Ahh, he went MGTOW. “I’d rather by shelled to death by Russian artillery than wake up next to you!”

.We prayed for death. We just wanted to die. We just wanted it to end,. Huynh said.

“Then the recruiter showed up to offer us a new life in 404!”

During their captivity, Huynh and Drueke were also forced to make propaganda videos and partake in interviews, wherein they were forced to praise Russia. If they had not followed the script, they were to be raped or killed.


Drueke, 40, retired from the U.S. Army after 12 years. He was chosen as the duo’s spokesperson and was allowed to make calls to his family in Tuscaloosa under duress.

They allowed him to make phone calls from a black site? “They listened in on my phone calls! That never would have happened in America!”

But wait, a military retirement is only after 20 years..?

According to Drueke, the captors had cracked four of his ribs.

“Hi Mom, I can’t talk for long, they broke four of my ribs and it hurts to breathe and I’m in a ‘dark site’ where they listen in on my international phone calls. But I wanted to let you know I’m safe and don’t worry about me. I’m not a CIA asset but the State Department is still arranging a prisoner transfer to get me back.”

The captors believed Huynh and Drueke were CIA operatives, and they demanded information from them.

.They really thought that we had been sent by our government, or had a large amount of government support,. Drueke told The Washington Post. .They really wanted to make sure we weren’t lying about that . and they had their ways of doing that..

I am assured by other veterans, that if an American citizen veteran of the American military goes international mercenary without State Department authorization, then he went Full Retard.

“Why didn’t I seek my government’s support, you ask? I dunno. It never occurred to me, being an experienced Army vet, to ask the State Dept. for permission to wear another country’s uniform in time of war.”

When they were being transported to prison, their eyes were wrapped with packing tape and their bodies were stacked in a vehicle on top of other prisoners. In prison, they reportedly suffered through solitary confinement.

I’ve been treated worse at slumber parties. Then again, my slumber parties weren’t rated BDSM. But that would make solitary confinement a luxury, not a torture, so they’re probably losers who never got invited to slumber parties.

.When we weren’t physically abused, we were struggling with severe boredom,. Huynh told CNN.

If Huynh was any more of an American superhero, he’d be wearing his underpants on the outside.

The men said they had no regrets, but they feel guilt for surviving and having been freed when many remain in Russian captivity.

.We feel guilty that we got traded and they are still there. That’s one of the worst feelings you can have,. Huynh told ABC News.

Their peers were also freed.


h ttps://nextshark.com/american-veterans-released-ukraine/

Shaw confirmed that Drueke and Huynh were among the 10 prisoners from Morocco, the U.S., the U.K., Sweden and Croatia. Saudi Arabia arranged the release of the prisoners held captive by the Donetsk People’s Republic, the country said on Wednesday. Although the two veterans traveled to Ukraine separately in April, they bonded while volunteering after learning that they are both from Alabama.

End segue

So, the burning question of the hour: were they really CIA assets?

According to

h ttps://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/15/two-us-vets-reportedly-captured-russian-troops-ukraine-families-scramble-learn-more.html

Huynh was an “engineer equipment operator” who left the Marines after four years at the rank of corporal. His last duty assignment was Camp Pendleton, California, according to the service.

Unimpressive for either a merc or an intel asset. Just another guy in community college on the GI Bill, contemplating a marriage with which to end it all, when a recruiter came by and asked the Marine if he’d like to be a real soldier in exchange for a bushel of cash.

Drueke was a “chemical operations specialist” with a deployment to Iraq and one to Kuwait. He was in the Army Reserve for 12 years, according to the service.

Ranked staff sergeant. Probably signed up for one term, was stop-lossed and made the most of it. An undocumented Army CBRN in 404 could easily be CIA. His mother claims he got debilitating PTSD while performing bodyguard work, which if true, means he both had downrange experience and was also a veteran going nowhere when the CIA was shopping for meat.

I must disagree with my opening comment. The probable reason these two are getting the hero treatment across GAE media, is to encourage more losers to accept a third-class Ticket to 404. It’s the only way that “I almost died of boredom in captivity” doesn’t sound 100% stupid.

End segue

Drueke said that he is willing to return to Ukraine to help rebuild once the conflict ends. As for Huynh, he will be focusing on his family and his obligations at home. Both men believe that Ukraine will be victorious over Russia.

Drueke: “Ukraine is where the future is! Hoo-ah ‘Murica! Make me GAE!”

Huynh: “She’s pregnant and swears the kid is mine. I gotta go.”

Move over, French Foreign Legion! Make room for the CIA Greenbacks!

