Ye Christian Nationalist, Are You Prepared to Go ALL the Way For Christ?

I’ve been wanting to discuss the concept of Christian Nationalism more, but it just won’t hold still. The wicked are frothing over the idea of public morality returning, Trump Derangement victims are having seizures at billboards announcing Trump as the second coming of Christ… and for once, I share the outrage of the TDS crowd…

Whatever evildoer came up with that one, is a particularly dangerous specimen. On the level of whoever opened the Capitol Building doors for the J6 protestors to wander in.

Other examples of Christian Nationalism are RINOs trying to run in front of the groundswell of Churchian realization that our government has gone full frontal deviltry.

Then there’s the way Doug Wilson defines Christian Nationalism, and while that guy is actually doing things, he still stinks of personality cult. And there’s other celebrities and pundits muddying the waters even further.

But today, I got an email from Andrew Torba announcing he has a new book on Christian Nationalism coming out.

At last, a hard target! I don’t like that talk about “taking dominion” and “disciplining nations”. The former sounds like “Prayer of Jabez” prosperity gospel and the latter is a topic untouched by the New Testament. In the OT, judging/disciplining nations was God’s job.

But maybe I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover?

I didn’t find a proper review. Internet searches are narrowing to Regime-approved websites ever more every day. I managed to source some quotes but all come by way of openly hostile media organs.

Is Christian nationalism dangerous?

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Author Michael Brown being a mild TDS sufferer, his answer was Yes.

…Recent comments by GAB CEO Andrew Torba have raised eyebrows and confirmed the worst suspicions about Christian nationalism, being quoted by outlets such as the Jerusalem Post and further fueling the fires of far-left websites such as Right Wing Watch.

I would complain about him proceeding to utilize that Right Wing Watch except today, I’m doing the same thing by proxy. It really is getting hard to search out conservative voices.

As Torba said with reference to a Republican candidate he backed,

That would be Doug Mastriano, successful Repub candidate for Pennsylvania governor. We’ll be looking at him shortly to see if Torba is walking the talk of his book.

.We are going to build a coalition of Christian nationalists, of Christians, of Christian candidates, at the state, local and federal levels and we’re going to take this country back for the glory of God..

Good. A cabal of Christians keeping each other honest while seizing the reins of power. No lies? No wickedness? No hypocrisy? No problem.

And, what exactly, will this look like? What will it mean to “take the country back for the glory of God,. a sentiment that, in itself, can sound very positive to many Christians?

A good question. Theologically, there is no such thing as Christian Nationalism. Christianity makes no political demands of its members (unlike Islam and Judaism) and Scripture still contains the history of what happened when God actually did some nation-building for His glory.

Its failures were SPECTACULAR.

That being said, there’s no theological objection to being a Nationalist who is also Christian. By all means, seize worldly power and kick out those foreign-loyal banksters, and God bless your efforts. But it won’t be that simple.

Torba explained, .We don’t want people who are atheists. We don’t want people who are Jewish. We don’t want people who are, you know, nonbelievers, agnostic, whatever. This is an explicitly Christian movement because this is an explicitly Christian country. We’re not saying we’re going to deport all these people or whatever. You’re free to stay here. You’re not going to be forced to convert or anything like this because that’s not biblical whatsoever. But you’re going to enjoy the fruits of living in a Christian society under Christian laws and under a Christian culture and you can thank us later..

There are two ways to take what he’s saying. One is theocracy. The problem there is that Christianity cannot be forced upon people. We CAN force Christian morality, and that is the other way. Which Torba probably meant. Perhaps this statement was chosen for quotation specifically because it suggests Torba is calling for theocracy.

We’re not saying we’re going to deport all these people or whatever…

I hope we will be. Whatever our next government ends up being, getting rid of the Jews and Muslims will be an absolute necessity. As I said above, those religions are politically active. You let them in, you get their government because that’s what they do.

This is a difficult issue for us Christians. We’re okay with cultural assimilation and even serving Muslims, Jews and atheists in good faith, but they are frequently unwilling to treat us kindly in return. All we want is the freedom to worship Christ… but the world will destroy us for exactly that reason.

I have the sense that the next, healthy government will be one of “learned men” governing in ways that would be completely unacceptable to the general population. While the ordinary congregants will learn cooperation, patience and tolerance, the “learned men” will hunt down those who would take advantage of such virtues with a pitiless hate born of the life experiences of… well, us today, who got to see what happens when feminism, usury and immigration are indulged. We saw it up close, fugly and personal like never before.

He also said, .You degenerate pagans and atheists and non-believers went way too far with the COVID nonsense, with shutting down our churches and forcing our kids to be masked, and forcing us to get vaccinated with some mystery goop in order to keep our jobs and provide for our families. You pushed us too far, and now we’re going to take dominion of this country, of our culture, of news, of entertainment, of technology, of education, of everything for the glory of Jesus Christ, our king. It’s just that simple..


