In addition to two carrier groups, Blinken (not Biden) is now deploying 2,500 Marines to the Eastern Med… not enough for an invasion, but enough to evacuate our embassies in good order….
Biden himself is being sent into an active war zone…
This from Matthew Bracken via

There is precedent for such convoys, although I didn’t see one announced lately. More important is Russia having a naval presence courtesy of Syria. Israel has maintained a naval blockade of Gaza for years but sometimes allows humanitarian efforts through.
And my two cents’ contribution:
Israel cripples Syria’s two main airports in strikes: Syrian state media
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12 October 2023
Israel has launched missile strikes on Syria’s two main airports in Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo, knocking both out of service, Syrian state media has said.
The “simultaneous” attacks damaged landing strips in the two airports, .putting them out of service,. state news agency SANA said on Thursday, citing a military source.
Syrian air defences were activated in response to the attacks on both airports, television channel Sham FM said.
The attacks would [be] Israel’s first strikes on Syria since [May, when] Israeli air raids struck Aleppo airport, killing three people and putting the facility out of commission, SANA reported.
Israel has for years carried out attacks on targets in Syria, including the country’s main airports, as part of operations believed to be aimed at disrupting Iranian supply lines.
On the one hand, this is not going to disrupt Syrian air defenses much, and it’s happened often enough that I’m sure Assad has workarounds.
On the other hand, it will surely interfere with any emergency logistics over the next couple weeks, while runways and terminals get repaired.
NATO will hold a major nuclear exercise next week as Russia plans to pull out of a test ban treaty
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By Lorne Cook, 12 October 2023
BRUSSELS (AP) . NATO will hold a major nuclear exercise next week, the alliance’s chief said Thursday, an announcement that came after Russia warned it would pull out of a global nuclear test ban agreement.
NATO.s “Steadfast Noon” exercise is held annually and runs for about a week.
Oct. 16-26. The same time frame, roughly, that Syria’s main airports are knocked out.
It involves fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear warheads but does not involve any live bombs. Conventional jets and surveillance and refueling aircraft also routinely take part.
.This is a routine training event that happens every October,. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said. .This year, the training will take place over Italy, Croatia and the Mediterranean Sea..
The Adriatic Sea, in other words, which is roughly equidistant from Ukraine and Syria.
Whatever is gonna happen in the Eastern Med… carrier group sinking, whacking a drooling imbecile that nobody listens to… it will probably happen before Steadfast Noon concludes. The Neocons didn’t get their Russia War in Ukraine, and this is a perfect setup to get a Russia War in Syria instead… and I can’t imagine that Blinken hasn’t yet wrestled the nuclear football away from Diaper Joe.
Israel just wants to ethnic-cleanse Gaza. They bombed the Egyptian exit, which Egypt fortified to protect themselves from cultural enrichment, which will provide an exit for the Gazans as IDF starts its push in the North. IF it starts its push. IDF has been delayed by adverse weather conditions of sunny and clear skies. Vampire much?
The bombing of Gaza’s Baptist Hospital also demonstrates why Israel needs GAE to fight its wars. Extreme passive-aggressive complex.

I always thought demons had courage… but courage is a virtue, now isn’t it? And they aren’t virtuous.
So, it’s the Neocons who will decide which war actually gets fought… the Gaza conflict that Israel wants, or the Syria conflict that Neocons want.
In eight days or less. Because Neocon is NATO.
It shouldn’t be our problem but being joined at the hip with what one “lawmaker” called our sacred ally means that it is our problem.
Also importing the turd world means we import their problems.
The Potemkin fraud bankster banana republic asspuppet is now in the emperor wears women’s underwear moment.
At 33 trillion, gellin with Yellen better get an ocean freighter sized printing press as we blow past Greece levels of debt service.
Inflation? Pay up for the go along get along unity…comrade.
It’s the New Civility.