A Exchange Highlighting Dissident Feminism

The extent to which Original Sin undermines even dissident beliefs is hard to overstate. I had this exchange on Zman’s blog; its OP is irrelevant. Likes and dislikes are included.

h ttps://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=28471

[angelus:] One indicator I see that is very distressing, is older white women in their 70.s, pushing shopping carts full of their neatly piled belongings around town during the day, trying mightily to remain a normal demeanor. This has happened because the owners of section 8 subsidized senior housing have increased their rents so much that even with the government paying the larger portion, these women cannot afford their share. These are not drug addicted or crazy people, they look like my Grandma. They may not have any relatives or children nearby, and most of them were too old to drive. I shudder to think what happens to them when night falls, and what will happen this winter.

L: 34 D: 0

This is reportedly happening an hour out of Boise, ID. For what it’s worth.

[Gunner Q:] Her government housing allowance is no longer enough for her to live on? I don’t care. me who.ll never have such an allowance while being taxed to pay hers.

If her own family won’t support her then why should we care? What do they know that we don’t?

L: 1 D: 5

Yeah, what I said! I shouldn’t have to support anybody outside my family… isn’t that the very heart of dissident race politics?… and when the kids cut Granny out of their lives, I’ll guess that’s not because she’s such a sweet person to have around.

[Jack Dobson:] She is White. That matters. Maybe there is an addiction or mental health reason, but perhaps not. There are shanty towns throughout South Africa filled with Whites who did nothing wrong but landed there. We need to help our own people. The morons donating to the stupid grift to help “Holocaust survivors” in Russia need to be shamed into helping their fellow Whites here.

L: 8 D: 1

That ranks fairly high as not-a-response to my complaints of female entitlement and neglect of (unattractive) taxpaying men. Even in dissident politics, we have a very long way to go before patriarchy is accepted as a solution.

There’s no point in preferring your own people if you also prefer your women over men. Recall that America’s demographic downfall was 1. White society serving men, 2. White society serving women and 3. Nonwhite society serving women. That’s not coincidence.

Gender reality > race reality.

Interestingly, even a female commenter weighed in:

[3g4me:]No personal offense intended… they ought to be a clear lesson and reminder to the rest of us re what comes of relying on government promises. SS was a Ponzi scheme from the beginning. I .paid in. my share, and don’t expect to ever see a penny of it. I’m old enough to apply now, but based on our current tax bracket it would all go back in taxes for redistribution to Shaniqua, Juan, Li Feng, and Zelensky. Unless circumstances change drastically, I don’t see myself ever applying for it . even if I’m not declared ineligible for my White privilege and my intolerable opinions.

L: 12 D: 1

She’s right and the thing to do is shut down the welfare state completely and overnight. Partly because one cannot reform a theft-in-progress, but mostly so that men can be incentivized (by getting to keep what we earn) to patch up those supply chains.

That will happen only when society benefits men. Values men. And cuts women loose to either fend for themselves or find a husband… the original retirement plan that Angelus never noticed was missing.

Lastly, I note that 3g4me didn’t go against Team Woman. That was the difference between her post and mine. “It’s a scam” versus “It’s a scam against men“.

99 Problems But A CBDC Ain’t One

The future is not going to be like the past. There’s no more frontier. Advances in communications are flatlining culture & language. And life is going to be, to some degree, a fish bowl of a surveillance society. We’re already there in terms of technology and the integration is proceeding swiftly.

But some things never change, like human greed. That can be a good thing! Also, conservatives offering meaningless solutions to serious & complex problems. That can’t be good. I’m not ranting at this specific author; his article helpfully collected the worst offenders in one spot; it’s all advice that I’ve gotten repeatedly and from many sources which ought to have known better.

How To Resist CBDCs.5 Ways You Can Opt Out of This Dystopian Future

h ttps://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/how-to-resist-cbdcs5-ways-you-can

By Nick Giambruno, 13 October 2022

Hmm… the headline promises two different things. Coping with CBDCs, and avoiding the shitpocalypse.

There’s an excellent chance governments worldwide will soon force their citizens to use central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things.

They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit….

He goes on to list several examples. Oddly, he never lists the primary appeal of CBDCs: the government can straight-up delete your money.

The problem with every fiat currency ever is that it eventually gets inflated into toilet paper. The people running the currency always print more for themselves, increasing the money supply, because they can and they’re evil.

But… that’s because with paper money, the Regime Du Jour can ONLY increase the money supply. It can’t touch the already-existing currency in peoples’ hands. If the currency is all digital and more importantly, stored on a central ledger, then the banksters can get more money without creating more. They merely take it from everybody else. With no money being created, there’s no inflation. A government could have literally zero tax rates and fund itself just by haircutting its inmates’ accounts at will.

All the concerns over the CBDC State micromanaging your accounts are insignificant next to the power of that State to simply take your money at will and spend it however they want.

It still won’t work, of course; there remains the Soviet problem of “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us”; but that’s the dream which makes CBDCs an inevitability.

CBDCs are, without a doubt, an instrument of enslavement. They represent a quantum leap backward in human freedom.

