The Future Of Christianity In One Quick Post

Several Christian voices have wondered lately where everything is headed. I believe I have the answer, although the comfort it brings is questionable.

The organized Church had two purposes: to preach the Gospel to all nations and make disciples of all peoples. That has been accomplished in our lifetimes… the lives of we who’ve watched the newfangled Internet become the final word in whether the entire planet is aware of Christ’s teachings and offer of salvation.

At the same time, modern telecommunication have eliminated the protections, imposed and lasting since the Tower of Babel, against humanity uniting against God (again). It’s not a coincidence that world government swiftly followed world telecommunications.

Clever of God, to have the Church’s final success also be the key to the unification of Satan’s kingdom.

Which is where we are today. God is allowing the organized Church to collapse because it has served His purpose and now is obsolete. Everybody alive has had their chance to make their decision regarding Christ. Continue attending church if you have a decent one, by all means, and of course never abandon the faith. But I suspect that restoration will not be our decision to make.

The next phase, per prophecy, is God crushing the rebellion that He has patiently tolerated for millennia. No more fence-sitters, no more ignorants… When everybody has taken a side, it’s time for the showdown.

Thus, wickedness is spiking because God has chosen to quit restraining it, so it can unify into a convenient last stand for the Ages. Part of this, unfortunately, is that most of us will soon be murdered by the wicked; God’s reward to us for accomplishing the task He gave us for the past two thousand years. Beheaded, most likely.

It doesn’t look like a reward on this side of mortality, but we have both God’s guarantee and Christ’s example. I don’t intend to go quietly, of course, and neither should you… a child molester is a wonderful thing to waste… but that helps explain God not communicating to us. He’s allowing the devil some wins, in order to set him up on the Cosmic Bulls-Eye, but He can’t tell us to give up while doing so.

(It helps to think of Father God as a storyteller. An author will create a dangerous villain and give him many successes, but that never means the author approves of what the villain does. The villain is created to serve a purpose, and when that purpose is completed, the villain will… MUST… be properly disposed of. Looking at YOU, Clown World!)

Not all of us will die. Some will be spared/raptured so Christ can build His coming kingdom, since the dead can’t have kids and don’t live twice.

We saints are not needed for that ultimate battle. We aren’t equipped for it. God intends to handle it Personally and on a much more supernatural level than our mortal limitations can process. As God put it in Psalm 82, speaking to the current Principalities of Earth, “even though you are gods, you will die like men“.

Many Christians do not realize that Christ Jesus is hardcore, the O.G. Angel of Death. He was gentle to humans, yes, but not to demons or their allies. When He famously spoke of the gates of Hell, he was speaking of crushing His enemies’ defenses. Not of taking body blows from doorposts.

Move over, Conan. Take a seat next to Alvin York and Carlos Hathcock, and watch how a real God of War takes out the trash. Christ will simply order His enemies to die.

But that fight will be to God’s glory, not ours. Our glory will be of a different sort… impressive only to the One Who Matters.

After that… somewhat one-sided… battle, will be Christ Victorious upon the Earth, and happy times for another thousand years before God finally shuts down this Saint Production Line that we call reality.

Satan is ascendant and the Church is fading, because the Age of Mercy is drawing to an end. Next up, will be the Age of Justice.

3 thoughts on “The Future Of Christianity In One Quick Post

  1. “Part of this, unfortunately, is that most of us will soon be murdered by the wicked; God.s reward to us for accomplishing the task He gave us for the past two thousand years. Beheaded, most likely.”

    Saint Paul was beheaded. As a Roman citizen, he had the right to not be crucified. Saint Peter, on the other hand….

    “Clever of God, to have the Church.s final success also be the key to the unification of Satan.s kingdom.”

    Literally all of them will be in the same location, where the landlord (lakelord?) will never allow the heating to be turned off due to lack of payment.

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