In short, .Me loving my neighbor is wanting my neighbor to be ruled by wise biblical Christian men. Look at the fruits of what happens when we allow pagans, Jews, non-believers, atheists to run our country..

Yes, Mr. Brown. EXACTLY THAT. They don’t get to lie anymore. They don’t get to moneychange us and miscegenate us and destroy our fathers and import their cousins to rule over us anymore.

But it’s still okay if they reject Christ. Seriously. If you don’t need a Savior then Christ doesn’t want to save you… but in the meantime, you Will. Not. Lie.

So, don’t accuse us of Christian Nationalism. Accuse us of being Nationalist Christians. There’s a difference.

Note carefully those words “take dominion” and “rule.”

I did. The quote relaxed my fears of “Prayer of Jabez” heresies. Torba is not expecting God to show up and give us victory for the asking. Considering what Torba’s been through, I probably did him ill even to consider it.

Christian nationalists will literally take over. In Torba’s view, this will happen by winning elections and then making Christian values the law of the land. This, in turn, will benefit the whole society, as if Christians could change society by coercion rather than by sacrificial love and service and example.

Yes, Mr. Brown. EXACTLY THAT. They don’t get to lie anymore. They don’t get to moneychange… oh wait, I already said that. Well, they aren’t going to stop lying voluntarily, now are they? And they sure like the idea of coercing us.

Vote for GunnerQ! Slogan, “You Vill Eat Zee Bacon.” Goodbye, J00z and Muzzies!

And by the way, Scripture says that government gets the authority and duty to bear the sword against evildoers! Coercion is the very job of elected officials, Mr. Brown… coercion of evildoers unto punishment.

Some even take this one step further, telling Christians to prepare for battle by getting their guns and ammunition ready, in the name of Jesus at that. Get ready for holy war!

That’s not Christian. That’s American! Actually, I’m prepared to make the case that all Christians, everywhere in the world, have a divine right and duty to be heavily armed. God knows we already have the need.

This is irresponsible as it is dangerous, especially in today’s highly volatile, hyper-politicized, powder keg climate.

And so the mask falls off Michael Brown… wormtongue to the Christian Post… once again. “It’s especially irresponsible for Christians to own guns at a time when the traitors running the government are sabotaging the food supply, militant atheists are firebombing our neighborhoods and pedophiles are mutilating the genitals of schoolchildren under color of law! Somebody might get hurt, and then they won’t wuvs Jeebus enough to be saved! Won’t you please think of the homosexual satanists before you skin that smokepiece?”

How the HELL did things get this bad?

Meanwhile… I wonder about those inevitable RINOs whose job is to detect these groundswells and run in front of them. Anybody can talk the talk.

Let’s have a look at Doug Mastriano, Torba’s recent ally.

Christian Nationalism as the Keystone

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By Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood, 12 May 2022

At first blush, an effort known as “Pennsylvania for Christ” seems like a run-of-the-mill evangelistic campaign. Its stated mission is “to reestablish the kingdom of God in PA with word and action…” They held an event with speakers and praise music, announced a special time of prayer and fasting, and put out high-production videos featuring a minister, b-roll footage, and inspirational music.

*yawn* zzz

But if you pay closer attention, you.ll notice Pennsylvania for Christ is doing more than trying to save souls. This movement’s praying for votes in the Republican primary for governor.


.Come and be a part of a great, historical move of God..


Mastriano talked via a translator about his life, prayer, and God. And he campaigned. The projection screen above Mastriano featured an American flag with his name and the text “Senator Doug Mastriano “walk as free people. Jn. 8:36..


Other speakers criticized the separation of church and state and declared in prayer that “this nation was meant for you, father, to serve you first and I pray, father, that we remember and we get back to those principles. I pray, father, for a complete change and a complete turnaround in this nation..

*GQ perks up* They dissed SCS? Oh, but not the actual candidate.

In December of 2020, Mastriano wrote to a top Justice Department official that “election fraud is real and prevalent in Pennsylvania. Yet, despite evidence, our Governor and Secretary of State inexplicably refuse to investigate..

Taking matters into their own hands, State Senate Republicans ordered an election audit of the 2020 results and installed Mastriano as its head after he made a pilgrimage to a similar effort in Arizona. But he didn’t last long in the position, being replaced because, according to the Senate Republican leader, .he was only ever interested in politics and showmanship and not actually getting things done..

Ah, sweet projection (and Canceling) from the head RINO. Okay, Mastriano isn’t just another pretty face.

Ironically, Mastriano.s participation on Jan. 6 may have helped his candidacy. Despite early calls to resign from legislators in both parties, the additional attention bolstered his standing with the Trumpian base of the GOP.

It DOES help his candidacy in my estimation. Not because he was dumb enough to attend… because he’s now a marked man and no longer has the option to pillow-bite for the Regime.

While Mastriano has rejected the label “Christian Nationalist,. he clearly espouses Christian Nationalism and is supported by many other proponents of the ideology that dangerously conflates American and Christian identities.