Nah. Giving women the vote was far worse. That’s the one single solution to State overspending that no conservative, Christian nationalist, white supremacist (with scare quotes or without) or dissident is even proposing: start putting men in charge of society, and by extension, society’s SPENDING, for the benefit of men. Know what I mean, ye who gave credit cards to teenage daughters?

What we’re offered instead of Christ:

It.s important to remember the wise words of Ron Paul: .What none of them (politicians) will admit is that the market is more powerful than the central banks and all the economic planners put together. Although it may take time, the market always wins..

By the author’s own logic, however, we aren’t talking about economic planners anymore. We’re talking about tyrants and in this world, it’s tyranny that usually wins. Especially when there’s no avenue of escape, hence my mentioning the lack of frontier and omnipresence of global communications.

He proceeds to offer five steps for countering CBDC currencies.

Step #1: Use Physical Gold and Silver

That old Boomer chestnut, seriously? “If you don’t want to use the government’s money then just use gold and silver coins. They’re always money!”

Gold didn’t become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money.

Actually, politicians did. You can’t exchange that dollar for gold anymore, why? Because a politician said so. You can’t buy a car with gold bricks, why? A politician said so. You must use a CBDC, why? A politician said so.

And speaking of countless individuals, maybe check if the local grocery and car dealership will accept payments in bullion before investing.

Step #2: Obtain Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin

Similar problems. I’ve become convinced that bitcoin is legit, but when… not if… the government bans its use, will it still be viable? I am monitoring the situation in El Salvador right now… it’s trying to go Bitcoin for a national currency and GAE is already staging a color revolution there in response. I keep meaning to recap it but more stuff keeps happening… anyway, that’s how threatened the Regime is by Bitcoin.

Step #3: Get Organized Locally

Get to know the people in your local community.

You will have to become self-sufficient and rely on your local community to obtain what you need. And that starts with knowing who can provide you with the things you want and need.


Exhibit “A”: the Church. Organized resistance to CBDC tyranny is something that an intact Church would be able to do well enough to defeat the concept outright.


Not one single church, anywhere in USA, is even talking about organizing to serve its members in case of economic ostracism. Most of the clergy openly agree with the State, that Christianity is a disease vector that should be periodically locked down for the good of humanity.

Exhibit “B”: the Internet. Why are we here on the Internet in the first place? Instead of spending time with real friends, discussing what to do about homo homeboy at the local city hall? Take one guess. You should only need one because the implication in this advice to join/create a “local community”, is the admission that one doesn’t already exist.

Exhibit “C”:

The Amish are incredibly successful in this regard.

The Amish don’t exist.

It needed to be said.

Oh sure, there’s an ethnic subculture in Pennsylvania and a couple other places that thrives via isolation and their neighbors’ overdeveloped nostalgia for simpler times. But this author is thinking of Fantasy Amish. Very different. There are three things to know about Fantasy Amish:

  1. They don’t use electricity.
  2. They are happy and successful at everything despite no electricity, never suffering hardships.
  3. Their open, simple and trusting way of life is so superior that the devil himself cannot tempt or harm them.

It’s a garbage fantasy. The truth is, we today don’t live like them because it wasn’t a fun way to live. Bad medicine, unreliable food, 14-hour workdays, no industrial equipment, vulnerability to weather and so on. Meanwhile, real Amish are xenophobic to the point of inbreeding while not being as immune to the allure of tech… or Satan… as might be imagined by Conservatives reaching for the hopium.

“Just live like the Amish!” is impossible without large tracts of land for everybody and a skillset that people cannot develop on a whim or short notice. You can argue that city life isn’t healthy if you like, but city life is where most of us are today. If we did all have farms then how about dem droughts we’re having? Watering the West is something that the Amish could never have done.

If I was asked to provide a textbook example of Boomer advice, “if you don’t like modern society then you should live like the Amish” would be an excellent choice. I didn’t intend this article to be an attack on Boomering but man, the condescending attitude… it bothers me that Conservatives are so quick to dismiss the American ways of life. Have we achieved so little culture since America’s founding that we have nothing to cling to, or have the Communists demoralized us so effectively that the average Griller sees his entire way of life as an unsalvageable failure?

I am not saying you must go 100% Amish to avoid CBDCs. But we can learn how their societies work outside the traditional system and emulate the areas that make sense in our local communities.

Wasn’t this author’s previous piece of advice to invest in Bitcoin? Not very Amish.

Step #4: Exchange Value for Value

Humans invented money to solve the difficulties of barter.

But with CBDCs, governments will have perverted money from a technology that facilities economic exchange into a tool of enslavement. With CBDCs, barter doesn’t look all that bad.

“If you don’t like the gubbermint’s money then just don’t use the gubbermint’s money.” Gosh, thanks for the advice. It would never have occurred to me.

There are reasons we left barter economies behind along with the Amish. My neighbor gives me two chickens and I give him 1/20,000th of a schematic for a custom hydroelectric dam.

The problem here is not “there’s going to be this new currency with a lot of problems”. The problem here is “they hate you and want you dead”. All these “buy gold” and “live Amish” and “learn to code err, barter” ideas is they don’t address the fact that the State intends to do us dirty.

About here, you’re wondering if I have anything positive to contribute. I do! Let me give an example of how to oppose a CBDC:


Unhappy with prices, ranchers look to build own meat plants

h ttps://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/unhappy-prices-ranchers-build-meat-plants-80618434

By Scott McFetridge for Associated Press, 16 October 2021

DES MOINES, Iowa — Like other ranchers across the country, Rusty Kemp for years grumbled about rock-bottom prices paid for the cattle he raised in central Nebraska, even as the cost of beef at grocery stores kept climbing.

He and his neighbors blamed it on consolidation in the beef industry stretching back to the 1970s that resulted in four companies slaughtering over 80% of the nation’s cattle, giving the processors more power to set prices while ranchers struggled to make a living. Federal data show that for every dollar spent on food, the share that went to ranchers and farmers dropped from 35 cents in the 1970s to 14 cents recently.

Situations like that are how Killy Billy got the idea that he can control entire industries via a bank or two. THAT is what needs to change, the centralization of power and control. As we’re learning from petrodollar shenanigans, the key to an alternative currency is having something to back that currency with.

Cutting out a few middlemen is not a bad idea, either.

It led Kemp to launch an audacious plan: Raise more than $300 million from ranchers to build a plant themselves, putting their future in their own hands.

.We.ve been complaining about it for 30 years,. Kemp said. .It’s probably time somebody does something about it..

Crews will start work this fall building the Sustainable Beef plant on nearly 400 acres near North Platte, Nebraska, and other groups are making similar surprising moves in Iowa, Idaho and Wisconsin. The enterprises will test whether it’s really possible to compete financially against an industry trend that has swept through American agriculture and that played a role in meat shortages during the coronavirus pandemic.

The State will certainly attack them. But it will NEED to attack them. None of Cuckservatism’s ‘they get to make the rules and we get to make the rules work’.

End segue

Step #5: Become a Prepper

To minimize the inconvenience of barter, it’s ideal to become as self-sufficient in as many areas as possible. That includes stockpiling supplies and gaining survival knowledge and skills.

Prepping is good for crises. You need the ability to get through a month or winter of sudden hardships, persecution etc. But there’s no prepping for an apocalypse. Similar to Fantasy Amish, and possibly even a derivative of Fantasy Amish, is the Conservative presumption that living in a hut away in the woods with people just like you (but no immigration restrictions!) will make you bulletproof against the coming troubles. Sure, you won’t have ‘conveniences’, but when the Zombie Bureau of Investigation makes its slow, shuffling, moaning way up your driveway, you’ll get to sit on the porch and pick ’em off with a rifle.

GAE won’t just fly a kamikaze drone though the window of your barricaded redoubt because… reasons.

Look, we’re past “make their world work somehow”. We’re at “avoid them if you can, fight them if you must.”

So then, if I don’t approve of the stock Cuck answers to State control of the economy, what’s MY oh-so-expert advice?

Simple: wait patiently for greed to find a way.

What is Gab Pay?

h ttps://help.gab.com/article/gab-pay-overview

14 November 2021

Recently launched, Gab Pay moves us into the #ParallelEconomy.

Gab Pay will power the Parallel Economy by enabling peer-to-peer payment processing. Gab has built a custom option for you to make on-line transactions, similar to other well-known payment processors. Features will be added in the coming months to basic options.

Gab’s vision and plans:
An alternative to PayPal has never been more important now that the ADL will be combing through your financial transactions and ruining people’s lives for financially supporting people and organizations they don’t like.
Gab has been banned from any online payment processing, limited only to checks, money orders and bitcoin to operate the business.

God had a plan and getting banned only led us to build GabPay

I’m still not sold on Torba’s take on Christian Nationalism but will happily make use of GabPay in the near future. Especially for suspicious and potentially criminal purchases such as beef and heating oil.

There will be other payment processors, too, because Paypal is hemorrhaging accounts after its “$2500 fine for political misinformation” stunt, and that’s a lot of wealth seeking a new home. I see the WISE financial group is testing the waters of payment processing….

There will be a LOT of people who don’t like CBDCs, not just dissident Christians. That means a lot of money waiting to be tapped. That means the merchants who want to sell, will work with us who want to buy. No need to form a new community of Amish gold miners.

Not until the Mark of Beast comes, but that won’t be a CBDC.

Another reason for doing nothing, is to watch and see what governments do with their newfangled CBDCs. The ones who exploit the tyrannical possibilities as much and quickly as possible, will see mass monetary disloyalty a la Paypal. The Americans will switch to the Mexican CBDC, or the French, or the Chinese, or the Botswanan if GAE starts issuing arrest warrants based on purchasing patterns.

What is more likely, is that governments will try to push adoption of CBDCs by using the tyranny-tools to incentivize rather than punish & control. Like they already do with credit cards… cash back, discounts at approved merchants etc.