Speaking of the Regime, I feel better that the label is being forced upon him. Were Mastriano a grifter, he’d have tattooed it on his forehead before the first press conference.

I am seeing green flags in Mr. Mastriano. Notice that none of the green flags I found were his protestations of Christianity, and all were his actually doing stuff. You want street cred as a Christian politician? Show me your scars… and Doug just did. He didn’t last long in the position… early calls to resign from legislators in both parties… While Mastriano has rejected the label “Christian Nationalist,. he clearly espouses Christian Nationalism…

.His street cred went up,. Jay Costa, the Democratic minority leader in the Pennsylvania Senate, told Politico. .There’s no question..

Word out!

He also spoke at other Christian Nationalism events and podcasts, such as on April 23 at an event in Gettysburg called “Patriots Arise for God, Family, and County. along with speakers pushing Christian Nationalism and QAnon conspiracies. Like many Christian Nationalism events, it started with individuals draped in Jewish prayer shawls and blowing shofars to declare the event as a prophetic place with a special presence from the Holy Spirit.

.Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm on the holy mountain!. one of the shofar blowers shouted. .The day of the Lord is here!.

Yeah, that’s more what I was expecting to find. All Judeo-Christianity, which reassures the Pharisees that nothing will actually come of the event… looking at YOU, DeSantis in Florida… and over-the-top invocations of Jeebus that would unnerve a Pentecostal. But at least this wasn’t a Mastriano production.

When a grifter tries to identify with a new movement, he usually overcompensates on visuals and saying what you want to hear.

The idea of a special anointing at Christian Nationalism events [didn’t end there…] Julie Green, identified simply as a .prophet,. spoke at the Patriots Arise event while wearing a Mastriano campaign sticker. She said she came to Pennsylvania to speak because she had a prophecy about how “God is doing something very special in this state..

No, Doug, no! Tell me you didn’t pull a Barak! And I don’t mean Obama.

..Doug Mastriano, I have you here for such a time as this,. saith the Lord,. Green saithed. ..I know it seems like I had forsaken you. All your hard work and the time you put forth to get the truth and election integrity. You know the truth and you have seen so much evidence of what really happened. It is now time to move forward with the plans that you have been given. Yes, Doug, I am here for you and I have not forsaken you. The time has come for their great fall and the great steal to be overturned. So, keep your faith in me..

Later, Mastriano said, .Julie, your prophecy is on target there exactly..

Sigh. Look here, ye Christian Nationalists. The moment you invoke God in a leadership context, YOU STOP TOLERATING WOMEN IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY.



Don’t tell me that technically, women can be prophets. The modern woman hears so many voices in her head, I’d rather be shown one that can’t give a prophecy! And this particular model already discredited herself:

Green went on to claim God told her Gov. Tom Wolf would face .a major scandal. and “be removed by my hand” and “treason will be written on him for all eternity..

Wolf is terming out of office without a major scandal. Thus The Lord God Didn’t Saith, tits.

After reading some biblical passages, Green added that Trump “is the real president” and “he is coming back and it is going to be by the hand of Almighty God.

She’s a witch. Infiltrator. Deceiver. No way, no how is Trump a loyal servant of God. Will God put him back into the White House? Maybe, but not as the Second Coming Of Fricking King David. And he hasn’t been the real president since he abandoned his position to the thieves. There are two ways to decide an election, people, voting and… conceding.

There’s no point to Christian Nationalism if we don’t GET RID OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP in the process. This is not negotiable for any Christian. If you want to restore the natural order then the price is GET RID OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP.

Don’t tell me about your love life with Jeebus, Senators. Tell me about the civil rights lawsuit you’re facing for rejecting all female allies & staff up front. Doug Mastriano has street cred, I give him that… but he’s also on record Cucking for a woman’s approval.

Which is how we got into this mess in the first place.

I wonder what Torba’s new book says about females in the halls of power. Not much, is a safe guess.

4 thoughts on “Ye Christian Nationalist, Are You Prepared to Go ALL the Way For Christ?

  1. “There are two ways to take what he.s saying. One is theocracy.”

    A theocracy is only as perfect as the men who are in charge of it. To that end, the only theocracy that will be viable is the one that Christ will head when He comes back.

    I’m a registered member of the Constitution Party, but it’s a lost cause.

  2. GQ wrote “It really is getting hard to search out conservative voices.”

    Yes especially when their blogs keep getting canceled.

    GQ wrote “Actually, I.m prepared to make the case that all Christians, everywhere in the world, have a divine right and duty to be heavily armed.”

    Please do. This is an issue I’ve wrestled with quite a bit, along with “just war” doctrine, and I still don’t feel like I know the right answers. It would be helpful to hear the perspective of other Christians on this issue.

  3. No global WEF ze bugs und pods farm without getting rid of the old order including religions.
    We were told about a fundamental transformation a few years back so there was a warning.

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