It gets frustrating to be offered advice that is increasingly difficult to implement, ineffective at the actual problem, and even in theory, nothing more than a bandage on the spurting neck wound of they intend to destroy us. Perhaps if Normie Conservative was willing to confront frightful modern reality instead of offering useless advice to people who can’t follow it… how many gold bricks can YOU afford, assuming you wanted to?… they would have a chance to actually defeat evil.

Don’t stress. Let CBDCs happen, unless you are in a position to thwart them. Keep prepping for emergencies… which is a much smaller, easier and more affordable scale than prepping for “the rest of your life” shitpocalypses… and make new friends where you live regardless of whether the other guy is a skilled blacksmith. Meanwhile, shun the useless advice of “buy gold and live Amish”. Its only purpose is to reassure the speaker that the problem is merely economic.

Normalcy Neurosis

I.m coining a new term: Normalcy Neurosis. Whereas normalcy bias is the assumption that daily life hasn’t changed, normalcy neurosis is denial when daily life clearly HAS changed. Afflicted people keep their heads down and don’t notice hurtful facts, refuse to address dangers while they can be addressed, refuse to act and react only to the bare minimum needed to maintain the status quo of everything is okay.

A case study: Montana’s Sheriff Slaughter.

Canadian police found in undercover operation at Great Falls gunshow

h ttps://www.montanarightnow.com/great-falls/canadian-police-found-in-undercover-operation-at-great-falls-gunshow/article_faa71f0e-3f84-11ed-8331-23bd335a2466.html

By Joee Taylor, 28 September 2022

GREAT FALLS, Mont. – According to Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter, local county employees and people noticed someone with Canadian plates watching people at the gun show.

Once deputies and the sheriff arrived, the operation was shut down immediately.

“It’s very dangerous to have an operation like that, and we should have been notified. So we told them the operation was over and to their credit, they agreed and they left that,” said Slaughter.

The police officer was assigned to a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Task Force for gun smuggling and was working with ATF.

That’s more than a little vague. “This guy was watching people,” seriously? According to secondhand reports from social media, the Mountie was videotaping license plates in the parking lot. That makes more sense. The Mountie was scanning licenses, if not literal faces, so gun-loving Canadians could be easily detained at the border for questioning & search. Hugs and kisses from Uncle Sam’s ATF.

And if some American license plates ended up in ATF databases despite no warrant for their collection, well, these things just happen when two nations share intelligence. Which we know became a thing between the FBI and RCMP just before the latter violently suppressed the peaceful Truckers protest. If not sooner.

We want to work with our federal partners. We do. And I want to have a working relationship with them. We have always had a really good working relationship. But there needs to be that mutual respect,” said Slaughter.

That’s what I’m talking about regarding Normalcy Neurosis. Slaughter’s deputies caught Spy Mountie in the act of illegally collecting intelligence against gun owners on American soil, gun owners under Slaughter’s protection, without Slaughter’s knowledge. His response was… per those social media accounts… catch-and-release the Mountie so there’s no international incident. How courteous.

Suuuure, Slaughter. It was just an oversight that the ATF didn’t tell you about their buddy’s fact-finding mission that you would have rejected for being a blatant fishing expedition. It was just a coincidence that Americans citizens would get caught up in the same fishing net.

In return for Slaughter’s ‘professional courtesy’, the ATF gave him the back of their hand so hard that he broke the cop code of silence to complain on news media.

Slaughter tells Montana Right Now that not much information is known about the investigation as he wasn’t informed about the undercover operation.

“That could have been extremely, extremely dangerous. And then you had the variable that there was a Canadian Canadian law enforcement officer in there, and that would have been an international incident,” said Slaughter.

There SHOULD have been an international incident! But his response was to quietly escort Spy Mountie to safety then bitch to the press about his being kept in the dark even afterwards.

A Dublin Alchemist Refuses the Ticket

This is an excerpt from a book whose overall merits I won’t be commenting on, but it contains a plausible example of an early Ticket-offering.

From G.H. Pember. “Earths’s Earliest Ages”

…The brother of the last-mentioned lady drew my attention to a very remarkable attempt to entangle a correspondent of the well-known Methodist divine. Dr. Adam Clarke. The circumstances are narrated at the beginning of Book V of the Account of Dr. Clarke’s life, ed. 1833.

Clarke was a famous Methodist theologian who started as an itinerant preacher and ended up being wrong about the Rosetta Stone. (He wrongly thought it was made of basalt and identified its third language as Coptic instead of the correct Demotic.) He was also wrong to deny Christ as God’s Son prior to the Crucifuxion, a perspective that most of Methodism rejected.

Regardless, he had skill with languages and was a member of many scientific societies.

Clarke on the left, Jeffrey Epstein on the right. Just sayin’, quite the resemblance.

His interest in chemistry led to a long friendship with a Mr. Richard Hand, who is described as “eminent as a man of science, a gentleman of character, and one who would not on any account knowingly misrepresent any fact.”

On December 2nd, 1792, Mr. Hand wrote from Dublin to Dr. Clarke that,

The 2nd of November last, came to my house two men, one I thought to be a priest, and yet believe so, the other a plain sedate-looking man; they asked for me. As soon as I went to them, the last-mentioned person said ” He had called to see some of my stained glass and hoped as he was curious, I would permit him to call and see me now and then “: of course. I said I should be happy that he would do so. After much conversation he began to speak of metals and their properties, and of alchemy. asking me “If I had ever read any books of that kind. (but I believe he well knew that I had). After some time, and many compliments passing on my ingenious art, they went away.

I understand this was typical behavior for early scientists, who were often so distant from each other that physical visits were special occasions, and meanwhile they corresponded with each other so frequently that we know more about them than if they’d written a proper book.

This coming account, for example, would never have shown up in a textbook.

At twelve 0 clock the next forenoon he came himself. Without the priest, and told me “He had a little matter that would stain the glass the very colour I wanted” and which I could never get: that is, a deep blood red.

Not as diabolical as one might think.


h ttps://renegadeartglass.net/about-us/techniques/stained-glass/

Glass is colored by adding metal oxides or metal powders to molten glass. Depending on the metal, the glass takes on a particular color. You may have seen “cobalt blue” glass .yes, that color comes from adding cobalt. Copper oxides also make glass blue to bluish green. Sulfur and cadmium make yellow. Iron oxides produce greens and browns. Tin produces white. Chrome produces emerald greens. In early glass production, the rarest of colors was red. This is because red required the most costly of additives . gold. Today, chemists have found other ingredients that produce red, but you will not see much red glass in truely antique stained glass. (Learn more: See the Geology.com article “Elements of Color” for more on metal oxide coloring of glass…)

End segue

Said he. .If you have a furnace hot we will do it. for the common fire will not do well.” I replied, “Sir, I have not one hot, but if you will please to come with me I will show you my little laboratory and I will get one lighted.”

When we came out he looked about him, and then said, ” Sir. do not deceive me, you are an alchemist.”

.Why do you think so, Sir ?”

I infer from this, that Hand was a glass-blower by trade, which explains well why a priest would be interested in his work. Also, why Hand might develop an interest in alchemy.

.Because you have as many foolish vessels as I have seen with many others engaged in that study.”

.I have,” I answered “worked a long time at it, it is true, without gain, and I should be glad to be better instructed.”

” Do you believe the art ? “

.Yes, Sir..

“Why? “

.Because I give credit to many good and pious men. He smiled. “Will you have this air furnace lighted?”

.Yes Sir.” I did so: he then asked for a bit of glass—‘opened a box. and turned aside, and laid a little red powder upon the glass with a pen-knife–put the glass, with the powder on it, into the fire, and when hot took it out, and the glass was like blood.

Traditionally gold chloride, but more modern methods are selenium oxide or various copper oxides. The first is a brownish liquid and the second is a white powder. Yes… I checked whether he was doing it the old way just to trick Mr. Hand into thinking he had special knowledge, but nope.

“Have you scales?”

I got them for him, and some lead: he weighed two ounces : he then put four grams of a very white powder in a bit of wax and when the lead was melted put this into it, and then raised the fire for a little while:-then took it out and cast it into water :-never was finer silver in the world! I exclaimed and said, “0 God! Sir you amaze me!.

This can’t have happened per chemistry, except by nuclear reaction. Silver is a brittle metal compared to lead and the density is much different, so I assume Mr. Hand would not be caught off-guard by a plating or other trick.

“Why,” he replied, “do you call upon God do you think He has any hand in these things? .

” In all good things, Sir,” I said.

.Ah, friend, God will never reveal those things to man. Did you ever learn any magic?.

. No. Sir.”

“Get you, then,–he will instruct you; but I will lend you a book, and will get you acquainted with a friend who will help you in that knowledge. Did you ever see the devil?.

. No, Sir, and trust I never shall.”

“Would you be afraid?”


“Then you need not be, he harms no one; but is every ingenuous man’s friend. Shall I show you something wonderful?.

“Not if it is anything of that kind.”

“It is not, Sir…”

Bullshit. “You shouldn’t invoke God. He’d never teach you these tricks, but we will. Say, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Then how do you know you wouldn’t like it?”

“…Please to get me a glass of clean water.” I did so. He pulled out a bottle, and dropped a red liquor into it and said something I did not understand. The water was all in blaze of fire, and a multitude of little live things like lizards moving about in It. I was in great fear: this he perceived took the glass, and flung it into the ashes, and all was over.

.Now, Sir,” said he, ” if you will enter into a vow with me as I see you are an ingenious man, I will let you know more than you will ever find out.”

This I declined, being fully convinced it was of the devil; and it is now I know the meaning of. “coming improperly by the secret.” After Some little he said “He must go, and would call again when I should think better of his offer.” He left me the two ounces of luna.

In a letter of the next month, Mr. Hand gave further details of the experiments, and said:

“I was not imposed upon in the transmutation, having used a quarter of an ounce of the silver in my own work and sold the remainder of it for pure silver.”

He added:

On his flinging the water on fire under the grate with the lizards in It, I looked to see if I could observe them there: he observed me and said:

.They are gone..


.From whence they came.”

.Where is that?.

“Oh, you must not know all things at once!”

“Why, Sir, I believe this is magic. You could, I have no doubt, raise the devil if you liked.”

“Would you be afraid?”

“Yes, Sir, I hope ever to be saved from having anything to do with him.” He replied:

“You are a very ingenious man, Mr. Hand, and I wish you to be better acquainted with Nature and the things in this curious world through which I have myself almost been, and I have more knowledge than most I have met with, and yet I know many wonderful men.”

“Do you know any person, Sir, who has the red stone?.

.I do, multitudes.”

“I wish I knew some.”

“You shall, and the whole secret.”

“Sir you are very good.”

“But you must know that we are all linked like a chain, and you must go under a particular ceremony and vow.”

Context of Ireland, that meant either Jesuit or Freemason. I’d guess the latter given the overt rejection of God.

“I will vow to God, Sir,” I replied, “that I will never divulge—-. Here he stopped me, and said: “I was going beyond the question,” and appeared vexed. He said the vow must be made before another; and with an angry tone, .It is no matter to you whether it be before God or the devil, if you get the art..

Then, indeed, my dear friend, I saw almost into his inmost soul, and I grew all on fire, and said : .I will never receive anything, not even the riches of the world, but from God alone..

“Oh, Sir,” he replied, .you seem to be angry with me. My intention was to serve you; you are not acquainted with me, or you would rather embrace than offend me.”

He told me that there was but one way on earth of knowing the transmutation of metals, and of that he said I knew nothing.

On May 13th following, Mr. Hand added:

Since I wrote to you last, I met the man who was at my house, and who made the transmutation, and did the other matter. I said:

“How do you do, Sir ?” He replied:

.Sir I have not the honour of knowing you.

.Do you not remember,. said I, .the person who “stains glass and to whom you were so kind as to show some experiments ?.

“No, Sir, you are mistaken,” and he turned red in the face.

That’s a rejection technique as old as Scripture, as current as Judgment Day and as sharp as a pimp slap.

.Sir ” I answered, “if I am mistaken, I beg your pardon for telling you that I was never right in anything in my life, and never shall be.”

“Sir, you are mistaken, and I wish you good morning..

He several times turned round to look after me; but be assured I never saw a man if that man was not the one who was with me.

Surely this was a deliberate attempt by evil powers to inveigle an able and inquiring mind into their toils. One is reminded by it of a statement by the founder of the Theosophical Society, Colonel Olcott, concerning the ” Masters,” who are alleged to be ever at hand to help seeking souls towards the “Great Reality,” that “some have encountered them under strange guises in unlikely places” (Old Diary Leaves, The True History of the Theosophical Society, 19). How does the Christian need to pray, “Deliver us from the Evil One:’ and to watch and to pray that he enter not into any temptation. Is it beyond possibility that some of the modem chemical discoveries, now in use for wholesale massacre, have been revealed diabolically, perhaps to minds not so cautious as Mr. Hand?

Speak of the devil, Olcott was himself a notorious Freemason. Ticket-taking has surely been a thing for as long as there have been secret-keeping societies. Not all of them were diabolical; it was common for businesses to hoard methods of manufacturing as recently as the recipe for Coca-Cola, with many dire punishments for he who broke the silence; but it suggests that mystery cults say much about human psychology.

For a closing note regarding the above boldfaced, I find that while the devil is not a creator himself, he is a past master at seizing upon new technologies for maximum advantage. The Communists had a monopoly on television news until the advent of cable; Bill Gates seized control of operating system architecture; and here, a Freemason used a newfangled process for stained glass to tempt a soul directly into Hell. I am tempted to add the privatization of spaceflight but still have unanswered questions about Elon Musk’s loyalties. One the technical questions of these technologies were worked out, the devil swooped in to… monetize it, for want of a better term.

The devil doesn’t understand tech but he does understand people.

USA’s Breakup Will Be ESG-Fueled

I am honestly surprised, and pleased, that American states whose economies depend upon fossil fuels are willing to act in self-defense.

In related news, California is slowly going back into Covid lockdown for flu season. This hasn’t made the headlines yet because it’s being done voluntarily by individual organizations acting on their own.

As others have put it, the game of musical chairs is in progress.

Louisiana divests from BlackRock over ESG policies: ‘Would destroy Louisiana’s economy’

h ttps://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/louisiana-divests-blackrock-esg-policies-destroy-louisiana-economy

By Thomas Catenacci, 5 October 2022

Louisiana’s government doesn’t want to sabotage itself and die? That’s almost unprecedented in modern American politics. I would sooner expect politicians to swan-dive into wood chippers than defend their people from financial rapists. Most American politicians don’t even acknowledge the concept “my people”.

Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder penned a letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, explaining the state would liquidate all BlackRock investments within three months and, over a period of time, divest nearly $800 million from the bank’s money market funds, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. The state treasurer blasted Fink’s pursuit of so-called environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards that promote green energy over traditional fossil fuels.

“Your blatantly anti-fossil fuel policies would destroy Louisiana’s economy,” Schroder wrote to Fink in the letter first obtained by FOX Business.

“This divestment is necessary to protect Louisiana from actions and policies that would actively seek to hamstring our fossil fuel sector. In my opinion, your support of ESG investing is inconsistent with the best economic interests and values of Louisiana,” he continued. “I cannot support an institution that would deny our state the benefit of one of its most robust assets.”

Where did this pleasant surprise come from?!


h ttps://thehayride.com/2022/01/the-jeff-landry-john-schroder-jockeying-has-begun/

Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder, a Republican, says he is running for governor in 2023.

In a text to his supporters obtained by USA Today Network, Schroder writes, .Just wanted to let you know that the Schroder family has met, and we will be entering the governor’s race. Timeline for announcement is not set yet, but I wanted to let you know..

Schroder has long been considered likely to run, telling USA Today Network last spring, .I love being a public servant and working to instill faith in the government process is my No. 1. If you want to fix things and help people, (governor is) certainly the best position to be in..

Oh. It’s just election season. Then again, if he’s willing to kick the banksters out then Louisiana could do much, much worse for a governor. Also, a finance guy who cares about his state is good raw material for somebody capable of meaningful opposition against the globo-banks. The timeline I boldfaced above means he’s going to divest regardless of election outcome. I would not have believed him, had he done the usual Republicuck tactic of making it a campaign promise.

End segue

The treasurer noted in the letter that the state has already removed $560 million from BlackRock investments, a figure that will swell to $794 million by year’s end under his agency’s plan.

Schroder is a go-getter!

BlackRock and several other major financial institutions have spearheaded an effort to promote ESG standards over the last several years. A chief pillar of the ESG movement is to utilize publicly-traded funds to incentivize a “net-zero” transition from fossil fuels to clean energy alternatives like wind and solar.

But the firms have recently faced increased pressure from Republican-led states and groups like the State Financial Officers Foundation which have criticized ESG policies as anti-democratic and, in some cases, illegal.

“Consumers’ Research applauds Treasurer Schroder’s commendable decision to withdraw the state’s assets from BlackRock’s misuse,” Will Hild, the executive director of Consumer’s Research, told FOX Business in a statement. “As noted in his letter, BlackRock is using the people of Louisiana’s money to advance a destructive agenda that raises costs for consumers in the state and across the country.”

“The seeds of today’s energy crisis were planted by BlackRock and others in their reckless abandonment of their fiduciary duty to cozy up to radical, woke politicians,” he continued. “We are glad to see the Treasurer working to put an end to their economic vandalism.”

Economic vandalism… an excellent description of Climate Change. Will use myself!

In late July, West Virginia became the first state to punish banks that pursue ESG standards. Several other states including Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Arkansas and North Dakota told FOX Business at the time that they were prepared to take similar actions.

Texas and Louisiana have already pulled the trigger. Florida and Wyoming are surely only a matter of time. California has significant oil reserves but they’ve been all but confiscated by Sacramento already.

BlackRock declined to comment on Schroder’s letter, but pointed FOX Business back to a letter it sent to 19 Republican attorneys general in September.

“We are disturbed by the emerging trend of political initiatives that sacrifice pension plans. access to high-quality investments . and thereby jeopardize pensioners. financial returns,” the firm wrote to the state officials on Sept. 7.

Behold the true Utopia of Marxism: a government-backed sinecure ripening into a government-backed pension! Too bad for Blackrock, that threating to revoke government pensions is less of a threatpoint than crashing the state’s economy in the first place.

Barring U.S. Army intervention… which is on the table… the states with energy reserves have every motivation to oppose ESG, while the states without have every motive to betray their people.

I suspect that the driver behind ESG is Great Resetting from soon-to-collapse fiat currency to an energy-backed currency. The only way this can happen is if the globalists can somehow purchase the world’s energy resources at heavily discounted prices… and if there’s one thing that ESG will achieve, it’s devaluing hydrocarbon-based energy assets.

Everything about GAE’s activity makes sense from that perspective, from using domestic national reserves to manipulate our gas prices to all the foreign reindeer games over oil pipelines that have been going on for many years. Cornering the global energy market would make the petrodollar bulletproof… but to corner the market, it must first be devalued… by making everybody stop using gas, if only briefly. Or at least, everybody’s gas except GAE’s.